Chapter 374
Fu Changting was still rushing from left to right, but at this moment his broad body was as flexible as a cheetah, he rubbed close, slapped his elbows, took out the knife, and slashed with the knife, all with ruthlessness and precision, and in a blink of an eye, the three guards fell on the ground. fell under his knife.

Seeing this, Anping Hou was stunned and the old lady withdrew quickly. He had no reason to intervene in the court's handling of the case, otherwise it would implicate the entire Hou Mansion.

Since Qi Tong is the general of Emperor Hongwu's personal guard, it is needless to say the means of arresting the most important criminals.With another wave of his hand, more than 50 archers had climbed onto the wall, and the remaining ten guards retreated quickly, shooting arrows at Fu Changting like rain.Fu Changting rolled over, and the sword danced so hard that the water couldn't get in. He retreated while dancing, and when he reached the moon cave gate, he suddenly pulled up, ready to leap over the wall to break out, but just as he got up, he felt the darkness in front of his eyes. The cloud suddenly pressed against the top like a rolling wave, and he wanted to fall, but there was a glare of swords below him, and then his body tightened, and he was already wrapped in a big black net.The people around lifted the net and turned it over. He had completely lost the ability to attack, and he was caught without a fight.

Looking at the three personal guards who were hacked, Qi Tong's face was extremely ugly, he asked someone to help them, and turned to Anpinghou and said: "Master Hou, what a crime, the criminal has been caught, I have to go to restore the emperor immediately." Fate, farewell!"

Only then did the old lady come to her senses, and said loudly, "Why are you arresting people?"

Qi Tong sneered twice, "If you have something to ask the emperor, it's useless to talk to us."

Seeing that he was about to be taken away, Fu Changting was trapped in the net and shouted for help, "Father, grandma, save me, I didn't do anything, I was me..."

"My son..." Xiao screamed and wanted to chase her, but there was no way to catch her. When she came out, Fu Changting had already been escorted into the car, and five hundred guards roared away.

In the evening, on the observation tower in the south of the city, there is a bustling scene.It's already the beginning of the lanterns, and there is a sound of laughter in the restaurant. High-ranking officials, merchants, literati, and traffickers all gather here.In the middle are mixed with violent boxing orders, the sound of drinking and singing, and everywhere you look, there are beautiful lanterns of different shapes, and all kinds of goods show their beauty in the dimly lit place.

In the lobby of the Observation Building, a young man was sitting at a square table and was playing games with three young men. He was dressed in a black brocade robe, revealing a white silk and brocade deep clothing, which was bright and gorgeous, against which he had fine eyebrows and eyes. Yade's suffocating face is plump and bright, as clear as the moon.

At this time, his voice was the loudest, he punched down with a round of punches, pointed at the young master opposite and laughed loudly: "You lost again, fine wine and fine wine, this time fine two big cups, not a drop is allowed."

The young master on the opposite side was already blushing from drinking, Baxi said bitterly, "Fu Sanshao, can't you let me give in? We've all lost before, why didn't you lose even once? I'll drink the wine alone I get the most, and then I have to pay for the wine, which is very unfair."

Fu Yu put the jug in front of him in high spirits, clapped his palms and laughed loudly: "Mr. Fang is rich and powerful, and he can drink a lot. How can he care about the money for this little wine? Look at your belly, even if you drink another ten catties, eight catties will not be enough. I can go on drinking, drinking, pushing and resisting like a bitch, which is very contemptible."

The two young masters next to him also laughed, one on the left and the other on the right, held Young Master Fang down, picked up the wine glass, and tilted it from the head. , half of it flowed down the clothes.After one cup, and another cup, I complained incessantly.

Seeing that Fu Yu wanted to continue after pouring him, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, and a hard object with sharpness was pressing against him, and then he heard a lazy voice saying in his ear: "Third Young Master, finally Found you, let's take a step to talk."

Fu Yu raised his eyebrows calmly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and cupped his hands at the three young masters at the same time: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry now, so I won't accompany you for a while."

The three young masters saw a tall young man standing behind him with his head down, and couldn't see his face. They thought he was familiar with him, so they didn't care. I want to take revenge on you, and you have to pay for the wine."

Fu Yu swaggered away, followed closely behind him by the slender man in purple brocade robe. The man pushed Fu Yu into a secluded guest room before raising his head with a gloomy expression.That face was like a blush in the ice and snow, feminine and handsome, with a slight chill, it was Tuobaye.

Fu Yu smiled behind his back, and suddenly turned his left hand and slapped it backward like a spirit snake. Tuobaye sneered, and sent the dagger forward, and at the same time met his left with his right hand, but the dagger in his left hand stabbed Soft and soft, seemingly empty but not empty, he was still in astonishment, Fu Yu's feet jumped up, and he kicked him in the vagina from an incredible angle, the moves were ruthless, spicy and accurate, and Tuobaye backed away in shock.

Fu Yu's leg attack was like cutting pear meat, killing his life like burning tea, he cornered Tuobaye in a blink of an eye, and finally when the window suddenly burst into murderous aura, he turned and retreated to the door, and The three of them are attacking and defending.

He is brave and strong, like a golden wheel with a sharp edge that can't be returned in time. At this moment, he stood upright with his sleeves in the air, and said with a mocking face: "Tuobaye, now that you have become a bereaved dog, how dare you stand in front of me?" Saye, aren't you afraid of suffering in that prison?"

Tuoba Yejun gritted his teeth and said, "Why did you only arrest me and Fu Changting? Who leaked those secrets? Tell me, is it a good thing?"

Fu Yu laughed loudly, stepped on the bench, and said in a carefree and ruffian way, "So what? Did you have any good intentions when you invited me to join the team? You said you were making a lot of money, you were short of funds, it was all bullshit." In this matter, the early stage must be to make money, but after making money, it will be strange if you don’t send me to the emperor! Your double-edged sword will not only defeat King Qi’s army, but even our Houfu will bring us Lu Xidu went in together, Tuobaye, what on earth do you want to do? I don't remember that I have any grudges against you, let alone that our Houfu offended you, why did you drag us into the water, huh?"

Tuobaye's face changed rapidly, "Grandma, did you know what I wanted to do from the beginning?"

Fu Yu curled his lips contemptuously, "I didn't know it at first, I just knew that you are very sinister and vicious, and you will never send good things to me if you have nothing to do. However, when you know that you have repeatedly provoked my wife Only then did I check you carefully. Bah, you don’t even look at who I am. You dare to touch my woman. It’s obviously because you think it’s too long. If you want to drag us into the water and hit us with death, why don’t I use it? reason?"

(End of this chapter)

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