Chapter 371
"Of course I'm looking for people who don't know how to swallow money? Does the young lady think that her money is getting less and less?"

The two master and servant left talking and laughing while saying that they were so angry that people would not pay for their lives. Behind them, the old lady and Xiao Shi rolled their eyes at the same time and passed out.

In the other courtyard in the south of the city, Fu Yu, Han Ziya, Dayu, Li Yun and other core members formed a circle to discuss matters.

"Master, do you mean to hand over the signed alliance contracts and the storage locations of medicinal materials to Mr. Wei Yunqi of the Privy Council to expose them? If this is the case, wouldn't our losses be serious?" Big Yu said unwillingly.

Han Ziyao rolled his eyes at him, "Don't you know that the young master didn't plan to make money when he took over Tuobaye's job? Now that the three things have been accomplished, it's really the best time to reveal it at this time. It's not fun anymore."

Li Yun also said worriedly: "If Fu Changting is exposed, I'm afraid the whole Hou Mansion will be implicated. The dog emperor is eager to find trouble for the Hou Mansion, isn't he afraid that he will come to a pot?"

Fu Yu held the teacup gracefully, and took a sip, "I will deal with my second brother's matter more clearly. He killed my elder brother and conspired to steal the property of the Wen family. I don't know how many innocent women were killed. This kind of crime is extremely heinous. , I believe that in order to protect himself in the end, Mrs. Xiao will not recognize him as my father's son, and will completely abandon his relationship with him, don't worry."

Han Ziya pretended to sigh, "Unexpectedly, such an honest person as the second master is the most vicious snake buried in the depths. It's a pity that he looks so honest."

Fu Yu kicked him with a smile, "Stop being hypocritical, how is my aunt doing now?"

Han Ziya evaded his flying feet with a chair in his arms, and said with a smile: "The four of them have already taken the road from Yuanchuan to the west, and it is estimated that they will reach Luxi in less than half a month. Something happened. As long as Lu Xi is here, the old prince will know what happened to Princess Lan when he pressed him."

Fu Yu hummed, and suddenly said with a serious face: "Now that the grandson of the emperor is taking advantage of my wife's loopholes to return all the property in the shop, he will definitely become angry, so immediately arrange for Ma Chengming and Li Dakun to take over the shop as soon as possible, and create a big public opinion." Let everyone in the capital know how these shops came back, and praise the emperor grandson, with a big hat, can he personally discredit his own reputation?"

Li Yun took the order immediately, and Fu Yu then arranged: "My second brother suffered such a serious injury, and he will definitely jump over the wall to find my wife's misfortune, so you must send 40 more people to ambush the Chunhua Courtyard, day and night. Shou, don't let that guy have a chance to play tricks."

Big Yu also took orders, and Fu Yu then asked the skillful Yun Qi beside him, "Did you explain who the two people were from last time?"

Yun Qi chuckled and said: "Under my interrogation, those two iron-boned tough guys finally confessed that they are members of the Beiya Imperial Army, but they are regular soldiers raised by the imperial court. The young master must also know , the Beiya Imperial Army is now led by Yang Shihong, the elder brother of Concubine Yang's natal family, so it can be inferred that those people who want to kill the young mistress must have something to do with the Crown Prince."

Han Ziya realized it and said: "What a commander of the Beiya imperial army, young master, it seems that you were not poisoned by Mrs. Xiao alone. The enemy is huge in front of you, so you have to be careful."

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows and smiled, tsk tsk said loudly: "I'm not poisonous now, so I'm really afraid of those sons of bitches? Don't worry about it, just follow the plan first, there will be a good show in the capital for a while... "

There was a low and eager laughter from the other courtyard.

That afternoon, Emperor Hongwu was about to go to the Imperial Hospital to witness Jiuya's healing skills. The shortage of Huoxiang, Baixiang and other medicinal materials in the country was unexpectedly bought and stored in large quantities by someone who spent a lot of money a few years ago.He secretly checked many places all the way from the capital, and found the traces of that group of people. Finally, after careful investigation arranged by him, he finally intercepted a document.And this document is a contract signed by someone to conspire to buy medicinal materials at a low price and hoard them, and then sell them at a high price.

These people were preparing for it years ago, how did they know that there would be a cholera outbreak in Daxia?According to this inference, there must be someone deliberately spreading the disease for their own benefit.

Emperor Hongwu was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the secret report. In Daxia, there are actually people spreading the disease just to make money?If the enemy wants to destroy Daxia, there is no medicine to cure Daxia, wouldn't it mean that the people are sick and the country is weak, and the whole great river and mountain will be torn apart by people?
Wei Yunqi said again: "Your Majesty, I have already found out the place where those people store medicinal materials. It is in Jiulong Mountain, fifty miles away from the capital. We'd better catch the culprit right now, and then quickly remove the medicinal materials. Transport it to Luyi to stabilize the morale of the army."

Emperor Hongwu suppressed his shock in his heart, lowered his eyes to look at the memorial in his hand, Longyan said angrily: "Do you know who is so courageous, dare to do such evil deeds to punish the nine clans?"

Wei Yunqi wondered: "Your Majesty, these two people are very powerful, one is your grandson Tuobaye, and the other is the honest second son Fu Changting of Anping Hou Mansion..."

Emperor Hongwu scanned the memorial, slapped the table and said, "It's unreasonable, it's all right!"

A guard behind him responded immediately: "The humble job is here!"

"Immediately, you and Zhao He will each bring 500 troops to Jinwang Mansion and Anping Hou Mansion to arrest Tuobaye and Fu Changting. Remember, none of them can escape!"


Qi Tong took the order to leave, and Emperor Hong Wu once again ordered the justice behind him: "Send the grandson of the emperor to come here immediately, and tell me that I have something urgent."


Eunuch De walked away in a hurry, Emperor Hong Wu closed his eyes slightly, after he asked the prince before, the prince said that he had never given any order to the imperial physicians in the Imperial Medical Office, this matter was related to the safety of the country, even if there was a conflict of interests, he Absolutely can't do it.

He didn't believe it before, but when the incident came out, he believed it completely, because it was an epidemic deliberately caused by someone, how could it make people get better?They disturbed the rear of the army, nothing more than hoping to make a profit.But how can such a matter of the overall situation be destroyed by these rat shit?
(End of this chapter)

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