Chapter 368
Emperor Hongwu's heart tightened, he hadn't asked the prince for confirmation yet, so it's really not appropriate to make a decision on this matter.Just when he was about to speak, the foreign servant came to report: "Your Majesty, the third young master of the Fu family took the doctor from Huachun Hall and many people to see him outside. They shouted outside the gate of the palace. Ninghe county magistrate cured her with her own prescription." There are many cholera patients in Beijing, I hope the emperor will not be partial to the county magistrate's prescription."

The senior scholar Sun next to him scolded angrily: "Bold, that Fu Yu actually gathered a crowd outside the palace gate to make troubles to threaten the emperor and offend Tianwei. Your majesty, I beg you to arrest that son immediately and question him, so as to set the record straight."

Emperor Hongwu stared at him coldly, Fu Yu was by no means a reckless man, he gathered a crowd in a big way, clearly prescribing the medicine for his intention to impress Song Jiuya.Right now Song Jiuya has an excellent reputation in the capital, and he has cured countless patients. Fu Yu invited many people to prove that Song Jiuya's prescription was fine. , It will arouse the voices of the people in Beijing and the voice of injustice.

Grand Master Sun was suddenly stared at by Emperor Hongwu, and he shuddered immediately. It seems that he understood Shangyi and misunderstood, flattered the horse's leg, and quickly retreated.An officer next to him laughed at him.

Emperor Hongwu said to Jiuya in a deep voice: "I heard from you just now that there should be no problem with the prescription. The problem lies in the process of treatment. I just seriously thought about it. Those who recover from the disease will support you, so I will believe you for the time being. However, everything must be based on evidence. As the saying goes, hearing is believing, and seeing is believing. The prescription is cured, then, I will use the county master again, what do you think?"

Jiuya quickly fell to the ground, "The emperor is wise, thank you for the gift."

At this moment, no matter what the emperor's heavy use means, he must pass this level first.

So the matter was decided in this way at the court, because the emperor wanted to ask the prince urgently after the court, so he agreed with Jiuya to let her go to the imperial hospital for consultation in the evening.

When Jiu Ya came out of the palace, she felt cold sweat running down her back. She knew that she had walked around the gate of hell just now, and she must be lying if she said she was not afraid, after all, her life was also very important.

After leaving the palace gate, she saw Fu Yu waiting there with a smile on her face. Her heart warmed, and after thanking the people who had been summoned suddenly, she boarded the carriage with him.

In the carriage, she said with a look of hesitation: "Master, Dad reminded me before that the hardest-hit areas were given the medicine according to my prescription, and the patients did not see any improvement. I thought there was something wrong with my prescription, and then I asked Xiuzhen to follow it. Fang Zi consulted the doctor and prescribed medicine, and the patients were all cured, so I was assured that the prescription was fine. But now that something like this happened, I suspect that someone in the court has tampered with it and wanted to kill me with this matter."

Fu Yu sat cross-legged on the soft cushion, "Not only are you suspicious, but I am also suspicious. Today I just randomly found some common people in a hurry. Next time, if there is something wrong with this recipe, things will be different. The people who have been wronged can stop it."

His eyes flickered like bright stars in the sky, and he suddenly smiled, "Lady, don't worry, something big will happen this afternoon, as long as the emperor finds those medicinal materials that have been hoarded by others, I believe he will not be free for a while." Then get entangled in your prescription, and then you can get away from it."

Jiuya's eyes lit up, "If you have any good ideas, come and hear them."

Fu Yu smiled mysteriously, "Shanren has his own tricks, just wait and see."

When the two returned to the mansion, Fu Yu found Han Ziya and went out again, while Jiuya took the house deeds and the documents issued by the government to Anpinghou's room, and then told the whole story She said it together with her investigation, "Father, so many shops were conspired and cheated under the control of the second brother. Has anyone in the mansion heard of it? The money in the mansion is getting less and less every year. , have you ever heard someone say something? Dad, you said that Fu Yu was not allowed to know about this matter, and that the daughter-in-law investigated it secretly by herself. Today, this matter is finally resolved completely, and all the property belonging to the father-in-law and his mother is recovered. Have you thought about what to do next?"

She hoped that Anpinghou could calm down and think, if he really still missed Princess Lan, he should hand over all these properties to Fu Yu intact.

When Anpinghou heard the news, his heart was extremely heavy.Although Jiuya didn't explicitly say that Fu Changting was involved in the fraud of the shop, she also hinted at it.Besides, the income from those shops has been managed by the old lady for so many years, and I have never heard a word from the old lady.

There is clearly the old lady's selfishness in it.At that time, the foundation of the entire Houfu was not strong, so naturally only these properties could maintain the expenses of the entire Houfu.And the income is getting less and less, it must be because the old lady saw that Fu Changting was honest, and he couldn't see through his deceptions to her, so she just let it go and let it go.

At the beginning, when these properties were handed over to the old lady, it was because the public needed these properties that the shop was handed over for everyone to eat.Unexpectedly, the old lady is getting more and more confused, and she has always disliked Fu Yu, hoping that once he dies, these properties can be occupied by the public with all her heart.I knew what she was thinking a long time ago, because she was also thinking about the Houfu, so I let it go.But now that there is such a big mistake, someone wants to embezzle the property for their own use, will the Houfu be able to survive in the future?
If he hadn't seen that Fu Yu's illness was getting better now, and met a medical expert like Song Jiuya, he might recover someday, so I never thought about investigating these things.After this investigation, it turned out that there was still something wrong. Fortunately, Song Jiuya now has the ability to solve this matter thoroughly together and get her property back.

He pondered for a while, then said: "Since all the belongings have been recovered now, father can only let Chang Ting stop meddling with the affairs of the shop..."

Jiu Ya was very angry, "Dad means to return these shops to the public expenses, doesn't it?"

An Pinghou's face turned cold, "At that time, you knew about these house deeds, and I just wanted you to check them out, and didn't mean to pass them on to Fu Yu now."

Now Jiuya is really disappointed with a father like Anpinghou, she couldn't help taking a deep breath, and said slowly: "That's why you confessed not to let me tell him, right? But, dad, let's not talk about anything else, you Do you know how big the loopholes are in this mansion? You only want to maintain the prosperity of this mansion, but do you know how much they have been greedy in private?"

(End of this chapter)

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