Chapter 362
She finally laughed, nodded and said: "Such a woman is indeed not to be missed, so let's see if you have any way to snatch her from Fu Yu?"

Tuoba Changji turned pale and said: "Mother, concubine, this matter must never happen. If a brother-in-law robs my brother-in-law's wife, not only will the father show disrespect to Yue'er, but I'm afraid people in the world will also laugh at it."

"A woman's opinion!" Concubine Yang gave him an unkind look, "The methods are all thought up by people, and there are so many things that are trying to hide the truth, it depends on whether people's brains are good or not. If you can get this woman , Maybe Qi Wang is also a blow. This matter was broken in your hands before, and you can't delay it now. Yue'er, if this girl is stubborn and refuses to follow, you can't be blinded by the clear color, let alone There is a woman's benevolence, you can't use it for yourself, you must kill her, and you can't leave future troubles, do you understand?"

Tuoba Yue moved the corners of his lips, "The more you understand."

Concubine Yang nodded in satisfaction, then changed the subject and said: "I don't know if Doctor Hong will find out the strangeness in the jade pendant. If he finds out, Fu Yu's poison will be cured. This is a troublesome matter."

Tuoba Changji shook his eyebrows and said: "The imperial doctor Hong will never be able to find out the problem with the jade pendant, because it took me a lot of trouble to get it back then, and it was stolen from a foreigner. Here it is, that jade pendant looks ordinary, but it contains extremely cold air, piercing people's meridians from time to time, it is what the old Zen master used to ward off the heart fire for new disciples, non-special people, just rely on the naked eye , how can you tell what's wrong with it?"

Yang Guifei pondered: "If Fu Yu took off the jade pendant at this time and never wore it again, would his illness be cured without medicine?"

"That's impossible. If he doesn't know this kind of insidiousness and can't prescribe the right medicine, even if he doesn't wear it now, his body will still be as weak as if he is suffering from a serious illness. After a long time, he will still die."

Only then did Concubine Yang feel relieved, "Back then you agreed to let Fu Jingwen marry over just to win over Anpinghou, and then asked Xiao Shi to replace this jade pendant, so that Fu Qingyan could win the position of son, making the entire Houfu They can all be used by us, this move was originally very good, but now it seems that things are slowly going wrong, alas, I only hope that the emperor will abdicate as soon as possible, if this drags on, when will there be an end..."

All three were sad.

In the Chunhua courtyard, Doctor Hong carefully looked at the jasper tear-shaped jade pendant in his hand. After looking at it for a long time, he finally shook his head and said, "It's nothing unusual, it's a very ordinary jade pendant."

Jiuya asked in surprise, "Take another sniff to see if there is any smell on it?"

Doctor Hong smiled and said, "I've already smelled it, and it doesn't have any strange smell."

Jiuya asked again: "Then what are you touching? Do you feel the coldness of the touch, or the feeling of cold air entering the bone?"

Doctor Hong still shook his head, "It's true that the tentacles are cold, but after touching them for a while, they turn warm, and there is no feeling of coldness penetrating into the bones."

"There is nothing wrong with this jade pendant. It seems that Miss Yuyan's words are not credible. Mrs. Xiao said something in a fit of anger." He put the jade pendant on the table, took a step back and said: "What the empress told me , I've finished, so I'll take my leave."

Jiu Ya and Fu Yu looked at each other, how could this be?
After sending Imperial Doctor Hong away, Jiuya stared at the jade pendant on the table in a daze, "My lord, why is this happening? It's understandable that others can't see the strangeness on this jade pendant, but Doctor Hong said He is the number one expert in detecting poison in Da Xia, so there is no reason why he should not see the strangeness of the jade pendant."

Fu Yu was also puzzled, touched his chin and said: "Yes, I asked a few people, and they all said that this jade pendant is not unusual, but it can hurt people's body and poison, and my wife is still prescribing medicine for me. Nursing, its sinister air is quite serious. My lady, why can't anyone else feel its coldness except you?"

He looked at Jiuya, his face was as bright as jade, and there was deep doubt in his eyes.

Jiuya twisted her fingers, thinking to herself, could it be related to her strange physique?She can feel the coldness above, is it because she is a soul body, so she can feel things that ordinary people can't feel?
Thinking of this, she herself was startled. If this is the case, it means that she is not exactly the same as the people here, but there is still an essential difference.

In the room quietly, Fu Yu stared at her, Jiuya felt at a loss, put away the jade pendant, and then changed the subject, "Sanggong, you could have avoided that slap just now, why did you have to suffer so much?" gone?"

As soon as Fu Yu said this, his expression eased, he stretched out his hand to hug her, pinched her nose and said with a low smile: "Fool, you got slapped, so naturally I will be with you, you hurt, I You have to suffer together, isn't that what we call sharing weal and woe?"

Jiuya was moved, hooked his neck and whispered like an idiot, "Fu Yu..." With such a husband, what more could she ask for?
Her face was hazy and her eyes were blurred, Fu Yu was also fascinated by it, he let out a soft "um", looked at her infatuatedly, and said in a low voice: "Jiu Ya, thank you for suffering so much for me... ..."

The warm sunlight shone through the verdant flowers and trees in the courtyard, and shone on his handsome and gentle face. Half a lock of hair was tangled at the temples, making his face even more radiant.Jiuya shook her head, stared at him for a while, couldn't help the temptation, raised her face to kiss his lips, it was cool and soft.With a smile in his eyes, Fu Yu allowed her to invade, but only hugged her tightly.

After a long while, Jiuya let go of him reluctantly, raised her head in ecstasy and said, "Fu Yu, what should I do? I seem to be bewitched by your beauty, how can there be such a fascinating person like you in the world?" Young talent? In the past, I wouldn't even dare to think about someone like you..." She was telling the truth. In her previous life, a handsome guy like him who looked like a luminous body wherever he went, what did she say? Nor would he look at her who seemed ordinary.But now, she actually has it, and she can still think about it for her, no matter how much wronged she is, she is willing.

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, touched her face, traced her lips with his fingers, and said in a hoarse voice: "I am very honored to be able to seduce you with beauty, but if you can fall in love with me wholeheartedly, maybe I I am willing to die at this moment."

(End of this chapter)

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