marry a noble wife

356 Chapter 1: A Defeat

356 Chapter 1: A Defeat ([-])
"This matter seems to be very clear." Empress Ma interrupted An Pinghou's words, and raised her eyes to look at Concubine Yang, only to see the fury in Concubine Yang's eyebrows, which seemed to be about to erupt, and the corners of her mouth could not help but twitch a sneer He smiled, but said solemnly: "This matter is clearly someone who deliberately framed the county owner. Since the porridge is not the county owner's porridge, and the county owner Hua who is drunk with Jun Xiao said that no one has ever moved it, there is the same thing in it. Handle it personally, Yuyan, could it be that you want to harm your third sister-in-law?"

Her words were sharp and sharp, Yu Yan was so frightened that she lay on the ground, An Pinghou scolded coldly, "Yu Yan, why did you want to kill the eldest sister and the third sister-in-law? Are you crazy?"

Yu Yan burst into tears, Fu Yu also went to pull her up and asked: "Yu Yan, third brother has always treated you the best, tell me, why did you kill your third sister-in-law?"

Xiao Shi said hypocritically: "Yuyan, even the Empress can see that you framed your third sister-in-law. Tell me, why did you do this? Your elder sister has always treated you kindly, how could you harm her like this?"

Several noble ladies looked contemptuous on their faces, and everyone blamed her, Yu Yan seemed to finally be able to bear the pressure and cried loudly; "It's not me, it's not me, sister-in-law three, I have always believed in you, so you let me I will do whatever I do, but why do you want to hurt me like this? It is obvious that you want me to move the flowers, and it is obvious that you asked me to change the porridge halfway, but now you leave everything behind, hello mean!"

Not only Jiuya blushed with anger, but even Fu Yu was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He grabbed Yuyan's shoulders and said, "Yuyan, third brother asks you again, is it true that third sister-in-law ordered you to do this?" ? Don't lie!"

A flash of panic flashed in Yu Yan's eyes, but she still affirmed: "Sister-in-law San ordered me to do this, but now it seems that she is clearly afraid of taking responsibility, so she puts all the responsibility on me, and her intentions are very vicious. ..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Fu Yu slapped her across the face, and said with hatred, "Okay! Yu Yan, third brother loves you the most. I wanted to let go of what you did to me before. But you come to harm your third sister-in-law like this again, this time, I will never forgive you! From now on, I will never be your third brother again!"

Yuyan covered her face and bowed her head for a long time without making a sound.

Jiuya sneered and said, "Yuyan, take a step back and say, you said I ordered you, with a red mouth and white teeth, but you can't just tell me, you can prove that I ordered you?"

Yuyan was silent, Xiao urged her urgently: "Yuyan, tell me, where did you get this bowl of Xihai flower porridge?"

Under her urging, Yuyan finally raised her head, and mechanically said: "My girl Xiaoyun brought it from the small kitchen in the west. If you don't believe me, you can go to the small kitchen in the west. Leftover porridge."

Jiuya laughed angrily and said: "That's right, I'm using the small kitchen on the west side today, but I don't remember that I cooked two pots of porridge. Since this matter is based on evidence, well, empress, today's minister Meng To clear up the injustice, can you please send someone to check in the small kitchen on the west side to see if there is a second pot of porridge cooked by the minister's wife."

Empress Ma nodded, and told Mr. Luo next to him, "Go and have a look. If there is any, bring it with you."

Eunuch Luo responded, and Concubine Yang Guifei said at the right time: "Madam Su, you should also go with Eunuch Luo to see it, there will be no mistakes if there are too many people."

She did this because she was obviously afraid of Mr. Luo's favoritism, and Empress Ma also let her do it.

After a while, Eunuch Luo and Nanny Su came in a hurry. Seeing their eager faces, Xiao Shi and Concubine Yang finally had triumphant smiles on their lips.According to the plan, the pot of Xihai flower porridge had long been placed in the small kitchen on the west side, and Song Jiuya couldn't escape this time no matter what.

Unexpectedly, when I saw Su Mama again, she was empty-handed, and she clearly didn't see the pot of porridge. The two of them were in surprise. Sure enough, Eunuch Luo was the first to say loudly: "Reporting to your mother, the servant just went to the small kitchen on the west side, and there was no pot of porridge at all." The pot of Xihaihua."

Concubine Yang Guifei almost lost her temper when she heard this, and asked Su Mama loudly, "Is there really no one?"

Su Momo replied in a low voice: "Go back to your mother, really not."

Concubine Yang's gaze immediately shot at Xiao Shi, Xiao Shi was also out of place, how could it be possible?She repeatedly ordered to deliver the pot as soon as Song Jiuya and his group came out of the small kitchen on the west side. Why is there no such thing now?

She kept saying incredulously: "Impossible, impossible..."

Fu Yu folded his chest and squinted at her, "Impossible? Why is it impossible? Is it possible for my aunt to conclude that there is a pot for cooking Xihai flowers in the small kitchen by the west? If so, it really makes me doubt that my aunt and Yu Yan have joined forces to frame my wife. Suspect."

"Fart!" Xiao Shi was furious, and couldn't hold back for a moment, he uttered a foul language. As soon as the words came out, Fang realized that it was wrong, so he quickly stopped.The old lady frowned, and Anping Hou said in a deep voice: "This is not a vegetable market, if you want to curse, please get out immediately!"

Now he is mercilessly chasing Xiao Shi in public, everyone in this room has dignity, Xiao Shi's face turned pale immediately, his fingers trembled, and tears flowed down his eyes.

Jiuya looked at Yuyan who was also in a daze, and said contemptuously: "Yuyan, didn't you say that your girl brought the Xihai flower porridge from the small kitchen in the west? It's not there. At this time, what else do you have? To quibble, saying that I asked you to bring the porridge?"

Yuyan opened her mouth, but was really unable to utter a word.

Empress Ma interjected: "Since the Xihai flower porridge didn't come from the small kitchen on the west side, where did it come from? After all, it's in this mansion, Lord Hou, please go and find out, who is the perpetrator? You have to figure him out, don't you?"

Marquis Anping was about to order Liu Baibain outside to investigate, when a woman outside shouted urgently: "Master Hou, it's not good, Young Master Biao was bitten by a snake, please find someone to come and see..."

Anping Hou came out after hearing the sound, but saw two women carrying 13-year-old Qian Zhongguo hurriedly, and Aunt Mingyao was crying beside him, "Second brother, I heard that the royal palace came to treat poisonous injuries." Doctor, please let that imperial doctor detoxify Zhongguo quickly."

Anping Hou hurriedly asked someone to put Qian Zhongguo flat on the ground, Hong Yuyi had heard voices outside the house, and came out immediately.Qian Zhongguo rolled up the clothes on his legs and arms, but saw that he was bitten on each of his legs, and his arm was also bitten. Doctor Hong first took a pill for him to protect his heart, and said in surprise : "How many snakes have bitten me, and the poison of the three wounds is different?"

(End of this chapter)

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