Chapter 373
Fu Changting's heart tightened, is it Song Jiuya again?He has been putting up with her for a long time, he never imagined that the last time he used such a trick, he failed to separate her from Fu Yu, what kind of ability does this little girl have?There are also the poisonous needles that appeared inexplicably in the mansion, and the poisonous needles that suddenly appeared in the Jubao building to kill people, it seems that the little girl is responsible for it all.Now that he has robbed the shop again, for a moment, his teeth itch with hatred. If Jiuya were here, maybe he would kill her right now.

When the three of them were cursing Jiu Ya, An Pinghou was finally found by Manager Hao.The old lady scolded her head and face: "Qiu Li, why do you want to let Yu's daughter-in-law take charge of those shops? What kind of benefits did she give you, making you disregard the interests of our entire marquis? Are you going to give your daughter-in-law control? This old lady is so angry that she is willing to rest?"

Fu Changting also knelt down in front of An Pinghou with an honest face, "Father, what did I do wrong to treat me like this? Tell me..."

Anping Hou glanced at him with his hands behind his back, and stared at the old lady with a stern look: "Am I disregarding the interests of our entire Hou Mansion? Mother, do you know what good things this little beast has done?"

The old lady shouted: "What's a good thing? Chang Ting has always been honest. Naturally, all the good things he does are beneficial to our residence? Do you think it takes human energy to run those shops? Over the past few years, he has been conscientious, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and never said a word. Complaints, who is as down-to-earth as him? Huh?"

Anpinghou sighed, pulled Fu Changting up from the ground, then turned around and said, "Mother, when I handed it over to you, there were a total of 46 shops. When I checked, there were still so many shops. But do you know how many shops have been defrauded? With so many shops, do you know that you have to pay other people’s debts a year? Don’t you know how much profit you made in a year at the beginning, and how much profit you make in a year now? ?”

The old lady said almost stubbornly: "Although there are fewer, Changting also said that business is not easy now, and it is normal for business to have ups and downs. Why do you judge him based on this? Now that Qingyan is gone , Fu Yu is sick again, you are such a healthy and normal son now, if you don’t give these things to him, are you going to hand them all to Song Jiuya, an outsider? What kind of ecstasy did you take from her? "

An Pinghou looked at the old lady, and there was an almost sad expression in his usually cold eyes. Is this old lady still the wise and decisive mother back then?Protecting weaknesses, being unreasonable, stubborn, listening to greedy words, not seeing the dark side of people, are you really old and confused?
He said lightly: "Yes, what mother said seems to be Changting's reasoning, but those shops that have been cheated by others have to pay compensation, even if all the belongings of our Houfu are paid, Changting, you say this is just Is the business going to lose money?"

Fu Changting's back felt a little chilly, he couldn't help taking two steps back, his eyes flickered and said: "Father, don't listen to the nonsense of the third sister-in-law... There is no such thing..."

"There is no such thing? So what is the case Mr. Xue is going to trial today? Don't you also treat Dad as a fool?" An Pinghou's tone was surprisingly calm, but he just stared at him. When there is something not as good as you want, you will take all the property by yourself? And tell us to pay the debt owed to you by the Houfu, and then everyone will look at you to live?"

"I don't, I don't..." Fu Changting stepped back to hide, Xiao Shi stopped in front of him when he saw this, and said angrily: "Master, Changting is your son, not a beggar. Thinking so badly? How could he deny all his previous hard work when he made a mistake in business? He has always been kind-hearted, when did he do something wrong?"

Seeing this face, An Pinghou suddenly remembered the words Jiu Ya said before leaving, during which time he thought of countless possibilities, did Xiao kill his wife?A woman who gave birth before her full term, if there is no remains of her in the tomb tonight, then what misfortune happened to her?
Suddenly, an inexplicable anger welled up in his heart, and he raised his hand and slapped her hard on the face, saying word by word: "Go away! The last thing I want to see now is you! If you don't allow me in the future! , if you step into this room again, I will cripple your legs and feet!"

Xiao Shi was beaten until she lost two teeth on the spot, covering her mouth full of blood and weeping bitterly. The old lady was furious, "Are you crazy? Why did you beat her again for no reason?"

An Pinghou looked at her coldly, and said heavily and slowly: "Over the years, I have entrusted you with all the affairs of this mansion for the sake of my mother being sensible, but now it seems that it is I don’t know people, and I did something wrong. It’s been so many years, my mother doesn’t know how many people in this mansion are greedy for money? Don’t you value the interests of the entire Marquis Mansion the most? What did you do? Just be with everyone Divide up the property in the mansion until it is stripped to nothing but an empty shell? Well, since you said that it is just empty words to think about the whole Hou mansion, then what do I care? Those shops were originally owned by Yuer, and now I just What's wrong with returning it to him?"

The old lady was panting with anger. Just as she was about to be taught a lesson, Manager Hao rushed in like a stray dog, "Master Hou, it's not good, there are many officers and soldiers surrounding our residence..."

Everyone in the room was startled, but before they could react, they saw Qi Tong leading people in, and An Pinghou said in surprise: "Master Qi, what is this for?"

Qi Tong had a serious expression on his face, "Master Hou, I have come to arrest Fu Changting under the emperor's order! I have offended you, come and arrest Fu Changting!"

More than a dozen personal guards behind him drew their swords and surrounded Fu Changting. Fu Changting looked around and asked loudly, "What crime did I commit? Why did the emperor arrest me?"

Qi Tong sneered, "The emperor has already obtained the evidence. You and the prince of Jin have partnered to resell and stockpile medicinal materials, and you are even suspected of spreading cholera. Do you still want to escape? Arrest them!"

Before the old lady and Mrs. Xiao came to their senses, more than a dozen personal guards rushed towards Fu Changting.Fu Changting never expected that this matter would be leaked. He didn't care too much, and suddenly shot at a guard, trying to break out and rush out to resist arrest.Qi Tong's complexion changed drastically, and he shouted angrily: "How dare you resist arrest? The people outside are listening, if you see the criminal rushing out, immediately shoot to death with random arrows!"

(End of this chapter)

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