Chapter 367
Jiuya lost her voice and said, "How is it possible? I have cured many people in Huachun Hall according to my folk prescriptions. This is evidence. Why is it different when I get there?" I mentioned it before, fearing that there might be something wrong with the prescription, I personally instructed Xiuzhen and shopkeeper Ji to use that prescription to heal patients, how could there be a death sentence?

Eunuch De said helplessly: "Master, it's really a matter, it's so important, so please go there right away."

Fu Yu also knew that this matter was strange, he knew that Jiu Ya used that formula to cure cholera patients, and it was absolutely impossible that there would be no effect.But she couldn't let her go just like that, she raised her eyebrows and asked him: "Then why did the emperor call her over? Are you accountable?"

Eunuch De would not be so stupid as to nod his head, let alone talk about what the emperor wanted to ask about beheading, he just said casually: "Where, the emperor just asked about the situation. The county master has meritorious service, how can he be held accountable?"

Jiu Ya and Fu Yu glanced at each other quickly, Fu Yu was already thinking about it, he finally let go, sighed and said: "Okay, since it's not about accountability, the lady will go with the father-in-law, there is still work for the husband, That's going to go first."

Jiuya smiled lightly, "Sister-in-law just go and get busy."

She believed he had made up his mind.Because the emperor of Daxia is definitely not an ordinary person, and sometimes some things can be viewed from a distance. When she did not hand over the prescription, he was treated with courtesy.However, as soon as the prescription was handed over, this ultimate move came. The killing of donkeys has been a common occurrence since ancient times. Back then, Concubine Yang gave poisoned wine for no reason and stretched her hands to take care of the inner courtyard of the mansion. Didn't say anything.Fu Yu's poisoning was obviously something he liked to hear and see. King Xi had occupied Luxi, and his power had not diminished for many years. His only daughter's son was stationed in the capital.If one day his medical skills are good and his disease is cured, it will be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and someone else will sleep soundly beside the couch.The emperor must be tossing and turning like a thorn on his back.

The two smiled as if they were connected, Fu Yu quickly disappeared into the crowd, and Jiu Ya followed Eunuch De to the imperial palace.

After passing through the deep palaces and pavilions, Jiuya was brought to the meeting hall under the watchful eyes of all the officials, knelt down and shouted long live three times.

On the dragon chair, Emperor Hongwu's golden crown and yellow python robe, with majestic eyes, said to Jiuya who was kneeling below in a deep voice: "Mr. Song, didn't you guarantee that the prescription for curing cholera is effective? I still believe it, and seal your county immediately." Lord, how did you repay me? That prescription doesn’t work at all, the front has been cured by your prescription and the chaos is getting worse, and now the people are angry and the people are killing officials and making trouble, how do you explain it to me!”

Jiuya raised her head, her gaze was firm, and her voice was firm, "Back to the emperor, the prescription was submitted after many verifications by the courtier's wife. At that time, the courtier's wife kept the secrets of the treatment, grasped the disease, and prescribed the prescription according to the disease. I once told Imperial Physician Hua that as long as the patient's symptoms are accurately grasped, it is absolutely impossible to put him to death."

An official from the medical department next to him immediately retorted: "What does the county lord mean by saying that, that is to say, our medical department sent out quack doctors who are not even capable of diagnosing patients' illnesses and prescribing prescriptions based on their conditions?"

Jiu Yalang said: "My lord, why do you need to speculate? I didn't say that. I was just stating a fact. According to the prescription I prescribed, many people have been cured in the capital. Why did something happen in the epidemic area?" , the prescription does not work, this matter is strange, it should be brought out for discussion, and there is no attack on anyone."

The official snorted and returned to his original position.

Empress Ma saw that Jiuya was so fearless in front of the battle, she nodded secretly in her heart, and said to Emperor Hongwu in a low voice; "Your Majesty, if there is no problem with her prescription, she is still a hero. It may be that there is something wrong with the people in the medical department, so we can't generalize, let her speak up first."

Emperor Hong Wu took a look at her. Recently, because of a major epidemic in Luyi and there is no cure, the army of King Qi who was fighting against Wu Yue was also infected in a large area. He was unable to face the army of Wu Yue. Luyi, if the delay persists like this without medicine, Luyi will be destroyed, and the army will be defeated for five hundred miles, and no one can stop the sharp edge of the Wuyue army.As the mother of a country, Queen Ma is not only worried about the victims of the disaster, but also worried about her son, King Qi.

At this moment, he believes that she is looking at things from a fair standpoint, from her standpoint as a mother, so he is not worried that she still has any personal thoughts in her heart at this moment.

Thinking of this, he turned his head and asked Jiuya to calm down in a deep voice. After Jiuya thanked him, he said again: "Since you think that your prescription has cured cholera patients, but this is all your own side. It's over, it's urgent, how can you prove to me that your prescription is all right?"

Jiuya replied: "Please be careful, the emperor, there are eight hundred patients who have been cured by Huachuntang, not to mention thousands, and it is impossible to continue to treat patients with the whole Huachuntang. The medicines to save people are all prescribed according to the new prescription of the minister's wife. So far, has the emperor heard of a case of being put to death? The minister's wife can use the head of the item as a guarantee, the prescription is no problem, and the minister's wife is even more serious. Don't dare to commit the crime of deceiving the king!"

Emperor Hong Wu still had a sullen face, his eyes were deep and unfathomable, if the prescription she prescribed was correct, then there must be someone in the medical office playing tricks, who is doing the trick?What is the purpose?
As an emperor, his mind must be very human. He immediately thought of it. First, someone wanted to frame the county magistrate so that he could execute her for the crime of deceiving the emperor.Second, the King Qi's army is bound to suffer a great setback due to illness and defeat, and the beneficiary will be the Crown Prince.It seems that this matter must have been planned by the crown prince. That son is so courageous, regardless of losing the state and destroying the city, just to suppress his younger brother?Kill a woman?
His thoughts flashed, and he was annoyed by the prince's short-sightedness in disregard of the overall situation. At the same time, he also had the idea of ​​getting rid of Jiu Ya by taking advantage of this situation. If Fang Zi was true, then she would be useless...

The power of the sky is unpredictable, the officials below are anxious, Empress Ma is sitting on the side, Emperor Hongwu is claustrophobic, husband and wife for many years, how could they not know that the emperor has murdered Jiuya at this time, his heart beats fast, and he seized Hongwu. Emperor Wu was suspicious by nature, so he immediately said in a low voice from behind: "Your Majesty, all the people in this capital are treated under her personal guidance, and her methods are always ingenious. I am afraid that the people in the medical office have not grasped the trick. , so the treatment was delayed. This matter cannot be ruled out by those people who pretended to understand. "

(End of this chapter)

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