marry a noble wife

358 Chapter 3: A Defeat

358 Chapter 3: A Defeat ([-])
She was in inexplicable pain, "Third brother, I'm sorry, I killed you, I killed kill me, I don't regret dying."

An Pinghou slapped her hard on the face, "Evil!"

These things were completely exposed, and everyone in the room was silent, except for Xiao Shi, who was limp on the ground, and Anpinghou kicked her chest, but Fu Changting who came in at some time stopped him, and Fu Changting took her with him. Wounded and begged: "Father, please forgive her for the sake of her hard work for so many years."

How could the anger in An Pinghou's heart be calmed down? He slapped Fu Changting's swollen face, then turned around and kicked Xiao Shi's chest, gritted his teeth and said, "Poisonous woman! Look! Come on, you not only harmed Yu'er, but also wanted to harm his wife again! Poisonous woman! Poisonous woman!"

He was so angry that he couldn't say anything else, he just kept calling the poisonous woman.Empress Ma's fingers were about to be crushed under her sleeves, but she remained calm and asked lightly: "Mr. Xiao, you said that the jade pendant you replaced made Fu Yu sick. Could it be that there was poison in the jade pendant? I have consulted many famous doctors, but none of them found out that it was poison. What kind of sophisticated method did you use? Why did you kill a child who was only twelve or thirteen years old at the time?"

Xiao clapped his hands to his chest and got up from the ground, with a smile on his face, "Yes, I replaced Fu Yu's jade pendant. There is indeed a huge poison in it, but so what? He has been poisoned for so many years. , do you think he can still be saved?"

She turned to look at Anping Hou, squinted her eyes and said sharply: "Master Hou, I have been with you for so many years, what have I gained? We also swore each other back then, and I gave birth to two sons and a daughter for you. Said that as long as you make another achievement, you will give me a right name. But you, the fat guy who broke his promise, only went out once, and hooked up with Princess Nalan, seeing that she is powerful, rich, and beautiful , Regardless of the promise you made to me, regardless of everyone's obstruction, you married her, and finally gave me the title of a concubine."

She smiled, "Okay, as long as I can be with Lord Hou, I will bear it all. It is a pity that Princess Lan's life is not long. After the death of Princess Lan, Lord Hou is like losing his heart. Don't even look at me. What have I gained by following Lord Hou like this? "

She sighed, "My son Qingyan can get your title only if Fu Yu gets sick. Since I can't get the care of the Marquis, it's good for the Marquis to keep this title."

"Bitch!" An Pinghou slapped him again, and Xiao spun around on the spot before standing still. She still smiled and said, "Let's fight, let's fight, you only remember Princess Nalan's favor, so You just killed Fu Yu, and you are worse than outsiders to Changting and the others, now Qingyan is dead anyway, and I don't want to live anymore."

She burst into tears as she spoke, and Fu Jingwen also choked up and said, "Father, don't hit Auntie, she's just saying angry words, how could she really have the heart to hurt the third brother, it must be Yu Yan's poisonous plan again ,father……"

Concubine Yang's face was gloomy. The Crown Princess didn't expect things to develop like this. Tuoba Yue got up and said, "Father-in-law, don't get angry. Isn't there Doctor Hong here? Ask him to check Fu Yu's jade pendant." If not, it will be done."

Empress Ma said anxiously: "Fu Yu, quickly take out the jade pendant they mentioned, and see if there is anything strange about it?"

Fu Yu and Jiu Ya looked at each other, the jade pendant hadn't been carried since it was taken off, how could it be taken out now?If he couldn't get it out, wouldn't those who harmed him know that his poison had already been cured?It would be fine if it was just Xiao Shi alone, but I am afraid that if this matter gets involved, other people will want to kill more violently.

Jiuya hurriedly knelt down on one knee and said with a sad face: "Empress, please find out what is going on before you ask about your husband. My wife is now willing to go all out. As for the matter of Zhongguo's cousin being attacked by a snake, my wife I know a little bit. Because when my wife was cooking porridge in the west kitchen, she was attacked by three black-clothed killers. My wife yelled loudly in the kitchen, and no one outside the kitchen pretended to hear it, and never came to ask about it. Ask, take a look. Not only that, the two bodyguards invited by the courtier managed to drive away the three killers, and then a large group of snakes swam from the big kitchen. These snakes were eaten by Aunt Xiao for a banquet I bought them, but they crawled out and wanted to attack my wife."

She took a breath and continued: "My wife is familiar with medicine, so I naturally know that they won't be so excited because they don't smell attractive. After careful inspection, I found that the Xihai flowers I put in the kitchen and those killers sprinkled on the kitchen floor. The pollen smelled like Jun Xiaozui. So I tried to wash away the pollen on the ground with water, and then threw Xihaihua out. Sure enough, those snakes and bees rushed out. My cousin was attacked by a snake just now, and he must have eaten it After the Xihai flower porridge, I met Jun Xiaozui pollen scattered on the ground, so I became the target of the snakes."

She raised her face and wept: "Mother, my wife just cooked this pot of porridge for everyone, but after two life and death, someone wants to kill me now, I beg my mother to be the master of my wife!"

At this moment, Empress Ma was really angry, and she clapped the case and said: "It's unreasonable, there are people in this marquis mansion who are so vicious and repeated to harm people. Today, it is still in front of me, if I am not here At that time, wouldn't this mansion be killing people and setting fires every day?"

An Pinghou pointed at Mrs. Xiao, and his voice was as cold as the cold wind blowing in the twelfth lunar month, "Poisonous woman, since you ordered those snakes to be bought, and some killers came into the house to kill them, and you made everyone in the kitchen deaf. Yu Yan was instigated by you, this one is more vicious than the last one, how many ways do you still have to harm people?"

Xiao held her head up, with a look of death, "Yes, I am a poisonous woman, and I just want to kill people, just to get rid of that bitch Song Jiuya. What can Master Hou do to me? Kill me? Okay, I will kill you today. Willing to die in the hands of Lord Hou."

An Pinghou's eyebrows turned hostile, and he was about to do it. Fu Yu pulled him back and said calmly: "Father, didn't you hear what Hong Yu said just now? Mixing can attract snakes. As far as I know, there are only five pots of flowers from the Western Regions, and this pot of pink flowers has been placed in my yard without moving. How did those killers find pink pollen? Don’t you doubt it? Can you tell me the origin of this pink pollen?" After beating her to death like this, how can she attract the murderer behind?
(End of this chapter)

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