marry a noble wife

359 Chapter 4: A Defeat

359 Chapter 4: A Defeat ([-])
Jiu Ya got up and continued: "The daughter-in-law got that pot of pink flowers from grandma, and grandma kept that flower in the house for a few days before, grandma, could it be that you collected the pollen and gave it to the killer before harming me? "

She looked directly at the old lady, and she asked straightforwardly. The old lady raised her eyes slightly, and said indifferently: "What reason do I have to harm you? Daughter-in-law Yu, you can't be so bloody."

An Pinghou looked at the old lady, and suddenly shut his mouth tightly.But he was secretly startled, if this matter involved other people, he could still pursue it to the end, but if it was the old lady, his mother, what should he do?If the old lady was accused, wouldn't it mean that the entire Houfu would collapse?

Seeing his expression, Fu Yu knew that if he touched the old lady, he had kicked the iron board.He smiled mockingly, and said, "I don't know if Dad can find the girl next to the aunt who cooks porridge for the eldest sister. The ins and outs of this matter must be explained clearly, and everything must be proven. ? We can't really wrong our aunt."

Only then did An Ping Hou order outside: "Liu Bainian, bring Qiao Yun."

But Liu Bainian responded outside: "Back to Lord Hou, when I went to the garden just now, it seemed that Qiao Yun was crying in the kitchen, and my subordinates have already brought her here."

As she said that, she saw a delicate maid being pushed in. The mother Sun, who had been silent all this time, was furious when she saw her. Why did she fail to do what she was told to do, and brought so much trouble to my aunt?
As soon as Qiaoyun came in, she pulled the corner of Xiao's skirt and cried: "Auntie, this servant did not deliberately fail to handle the matter, it is really a coincidence of timing. The servant cooked the Xihai flower porridge according to your order, and served it for a whole day. A bowl of porridge, and the fresh chicken blood you ordered me to prepare came here. After the second girl took the chicken blood and porridge away, the servant was returning to the kitchen, but the pot of porridge disappeared, and I couldn’t find it anywhere. I can't send the porridge to the west kitchen to be planted on the third grandma, the slaves are so anxious to go..."

"Shut up! Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about?" Xiao Shi heard her talking more and more shameless, kicked her down in anger, and wanted to reach out to hit her, but Fu Yu stretched out his hand to stop her, and said with a sneer: "Auntie , This is your plan, never forgetting to plant a frame, my wife really needs copper skin and iron bones to withstand your repeated killings."

He turned his head and asked Yuyan, "Yuyan, what did you bring that fresh chicken blood for?"

As soon as Xiao Shi heard him ask this question, he couldn't hold on any longer and his whole body collapsed.Fu Jingwen was even more panicked, winking at Yuyan repeatedly.Yuyan bit her lower lip as if she didn't see it, "I brought it over, and saw the elder sister smearing the chicken blood on the skirt, and then she started to let the nanny call, saying that she was red..."

"What? Chicken blood? Seeing red? Your seeing red is chicken blood?" Empress Ma was so angry that she laughed instead, "I have been in the palace for so many years, and I have never seen you so meticulous. Okay. This Fu Jingwen, relying on the fact that she is pregnant with a royal heir, actually uses such despicable methods to join forces with your aunt to harm others. The methods are vicious and the schemes are well-planned. It is really calculated step by step. If it is not for this girl to tell your plan I can't think of such a poisonous plan in my entire life. Hehe, it's a waste of talents. You shouldn't be put in this inner house. You should ask the emperor to put you in the court. Think about how to frame those ministers of the enemy country They are good."

Fu Jingwen really didn't expect things to change again and again, her whole body was trembling there.Empress Ma then said to Doctor Hong: "Go to the Empress Dowager Concubine for another examination to see whether she is really seeing redness or false seeing redness, is she really poisoned?"

The doctor Du over there was so frightened that she knelt down on the ground with a thud. How could Fu Jingwen dare to ask Hong Yu doctor to examine her, she rolled down from the soft couch, knelt and crawled, grabbed the corner of Queen Ma's skirt and begged: "Your Majesty, the concubine made a mistake, the concubine made a mistake, please see that the concubine is pregnant, please spare the concubine this time."

Concubine Yang Gui was also silent at the side at this time, the evidence is solid and no one can deny it.She looked slightly at Jiuya again, her heart was really full of doubts, this woman who looks like a steep and handsome woman is actually so powerful, this is a plan they have thought about for a long time, every step is dead .Back then when Fu Jingwen made so many assumptions, she still didn't believe that such a fourteen-year-old girl could stand it.Unexpectedly, after being attacked by killers, snakes, and framed by many parties, she can still survive, and now she seems to have bought all of Xiao's maids. What is it to admit her mistakes, she is clearly here to expose her, it is really amazing.

It's a pity that such a wise woman followed Fu Yu, if it was her grandson Tuoba Yue, it would be of great help to the inner court harem, and even the entire court in the future.

Empress Ma finally found out Fu Jingwen's fault, which was related to the entire Prince's Mansion, how could she easily forgive her?She sneered, "When you jumped up to harm others, I didn't hear you say that you would accumulate virtue for the children in your belly. Why, do you remember this now? You lied repeatedly in front of me Deception, how can I allow you and other villains to tarnish the face of our royal family? If this story is spread, the people all over the world will follow suit?"

She looked directly at Anpinghou, "Master Hou, that Xiao family's evil deeds, but after all, it is a matter of Lord Hou's inner courtyard, and I will not interfere. As for Fu Jingwen..." She sneered again, "He has a vicious heart. , not worthy of having..."

"Grandma, but please take it lightly. After all, she is really pregnant with our royal heir. Even if you have to punish her, I beg you to punish her after she gives birth to the child." Tuoba Yue suddenly knelt down and begged for help.

Empress Ma looked at him, feeling a lot of emotion in her heart.This son is calm and introverted, and also wise and resourceful, much stronger than his father.He is obviously younger than Yue'er, but he is already full of wives and concubines, and now he is pregnant with heirs, which is better than Yue'er.Now the power of the Prince's Mansion is entrenched, criss-crossing the capital, not worse than Yue'er, and they all have the help of the emperor's grandson.The emperor has praised him countless times in front of him, so Yue'er's biggest opponent right now is the grandson of the emperor.

Now that something happened to his concubine, it is also a good time to divide the power of Prince's Mansion and Anping Hou's Mansion. Since he wants to talk about the feelings of the royal heirs, he can't do anything to Fu Jingwen, but Fu Jingwen still wants to be the emperor's grandson. It will be difficult for the concubine's seat.

(End of this chapter)

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