Chapter 369
She spread out the ledgers she brought in front of him, "Father, take a look, how much money they want to spend a day, please take a look, you only care about the well-being of the head of this house, do they have money?" Have you ever thought about saving up some money to buy more land? No, they are all just filling their own pockets, and they are all doing their own little calculations."

An Pinghou had asked her to take care of the accounts before, but she hadn't seen anything, thinking she hadn't found out anything, but she didn't expect to have a clue, and she was just sitting still.He slowly flipped through the account book made by Jiuya herself. Since her bookkeeping methods are all displayed in the form of tabular statistics, although she did not use Arabic numerals, she used charcoal pencils, and the entire account was neat and clear at a glance.

This year's, last year's, a sum of money, the comparison between the real account and the false account, which money went where, all of them are clearly remembered.With just such a casual look, it can be seen that there are more than 20 taels of silver eaten by Xu in a year's deficit. This amount surprised him secretly.

"Father, my daughter-in-law knows that you want to support this family, but do you know that all these properties come from Princess Lan. Aren't you more in love with Princess Lan? You have a difficult childbirth because of Princess Lan. Not only did he grow up alone, but he even gave his mother's property to the people in the house to squander, and was finally conspired to go away. This is how you are not far from Princess Lan. Is this the reward for marrying you? Is this your reward for the child born to a woman who truly loves you? Over the years, have you fulfilled the responsibility of a father to your husband? Not at all, you have treated him since childhood Either beating or scolding, nothing more than blaming Princess Lan for dying because of him. But my husband is so innocent. He was seriously ill at the age of 13 and attempted suicide several times. If he really died at that time, wouldn’t you feel a little guilty? ?”

Jiuya endured the anger for a long time, and finally couldn't help but speak out today.

An Pinghou looked coldly, "Enough! You are not allowed to tell me these things, do you still want to teach me a lesson?"

Jiuya stared at him fearlessly, still sonorously said: "Daughter-in-law, I don't know if you really don't know or if you don't know, the husband's illness is not really an illness. But Princess Lan's death..."

She sneered extremely angrily, "Have you ever seen her dead body? Have you dug up the grave that you mourn every year? Is there really the woman you thought was dead lying there?"

Her last words pierced An Pinghou's heart like a sharp arrow, and his whole body trembled as if tempered by Yin fire. He suddenly stood up and grabbed Jiu Ya's arm, staring at her word by word and said: "What did you say? My wife's body? Did you hear something?"

Jiuya looked at him coldly, "I didn't hear anything, I just want Dad to see if there is someone you mourn in the grave that you mourn every year. At the same time, let me tell you again, if Princess Lan is not a living Your husband died, how much have you hurt people for so many years?"

An Pinghou sat down on the chair slumped, as if he had been hit by wind knives and rain arrows, Jiu Ya didn't even look at him, turned around and left, and when she came to the door, she said: "I hope Dad can go to see the grave and take this This matter is being carried out in secret, if people find out, I am afraid that the person who killed the husband will come to the door tomorrow!"

I hope this Lord Hou will not be so courageous that he dare not even do such a thing.

In Fenglin Courtyard, Mrs. Xiao was helped to bask in the sun in the yard. Her hair was still thin and neat, her eyebrows had just been tidied up, and her face was lightly covered with powder. She looked very energetic.She had always liked her superior appearance, and that decadent appearance, she thought would make her look more pitiful, and she didn't want to see sympathy and pity in the eyes of others.

She was half lying on the rattan chair, with her eyes half open because the sun was too bright, and Mama Sun brought her a large tonic porridge stewed with blood swallows, and while stirring, she said: "Auntie, it seems that your complexion has improved in the past two days There are a lot, it seems that this blood swallow porridge is still very effective, let's eat some more."

Supported by the two maids, Mrs. Xiao sat up slowly, took the bowl, and was about to say something, as if thinking of something bad, she frowned and scolded sharply: "Why don't you two low maids go away quickly? "

The two girls were so frightened that they ran away quickly.Ever since Qiaoyun's betrayal happened last time, Xiao Shi was angry when he saw these girls.

Mother Sun persuaded in a low voice: "Why should Auntie have the same knowledge as them? Aren't they just girls? If there are any disobedient ones, just sell Jiaofang as soon as possible."

Xiao's face was a little distorted at this time, "Just sell it, is it that simple? That Qiaoyun has hurt me a lot, so I haven't found anyone yet?"

"No, it seems to have disappeared out of thin air." Mama Sun said with a strange expression on her face.

How could Mrs. Xiao care about eating bloody swallow porridge? She put the bowl away viciously, gritted her teeth and said, "That Song Jiuya is so powerful. Not only did she have two powerful bodyguards by her side, she even bought and lured all my girls away. , if she continues to be so arrogant, is that okay?"

"Auntie, what are you worried about? Now that the old lady is protecting her, can she go to heaven? You can find out when you go to the kitchen. Everyone in the kitchen listened to your words and did not save Song Jiuya. Song Jiuya later questioned who was in the kitchen Didn’t the old lady suppress those people? Those people are still doing their jobs, and no one takes Song Jiuya seriously. Auntie, don’t worry, wait for a while, and when the anger subsides, He will still go to the palace to beg the empress to grant her grace and regain her status as eldest aunt, your life will be as easy as before."

Only then did Xiao's expression soften a little, and he put the bowl in his hand again, "I hope the old lady's words can influence the Hou Ye, but Jing Wen is also the Hou Ye's biological daughter, so if you don't believe me, he will just watch her down and ignore her." .”

"Zizhi is right. Jingwen is the hope of our waiting mansion. How can we let people go down like this?" Following the voice, it turned out that it was the old lady who was supported by Chen's mother.

Xiao Shi immediately got up and greeted him: "Why did the ancestor come here, it's time for the concubine to go there."

The old lady waved her hand, and Mama Sun quickly moved a chair for her to watch the hot tea.The old lady signaled Xiao to sit down, "I was so bored, I wanted to go out for a walk. Before, Mingyao came to accompany me. In recent days, she said that she would go back to worship the ancestors. The family of four returned to their hometown. It was very deserted, so I wanted to sit here with you."

(End of this chapter)

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