Chapter 361
With a slap in the face, An Pinghou didn't dare to hide at all, after receiving her slap, she threatened him with death again, how could he dare to say disobedient words.Since childhood, after the old Hou Ye died in battle, the entire Hou Mansion has been supported by the old lady.The old lady is a very strong person. At that time, the old Hou Ye died in battle. According to the logic, the late emperor should have rewarded the orphans and widows of this family. During the hostile war, issuing wrong orders, ignoring the obstruction of subordinates, and insisting on leading the army to attack, only to fall into the enemy's trap, resulting in heavy losses.It was the old lady who went around in many ways, even disregarding the face of the woman, and personally testified with those subordinates who followed the old Houye, and then refuted the remarks of those who tried to step on the Houfu to the end.

Back then, the old lady's spirit of arguing with all the officials was appreciated by the late emperor. In the face of all kinds of evidence and testimonies, the late emperor finally rewarded the Hou government for the meritorious deeds of the old Hou Ye.But how could the old lady not know that the first emperor didn't really put Hou's mansion in his eyes, so she focused on cultivating her three sons. At that time, her eldest son Fu Qiuye was very competitive. He has been admitted to the champion of martial arts with his true skills, and he has excellent talents in all aspects. The emperor finally sent him to the battlefield back then.It is here that the entire Fu family truly flourishes in the hands of this generation, and the lintel is glorified.

All of this should be attributed to this very tenacious old lady. Even the death of her eldest son Fu Qiuye and her white-haired man sending a black-haired man did not knock her down. The second son was sent to the battlefield, finally proving to the world that all the sons of her Fu family are heroes who stand up to heaven and earth.

Such an old woman who is tough on the surface and is now old, a mother who takes the honor of the whole family as her own responsibility, how can An Pinghou rebel against her?
An Pinghou pursed the corners of his mouth tightly, and finally said after a long while: "Alright, it's too cheap to divorce her now. Just wait for Doctor Hong's diagnosis. If she really poisoned Yu'er, she will die ten times." Not enough for her!"

He left with a wave of his hand, the old lady finally let go of the third lady, and everyone hurriedly helped her back.

Xiao was wailing in the house, and Fu Jingwen was also crying non-stop on the soft couch. Tuoba Yue looked at her uncertainly, and after a long time, he said coldly: "Your skills are inferior to others, and you will always end up losing. Take the consequences at your own risk. Now that you are in the hands of the imperial grandmother, I can only do my best to temporarily keep you in the Prince's Mansion. During this time, you'd better be safe. If something happens again, don't say I can't protect you .”

After he finished speaking, he went back to the Prince's Mansion first, and Wu Jing invited him to the study as soon as he entered. Unexpectedly, apart from his father Tuoba Changji, Concubine Yang Guifei also did not return to the palace.

"Yue'er, how is the situation in the Hou Mansion?" Tuoba Changji asked impatiently.

Tuoba Yue casually pulled a chair and sat down, "Xiao Shi was not dismissed under the pressure of the old lady, but Anping Hou seems to be extremely dissatisfied with Xiao Shi and Fu Jingwen, and it is estimated that in the future, he may have reservations about doing things for us .”

"How does Yue'er plan to deal with Fu Jingwen?" Yang Guifei asked.

Tuoba Yue's eyes were deep, "The heir in her womb is the one that the imperial grandfather is looking for. Although the imperial grandmother deposed her, she can't do anything to her right now. Besides, if Anping doesn't like her after this matter, she will After all, she is his daughter, so for the time being, let her go back to the Prince's Mansion, but it seems that the candidate for the grandson concubine has to be searched again."

Tuoba Changji snorted, "It's because of Song Jiuya that the bad thing happened. I didn't expect her to be so powerful. Such tricks didn't bring her down. Could it be that she has three heads and six arms?"

Tuoba Yue lowered his eyes and remained silent.

Concubine Yang frowned slightly and said: "I was very happy when I saw that woman, not to mention her outstanding appearance, just her elegance, her calmness when encountering problems, this kind of demeanor is exactly the kindness that an emperor seeks." Helper. I don’t know if Yue’er noticed. At that time, Fu Yu was about to say something outrageous. After being slapped by the old lady, she could restrain Fu Yu unbearably. A woman who gains and loses must have a long-term vision, and her demeanor must be able to shock thousands of people. If you look closely at her step by step and steadily expose the things that Xiao Shi and Fu Jingwen harmed her, it is obvious that she has already fallen into the trap, and she will be able to fall into danger again. Winning, this kind of mind, this kind of strategy, is definitely not comparable to a woman like Fu Jingwen who is short-sighted and only knows how to fight concubines in the inner house. Prince, how did you think of pushing such a woman to the Fu family? Why didn't you just let Yueer Accepted?"

Tuoba Changji also regretted a bit and said: "At that time, after listening to the mother and concubine saying that King Qi must be destroyed to marry a girl from the Song family, my son thought that Mr. Song was only a fifth-rank official, how could his daughter be worthy of our Yueer? ? So they ordered the Houfu to do it. At that time, they only hoped that they could let Fu Hongbo, the big house, marry that girl. Who knew they would let Fu Yu marry her..."

Concubine Yang said angrily: "It's really short-sighted. You just have to think about it. Since she is a woman who is admired even by people with high-sighted eyes like King Qi, how can she be an ordinary person? It's good now, the dumb one is cheaper. Not to mention what happened to Yang Shuxian last time, this incident alone has fully demonstrated her extraordinary talent. It is a pity that such a talent is used by others with her commendable medical skills."

She turned to look at Tuoba Yue, and asked: "Yue'er, you are not a blind person, why didn't you stop your father at that time?"

Tuoba Yue said lightly: "I haven't seen anyone before, how do I know her abilities? But it's my negligence. At that time, Uncle Wang fell in love with her, so I should go and see what kind of woman she is."

Tuoba Changji sighed, "It's too late to regret now, after all, she's already married..."

Tuoba Yue sneered, "So what if you marry a woman? As long as she is useful to me, she will still be mine."

Although he said this lightly, the indifference and domineering look on his brow made Concubine Yang very happy.She just likes this grandson's calm and arrogance, that kind of indifference that everything is like a mustard seed on the soles of his feet, she is really impressed.Only such a person will be able to truly defeat the opponent and sit in that high position in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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