Chapter 364
Jiuya nodded, looked out of the house melancholy and said: "My husband's health is getting worse and worse. At this time, we must let him spend some more time with his grandfather, right? He has been worried about my situation , so he determined to send me away, fearing that I would be hard to support alone, and I would really die under the repeated plotting of my aunt."

After finishing speaking, she quietly looked at Aunt Mingyao from the corner of her eye, and sure enough, as she expected, Aunt Mingyao gradually showed fear on her face.She seemed to suddenly think of something terrible, she shook her body, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth and cursed: "That poisonous woman, using low means to assassinate people is her common trick, not only you, Yu'er's mother back then..."

She suddenly realized that she had slipped her mouth, so she quickly stopped talking, looked at Jiu Ya nervously, and said with a sneer, "Look at my mouth, I can't keep it shut, and say some irrelevant things."

Jiuya's heart skipped a beat, everything happened as she expected, it seems that today's move was not wrong.But she pretended to know everything and said, "Auntie, you don't need to hide it. I know that you have kept a secret in your heart all these years. You have never told anyone about this secret. You also use this secret Threatening Auntie, so that she can eat and drink for your family. But, would a person like Auntie be willing to be pinched by others all the time? Hehe, I now find that Auntie is an extremely naive people."

Aunt Mingyao turned pale with shock, she stood up immediately, "What? You even know about this?"

Jiuya glanced at her, "I don't know anything, all I know is that my aunt is very rude to my aunt every time, and my aunt swallowed her anger in front of her face, and said to Sun Mama many times behind her back that she must kill some people Mouth, so as not to leave future troubles."

Then she sneered, "Based on my observation, the matter of Zhongguo is just the beginning. My aunt's family is in deep danger and they don't know it, but they are still complacent here. If I didn't see that my aunt treats me well For the sake of being good, and because I don’t want Xiao Niang’s plot to succeed, I’m too lazy to remind Aunt about such a thing.”

She stood up as she spoke, and said goodbye: "I hope my aunt will take care of herself, and she will take good care of sister Bi and cousin."

She turned around and left. Aunt Mingyao stomped her feet and pulled her back. Her face turned blue and her voice trembled, "Why are you leaving so fast?"

Jiuya stared at her with clear eyes, "What else is Aunt thinking?"

Aunt Mingyao swallowed hard, and it took a long time before she said: "Actually, I already knew that staying here is not a long-term solution, but for the sake of Sister Bi and Zhongguo, I have been enduring it. Unexpectedly That poisonous woman can't wait for them to grow up now, so she's going to do it."

Seeing that Jiuya was silent, she licked her lips and said, "If Yu'er can agree to send our family of four to Luxi safely, I...maybe I can tell him the news he wants to know the most."

Jiuya looked her up and down, "Auntie is so strange, do you know what news my husband wants to know? It's not impossible for you to ask him to help you send you to Luxi, but there are some things that depend on whether it's worth taking such a big risk .”

She turned around to leave as she said, but Aunt Mingyao got anxious and grabbed her sleeve, then she felt that it was not right, so she went forward and closed the door, and whispered in her ear nervously: "If it's about Yu'er What about mother's news?"

Jiuya was startled.

Aunt Mingyao lowered her voice and said emphatically, "I know that Yu'er wants to know the cause of his mother's death most these years, so I'll just give you an introduction. Princess Lan is most likely not dead. If Yu'er agrees to keep me safe Send it to Lu Xi, and I will tell him everything that happened in the mansion that year."

After she finished speaking, she backed away a few steps and stared at Jiuya closely.Jiu Ya covered her mouth in surprise, fearing that the inconceivable exclamation would come out of her mouth, Fu Yu's mother might not be dead?Where is that now?Was it imprisoned by the Xiao family?God, what else did the Xiao family do to make people and gods angry?Did the old lady participate in this?

It took her a while to recover from the shock, and Aunt Mingyao said nervously: "If you want to know the whole story of this matter, you can tell Yu'er and ask him to send us away within two days. , I can't stay here for a moment, I'm really afraid that the poisonous lady Xiao will use some poisonous tricks to harm us."

Jiuya Machinery nodded, "If my aunt knows such an important matter, I will definitely ask my husband to send you away as soon as possible and ensure your safety."

When she returned to Chunhua Courtyard and told Fu Yu about this matter, Fu Yu's sad and joyful expression, covering his face with pain and crying, really made people feel sad.Over the years, how many times he woke up crying "mother" from his sleep, and every time he saw other children of the same age kissing and hurting his mother, he didn't know how many tears he silently shed in the corner.When he was young, he also hoped to have a pair of warm and gentle hands pat him to sleep, and he also liked to listen to that ridiculous lullaby to fall into a sweet dreamland.

But no, not once, every time he saw his imaginary mother in his dream, it disappeared without a trace when he opened his eyes.When he was about to die from a serious illness, he just wanted to see his mother for the last time, to call his mother for a kiss before closing his eyes.Time after time of disappointment, time after pain, the cruel reality pushed him into the dark abyss time after time.

Before meeting Jiuya, he was in self-imposed exile, the threat of imminent death had made him unable to arouse any interest, and his insight into human nature and family affection made him hate everyone around him even more.At that time, he didn't think about his elderly grandfather, he just wanted time to pass quickly and take away his unbearable soul, and he didn't want to live a life like a walking dead for a moment.

Fortunately, when he met Jiuya, he recognized her with just one glance. She was the one who gave him hope for life, and it was she who gave him warmth time and time again, and comforted his wounded heart time and time again.Her brilliance, her positivity, and her optimism all infected him.She asked him to do this and arranged for him to do that. She said she would take back his property for him. She said she must cure his illness and help him find out the cause of his mother's death.What she promised, she did it all. Now, with her encouragement and persistence, finally, he received the news that encouraged him even more. His mother, whom he had missed for many years, was not dead, not dead!
(End of this chapter)

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