Chapter 372
Right now, the one who catches his eye and has a brain and strategy is the emperor's grandson Tuoba Yue. I hope that he will not disappoint him this time.

After a while, Tuoba Yue rushed over, and Emperor Hongwu immediately explained the matter to him, and ordered: "Grandson, the emperor's grandfather trusts you very much now, so the person who went to Jiulong Mountain to carry the medicinal materials The matter must be completed satisfactorily for the imperial grandfather, do you know?"

Tuoba Yue knelt down to accept the order.

After leaving the palace, he prepared 500 people and horses to go to Jiulong Mountain in a short time. However, the moment he got on the carriage, a stalwart man rode away quietly, because he had just passed away from the emperor's grandson. There was an order to blow up all the medicinal materials there before the 500 men and horses reached Jiulong Mountain, leaving no residue!
Tuoba Yue led the team out of the city, but when their transport team of 500 people arrived at Jiulong Mountain, the mountain road there had collapsed and the road was closed. In the smoke and dust, no trace of medicinal materials can be seen, it is clear that before they hurried over, this place was destroyed with explosives, and even the residue of medicinal materials was hard to find.

The 500 people were stunned. This time, Tuoba Yue led the imperial guard army under the personal control of Emperor Hongwu. A head of a thousand households led more than 100 people. Now, the head of a thousand households surnamed Lu sent half of them here , Such a small matter thought it could be done, but in the end, someone took the lead and blew up the target.

He was tongue-tied for a long time before he said: "His Royal Highness, what should we do?"

Tuoba Yue pursed the corners of his lips, and looked around coldly, "It seems that those two guys have very keen senses, they knew we were coming, so they came here first, but it was Master Wei's news that was still a step late. Since the medicinal materials are gone, we can only report the truth and return to Beijing!"

So a large group of people returned without success, and returned empty-handed. When Emperor Hongwu heard the news, he was so angry that he threw out the inkstone in front of the case, and vowed to catch the two little animals to cramp and skin them.

However, those who went to arrest Tuobaye and Fu Changting were not smooth. When a group of people surrounded Jinwangfu, Tuobaye was not in Jinwangfu at all. There was a big bang, and the heart of wanting to die was all there.The two dressed up at the same time, and entered the palace together to cry to see Sheng Jia.

At the same time, since Emperor Hongwu took only an hour from getting the news to sending troops to arrest people, he moved very quickly. Before Fu Changting got the news, the whole Hou Mansion was surrounded.

If it was normal, he knew that his affairs had been leaked, and officers and soldiers surrounded the mansion to arrest him, he would definitely have taken a secret path to escape.But when the officers and soldiers surrounded the Hou's mansion, he was surrounding Mrs. Xiao and the old lady saying that most of the shops were no longer under his control.

Because Ma Chengming and Li Dakun, one of Fu Yu's subordinates, were extremely efficient in handling affairs, without any warning, more than 20 shops attacked at the same time with the help of the house deeds, and instantly seized the shopkeepers, assistants, and accountants in each shop.These people sent by Ma Chengming and Li Dakun are not vegetarians. They have always been good at murdering, arson, torture and extorting confessions. All kinds of methods emerge in endlessly. When the news is completely blocked, they let those shopkeepers and accountants report the affairs of the shop with lightning speed. Accounts are all accounted for clearly.

Who are Ma Chengming and Li Dakun? Big profits.At the same time, he trained many business management talents.Now that they were suddenly ordered to take over these new industries, they did not hesitate to take over the major shops without any delay.

After finishing the work, all the shopkeepers and cashiers were driven out, and the errands were left behind, and they planned to replace them together in the future.

By the time the shopkeeper came to Changting crying and complaining, the shop had completely changed hands.He was furious, thinking of the countless shops that had been closed by the government before, half of which were stolen by him, and he heard that the grandson of the emperor came forward, because of the suspicion caused by a poisonous needle.This morning, I heard that those shops were re-broken to the original owner by Mr. Xue. Although he was angry, he, the mastermind behind the scenes, could do nothing, because he must not expose his own guarding and stealing.

However, at this time the shop was suddenly replaced by the person who held Fu Yu's house deed, and he couldn't get any more money, so he thought it was the old lady and Xiao's tricks.If it wasn't for the house deed falling into the hands of others, how could he be kicked out?
"Auntie, grandma, what did I do wrong to make you treat me like this? Did I not pay the mansion on time? Where did the 10 taels of silver come from every year? Is it because I was greedy and made you dissatisfied?" My behavior? But I didn’t have any of them. Taking a step back, even if you are not satisfied with me, you should notify me in advance, right? You just replaced all the shopkeepers and accountants without saying a word, did you consider my feelings? Did you? Care about my face? Am I a descendant of your Fu family?"

With a look of inferiority and grief, Fu Changting forced the old lady and Aunt Xiao to question with a louder voice than ever before.

The old lady and Aunt Xiao were angered by Jiuya not long ago, and they were still discussing how to go to Anpinghou to show some temper and ask for the deed. In the mansion, I had to wait there.Unexpectedly, Fu Changting came to tell them the news at this time, and the two of them were also very surprised. They didn't expect Song Jiuya to move so fast, and just got the house deed, and replaced all the shops to take over.

"It's unreasonable. That little bitch dared to bully our Hou's mansion like this. Mr. Hao, you go out now, and you have to find the Hou's master no matter what. Our Fu family can't afford such a daughter-in-law. Hurry up and ask him to come back and get that The little bitch is dealt with!" The old lady immediately became angry, slapping the table and the bench, determined to drive Song Jiuya away.

Director Hao went out, and Aunt Xiao gave Fu Changting a sigh of relief, "Changting, why don't we let you manage the shop? It's really a good thing for that little whore, Song Jiuya. The lady's house deeds were all cheated. She just showed us the house deeds, but she turned around and someone took over the whole shop. Who is that little whore, and she has such great abilities? How could she be a woman? To do this, there must be a concubine outside, as soon as your father comes back, he will definitely pursue her responsibility and drive her out."

(End of this chapter)

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