Chapter 366
Under the pressure of the two yamen servants, Chang Qing finally took the charge in front of the hall, and the 23 shopkeepers kneeling in the hall immediately asked in unison about the return of the fraudulent property. A stack of property details listed by them that were defrauded, nodded and said: "These properties have been personally admitted by Chang Qing, so I now announce that the existing property in the 23 shopkeepers that have been blocked will be owned by each of you." Inventory management, because this case involves too much and the amount is too large, in order not to delay everyone's business, I can't liquidate it for the time being and ask him to pay for the losses. However, the case is not closed. Continue to track him down on the property he embezzled from everyone, and hope that everyone will come and cooperate with me in investigating the case."

The 23 shopkeepers knelt down and thanked in unison, and shouted "Master Qingtian".The common people in the periphery also clapped their hands in unison, shouting good, and congratulating the 23 shopkeepers at the same time.Those shopkeepers also had tears in their eyes. After all, the shop was burned a few years ago. They were the biggest victims. Not only were they charged with ineffective supervision, they also paid a lot of money. , but their reputations are so tainted that no one would hire them even if they were capable.

These things happened one after another before, they didn't know that their boss was the same person, otherwise, they would feel something strange, so they had to ask their immediate boss Fu Erye carefully.After a few years, now they have finally cleared their reputation, how can we not make them happy and sad.

When Mr. Xue's master officially handed over the documents for the withdrawal and return of property to them one by one, everyone covered their faces and wept.Jiuya and Fu Yu, who were hiding in the crowd, looked at each other with a smile, and clasped their sleeves. At this point, the matter finally came to a successful conclusion, and the property that had been embezzled by the people in the waiting mansion for more than ten years was finally returned to its original owner.The gains and losses of the past can no longer be calculated, so from today on, all the shops that make money or not make money will return to their hands. This time, all the accounts of all shops will be publicly managed.

Jiu Ya looked at Fu Yu with a smile, all these years, the hardships and oppression he had suffered in the Hou Mansion could all be retaliated to them through these shops that provided the Hou Mansion with fine clothes and fine food.Of course, this is only a small part.Thinking of the slaps that the old lady slapped them in defense of Xiao Shi back then, it was so ruthless and chilling.In the eyes of the old lady, these properties seem to belong to the Hou Mansion as a matter of course, and it is a matter of course to support the luxury of the people in the Hou Mansion, but the real property owner in front of him is excluded from their interests.

How can there be such a good thing in the world?Seizing people's property, inflicting severe poison, and killing people's lives, do you treat people as ants for them to trample on?

Originally they were elders and should be respected, but are they worthy?Thinking of Aunt Mingyao's unfinished story about Fu Yu's mother, if they did something that both humans and gods would hate, I believe Fu Yu would be ruthless and gouge their flesh with a knife.

Fu Yu seemed to know what she was thinking, and smiled at her sideways, and said in a teasing voice: "In broad daylight and in public, the lady's eyes are so affectionate, I feel flattered by my husband."

Jiu Ya looked at him deeply, "Really? Are you really flattered?"

Under her gaze, Fu Yu blushed and coughed twice: "Is this... now is not the time to be in a state of confusion, Master Xue suddenly announced that he would unseal the property of the sealed shop and return it to be cheated The original owner of the shop, although he did not read out who the owners of those shops were in public, but with Tuoba Yue's shrewdness, he would immediately know that Mr. Xue unsealed it privately without listening to greetings and without discussion, and that the beneficiaries were us , I must immediately come up with a ruthless move to reseal these shops, so I must immediately arrange the aftermath."

Jiu Ya also straightened his face and nodded, "That's right, not only him, but we also have to guard against your second brother. He used the name of Chang Qing to occupy the shop, naturally he didn't want him to take responsibility, but he saw that the shop was not doing well, so he took over the shop. The people in the mansion didn't hear what he said, and they will definitely blame him, we must prevent him from jumping over the wall in a hurry."

Fu Yu shook his head, "Now is not the time to expose his true colors. Even if we tell him, it won't hurt him too much. I'm afraid it will cause inconvenience. So my lady entrusted this matter to me. Before we leave Beijing, I will definitely give him a fatal blow, and when the time comes, I will reveal all his ugly and evil deeds, and let Mrs. Xiao hear the fact of how her second son killed his eldest son, and see how she will deal with herself."

Jiuya smiled, although she was so sorry to the dead Fu Qingyan, but they could only use his death to hit Xiao Shi, the more she suffered, the more she made herself feel happy.

The two were about to leave, when they lifted the sedan chair, it hurriedly stopped in front of them, before the sedan chair came to a complete stop, a person rushed down from inside, Fu Yu saw that it was Eunuch De who was beside the emperor.

Seeing the two of them, Eunuch De immediately wiped off the sweat from his brow and said to Jiu Ya repeatedly: "The county lord, hurry up and follow the servant into the palace, the emperor has urgent matters to call."

Fu Yu smiled and said: "Dare to ask Eunuch, what is the emperor's urgent matter? Just go in like this, people must be prepared, right?"

Eunuch De rolled his eyes, "The emperor said that there is an urgent matter, so it is urgent, the county lord hasten to follow the servant."

He thought that Jiuya would follow him as soon as he called to leave, but Fu Yu held Jiuya's hand with one hand and did not let go, and supported the hairpin on her head with the other, and said, "Since you are going to see the emperor , you can’t look like this. Lady, you see that your pearl hairpin is crooked, and I will help you to fix it for my husband.”

He helped her up the hairpin, and flicked the ashes off her shoulders, "Lady, there is so much dust in front of this mansion. Look, the clothes and skirts are dusty and dirty. I will take a good photo of you, my husband." Spotless."

He flicked from his left shoulder to his right shoulder, and then from his right shoulder to his left shoulder. He had no intention of leaving at all, and Degong almost jumped up in a hurry.That's right, this Third Young Master Fu has always been willful and difficult to deal with. Just now, I was in a hurry and forgot about this Chun, so I had to say with a good-natured smile: "The emperor asked the county magistrate to ask about the cholera epidemic. I heard that the prescription prescribed by the county lord did not save people in the hardest-hit area, but some people got angry and killed officials because of the delayed treatment..."

(End of this chapter)

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