Chapter 365
He buried his face on Jiuya's shoulder and didn't move for a long time. Jiuya patted his back, felt the hot and humid air through the skirt of his clothes, and couldn't help but shed tears in his eyes, and murmured: " It's all over, it's all over, it's finally over. Now you just need to arrange for Aunt Mingyao to leave safely, and you can find your mother, Fu Yu, we finally made it through..."

She understands him, she understands him, and she even likes him a little bit, so no matter what, she will always walk with him, no matter he is young, mature, or old, he will always be her Those who want to protect with heart.

The night is getting deeper, and a bright morning is coming...

Overnight, word spread throughout the capital that Anping Hou's concubine Xiao Shi and her biological daughter Huang Taisun concubine conspired to murder the daughter-in-law of Anping Hou's son-in-law Fu Sanshao. Fu Jingwen was abolished on the spot as Empress Dowager Concubine, and it will happen again and again after giving birth to a child.Rumors suddenly spread in the capital, saying that Xiao Shi and her daughter were so fearless in playing tricks and tricks in front of the empress, they were obviously afraid of Mrs. Fu Sanshao's superb medical skills.Some people speculated that since Fu Sanshao's illness might be cured immediately, Xiao was afraid that the unresolved son's position would be sidelined, so he made such efforts to kill the third young lady one after another.

There are even more rumors that the third young master's uncertain illness is caused by Xiao Shi, and it is nothing more than letting his son snatch the position of the eldest son.Now that God has eyes, Fu Qingyan who snatched the position of the eldest son was killed, she still didn't give up, and wanted her second son to take the position of the eldest son again, and finally caused these things.It's true that the heavens have eyes to expose the ugly face of this trouble-making woman to the public.

The Xiao family was so vicious that all of a sudden, even her natal family suffered a lot. The daughter of the eldest family of the Xiao family, who was discussing marriage, was inexplicably divorced the next day.Everyone is well aware that they dare not marry the Xiao family's daughter again, no matter how good their status is, no family is willing to marry a woman who might murder the family.It's not that they don't like the Xiao family's daughter, it's because there is a precedent for this, and they are afraid that the family will not be prosperous.

So Xiao's brothers, sisters-in-law and aunts came together and scolded Xiao's bloody head, not to mention that her brother died of a daughter Ruoqin in the waiting mansion, and they settled new and old accounts together, pointing their noses and scolding the queen. , and immediately announced to the outside world that they had severed ties with her. From then on, Xiao's life and death had nothing to do with them.

It is said that the wall is falling and everyone is pushing it. At this time, the Xiao family has been betrayed by everyone, and the most proud daughter has also been abolished. In order to plot against Jiuya, she even died of a son. Her whole body almost collapsed.

These news can't lead people's gossip topics for a long time, because the cholera incident in the capital has not subsided for a long time.The poorer people all rely on the medicinal materials of Huachuntang to cure and alleviate their illnesses, and the epidemic has also been controlled in a small area.Even when the medicinal materials are not enough, Jiu Ya personally instructs the shopkeeper Ji, Xiuzhen and others to distinguish between damp heat and cold damp according to the condition before prescribing the medicine carefully. , For a while, the entire Huachun hall was very busy.

However, on April 20th, the imperial court suddenly received a report from the hardest-hit area in front. Due to the shortage of medicinal materials, the local doctors and the imperial court sent a group of Chinese imperial physicians from the Yutai Hospital and three officials to go to the disaster relief together. However, the folk prescriptions prescribed by Song Jiuya failed to cure the cholera patients, and some people were even put to death.The local people were not treated for a long time, and the people complained, and the people out of control started ganging up to kill officials.Since the report was issued, more than [-] local officials have been killed, one Beijing official was severely injured, two doctors were called quack doctors and stabbed to death on the spot, and five officials were infected with cholera , I can't cure it myself, and it has turned into a serious illness.

As soon as Emperor Hongwu heard about such a major accident, he was furious immediately, and the court would order Song Jiuya to be executed, saying that she dared to commit the crime of deceiving the emperor, showed the public with false prescriptions, and disregarded human life. Control, death ten times is not a pity.

Fortunately, after hearing the news, Empress Ma rushed to dissuade her, and said that the matter should be clarified face to face, and the good man should not be wronged.Besides, the epidemic situation in the entire capital has been alleviated and controlled, isn't it because of Hua Chuntang?For such a major accident, you must ask about it before acting, and you can't kill a good person impulsively.

In front of the courtiers, Empress Ma's words were extremely reasonable. Emperor Hongwu always boasted that he could listen to other people's advice, so he calmed down and immediately called Song Jiuya into the palace.

When Father-in-Law rushed to the Anping Hou Mansion to ask for someone, Jiuya was in Jingzhao Mansion, waiting for the Governor Xue to finally return the property in more than 20 shops to her, the owner of the deed, and the largest. The sufferer who was cheated away by a liar named Changqing.

"Wuna criminal Changqing, since you have admitted to committing fraud against the shops managed by the 23 shopkeepers who complained under the hall, and now you have the accomplice who has helped you set fire to steal for several years, then your fraud, Stealing, arson, and wounding are four crimes, what else can you say?"

In the lobby of the government office, Mr. Xue was sitting upright, and there were a lot of black people kneeling in the hall.

The kneeling one on the left is rumored to be the thug and right-hand man of the great fraudster Chang Qing.On the right is the shopkeeper who jointly sued the store for being defrauded.In the front, kneeling is the criminal Chang Qing. After a month or two of imprisonment and torture to extract a confession, he has already been beaten into a shapeless shape.A head of messy hair that had lost its luster was forced to be pulled together into a bun because he was about to go to court. His face was shaggy, his eyes were swollen, his prison clothes were torn, and his hands and feet were wearing iron shackles.However, when he lifted his eyes, his gaze was as fierce and sinister as a tiger and wolf, and it was not kind at first glance.

He sneered, "Officer dog, I'm a prisoner now, why don't I let you, a dog officer, handle it? You want me to plead guilty, can I not plead guilty?"

There were quite a few people watching outside the hall, being so abused by a prisoner, Mr. Xue couldn't hold back his face, he slapped the gavel, "What a Changqing, I can't say anything bad when I am about to die. I am generous, I will not Argue with you, come and ask him to sign and pledge on the list of the defrauded sufferers!"

(End of this chapter)

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