marry a noble wife

357 Chapter 2: A Defeat

357 Chapter 2: A Defeat ([-])
There was fear in Qian Zhongguo's eyes, "There are many. I killed some of them when I escaped, but I was still bitten by some of them. Royal doctor, I won't die, right?"

Doctor Hong took out a knife and cut his wound, then squeezed out the poisonous blood swiftly, "If you meet me, you'll be fine."

Anpinghou said in surprise: "There are so many snakes, where did you meet so many snakes?"

Qian Zhongguo still had a frightened expression on his face, "I was tired from practicing martial arts just now, and I thought some mothers were slow, so I went to the kitchen to find food by myself, but I didn't know that the people in the kitchen didn't allow me to move the dishes, saying that I would As an entertainer, I was very frustrated. When I passed the small kitchen on the east side, I could smell the fragrance inside. Seeing no one inside, I ran in. Just in time, I saw a small stove with a sand pot cooking porridge. I was greedy, so I took the porridge to the back garden and ate it quietly. Who knew that when I turned around and passed the west kitchen, many snakes suddenly jumped out and attacked me all at once, it was terrifying..."

After all, he is a child, no matter how strong he is, he would still be terrified when encountering such a thing. Aunt Mingyao cried and scolded distressedly: "Who the hell got so many snakes in the kitchen? And let the snakes mess around Run, it can be killed wow..."

Doctor Hong had already squeezed out the black blood from Qian Zhongguo's several wounds while he was speaking, and while scarring him, he said: "Those snakes won't attack you for no reason, there must be something on your body that can attack you." The smell that excites the snake, tell me, what porridge did you eat?"

Just when he asked this question, Xiao Shi in the room turned pale with fright.Qian Zhongguo didn't even frown when he was slashed with a knife. He really could bear the pain, "I don't know what kind of porridge it is, it's very fragrant. Now I'm still throwing the sand pot in the garden."

An Pinghou was already suspicious, so he said to Liu Bainian, "Go to the garden behind the kitchen and find the sand pot that Master Biao threw away."

Liu Bainian took the order to go, and soon, he carried a small sand pot with some porridge sticking in it.Doctor Hong took it over, smelled it, and smiled, "It's indeed Xihai flower porridge. However, Xihai flower must be mixed with Jun Xiaozui's scent to attract snakes. Master Biao, do you have Jun Xiaozui's scent on you?" "

Qian Zhongguo was puzzled by the question and shook his head, "I don't know what Jun Xiaozui is."

Aunt Mingyao was surprised: "My sister Bi does have a pot, but Zhongguo hasn't touched that thing?"

"Oh? Your sister Bi also has it? What color is that pot?" Doctor Hong asked.

"Purple, my sister Bi likes purple."

Physician Hong shook his head, "That's wrong, among Jun Xiaozui, only pink ones have this scent of attracting snakes."

Aunt Mingyao still wanted to ask more questions, but Fu Yu had already pulled Doctor Hong in impatiently and said, "Let's not talk about anything else, from the can of porridge my cousin ate, now can I prove that the bowl my elder sister used Xihai flower porridge comes from the kitchen in the east, doesn't it?"

Xiao's face was pale, she had already arranged things properly, why did something happen now?Didn't that girl Qiaoyun send the porridge to the west kitchen as she ordered?
Doctor Hong nodded and said, "If Master Biao is telling the truth, then Xihai flower porridge is indeed cooked in the east kitchen. In fact, it is very simple to check whether the county magistrate has been wronged."

Fu Yu sneered, and looked straight at Xiao Shi, "Auntie, as we all know, the small kitchen on the east side is your special kitchen. Early this morning, someone saw the people next to you. Why is Mama Sun Qiaoyun over there?" Busy, could it be that you are busy making this Xihaihua porridge?"

Xiao Shi softened all of a sudden, Mama Sun quickly supported her, and said in a low voice: "Auntie, calm down."

Tuoba Yue over there finally spoke, "Auntie, it's not that you want to harm your daughter, right? What good will it do you?"

Xiao Shi held on, his eyes still calm, and said: "How could I want to harm my daughter? Just based on the words of a child, how can you conclude that I ordered the cooking of Xihai flower porridge? It is obvious that someone wants to frame me."

Aunt Mingyao heard it outside, and immediately rushed in and said: "Mr. Xiao, don't treat yourself like a green onion. Why do you rely on a child? My son never tells lies. Are you saying that he wronged you? You said I can do anything else, but if it is about my son, I will fight you to the end."

Xiao Shi didn't agree with her at all, Jiuya's eyes flashed, she walked directly in front of Yuyan, stared into her eyes, and said slowly: "Yuyan, you still want to say that I instigated you to put the porridge together Have the bowls been changed? You said that your girl brought the porridge from the west kitchen, but now it’s strange, but the porridge was found in the east kitchen. I never go there. Tell me, who is it? Instigated you?"

The facts are in front of her eyes, she has a brain, and she can already see that Yuyan conspired with others to frame Jiuya. When Yuyan saw the extremely cold gazes of An Pinghou and Fu Yu, she finally couldn't bear it anymore. Covering her mouth and crying bitterly, she said, "Father, third brother, I was wrong. I didn't mean to frame third sister-in-law, but my aunt. She said that if I didn't listen to her, she would trick me into taking off the jade pendant." Telling what caused Third Brother to get sick made everyone despise me..."

Her words almost shocked everyone in the room like thunder. Xiao jumped three feet high. An Pinghou grabbed Yu Yan from the ground and shouted: "What? What are you talking about? What are you talking about?" Brother's illness has nothing to do with you?"

"Shut up! Shut up! Yuyan, how could you hurt me like this..." Xiao Shi rushed over like crazy to hit Yuyan, but Li Changle blocked it all at once.Fu Jingwen over there also collapsed on the soft couch.The old lady closed her eyes and sighed.

Yu Yan cried while crying: "Yes, five years ago, Aunt Xiao threatened me that if I didn't cheat his jade pendant from my third brother, she would drive my aunt out of the waiting mansion, so that my aunt would have nothing to do." For my aunt, I had to pretend to be curious, and deceived the jade pendant that the third brother had been wearing around his neck. Then I handed it to my aunt, but she accidentally broke it, and then framed me It was broken. I was afraid that the third brother would scold me, so I gave the same jade pendant prepared by Aunt Xiao to the third brother. However, a few days after the third brother put on the jade pendant, he started to get sick. I didn't take it seriously. A few days ago, in order to let me frame the third sister-in-law, my aunt said that I was the one who caused the third brother's illness. I made the third brother wear the poisoned jade pendant for so many years. If I don't listen to her, she will I have to tell the third brother about this, I am afraid of the sad and disappointed eyes of the third brother, all the guilt is haunting me, I dare not face the scolding of the third brother, so I have to agree to frame the third sister-in-law with her."

(End of this chapter)

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