Chapter 375
Tuobaye's eyes were gloomy, "You treat me like this because I once wanted to touch Song Jiuya?"

"Not bad!"

Tuobaye was almost heartbroken for a moment, if he knew this, he shouldn't have touched Song Jiuya in the first place.Obviously, this matter is about to be completed, but Fu Yu, a cunning thing, put it all together. He vomited blood in his heart, "That is to say, you deliberately leaked our affairs and the storage place of medicinal materials? Are you not afraid that I will go too?" Tell you, the above, but the three of us signed and pressed our fingerprints at the same time, do you want to die yourself?"

Fu Yu giggled, "Now you can take out your contract and have a look. Does it have my signature and fingerprints on it?"

Tuobaye's face tightened, he didn't bring that thing with him, "Did you tamper with it?"

Fu Yu clicked his tongue, "It seems that you are really ignorant, have you never seen ink made of a special potion? Not to mention the ink pad, I'm sorry, after so many months, it has already There is no trace of me at all, so I have to let you and Changting take care of it."

Tuobaye was so angry that his seven orifices were filled with smoke, and cursed: "I heard that Changting has been arrested, do you think you guys can hide in the Houfu? It's all for you to harm me, since you know the result, why did you drag your second brother in? "

"I knew that you didn't understand this, so you came here to ask me on purpose. But, it's not you who asked, I will answer. Since you didn't say why you dragged our Hou Fu and Lu Xi into the water, as for your question, I won't say anything either. Well, our fate ends here, I'm leaving, you keep busy."

After saying that, Fu Yu walked towards the door, how could Tuobaye let him go, he waved at the two men who sealed the window, and the three of them jumped up and rushed towards Fu Yu at the same time.Fu Yu's body was full of strength, and he slammed into the door like an arrow, only to hear a bang, sawdust flying everywhere, his men slammed into the railing again, and at the same time shouted: "The suspect is here, the officers and soldiers can serve with bows and arrows. "

The three people inside chased after him, without stopping for a while, the three of them were exposed to the light at the same time, and at the same time, arrows shot from the opposite roof like a rain of locusts, and Tuobaye cursed, "Fu Yu, you actually set a trap to harm me? From now on, I will be at odds with you!"

He scolded and rolled into the house, Fu Yu clapped his hands and laughed loudly from below, "My lord, you can escape this test first, you are already a prisoner of the imperial court, if you still want to live, just obediently arrest you, maybe you can survive." Save a dog's life. If you resist, you will definitely die without a place to bury you."

While he was saying these words, Tuobaye hid in the house, the three of them looked outside, they were surrounded by officers and soldiers with swords drawn, and after a little discussion, the three of them worked out an escape plan.One of them took out a black cylinder from the baggage behind him, the other took the thick back knife from his back, and one of them chopped on the wooden floor until a hole was exposed, and the black cylinder was ignited and thrown away. Go in, and then hear the sound of explosions from below, the screams of people, the smoke filled the air, and the people who were injured and frightened by the explosion fled in all directions. Now it is in chaos, and it is impossible to tell who is who.

Tuobaye jumped down with two people, took advantage of the chaos and used the smoke as a cover to run away separately. Although the officers and soldiers around knew that they were mixed in, they couldn't hurt too many people, let alone a person who was not afraid of death in a panic. Jump over to catch and check one by one.As soon as they moved, Tuobaye had already escaped from their encirclement. By the time they realized it, he had already rushed up to the roof and rushed away. There were constant explosions all the way, and I don't know how many murders he caused.

Seeing it, Fu Yu felt that it was a pity, and said a few words to that Chief Qianwei, hoping that he would say something nice in front of the emperor, etc., and hurried to the waiting mansion.

That night, Emperor Hongwu conducted a surprise trial on Fu Changting. However, the sudden trial at that time was very strange. The Ministry of Criminal Justice personally escorted Fu Changting into the Chengde Hall of the Imperial Palace. Two hours of interrogation.

Two hours later, Emperor Hongwu left, and Fu Changting was taken to prison again.

The Anpinghou's mansion was in chaos at this time, Xiao cried and begged Anpinghou to go and beg the emperor to let Fu Changting go, the old lady couldn't believe it, and said that such an honest child like Fu Changting, it was impossible for him to do anything. Such a violation of the law of the country.

The third wife, the third master, and the first lady were all there at the same time, and they looked sad. They didn't expect Fu Changting to be such a person.

At this time, even the clan members from the same branch as the old Hou Ye came. If such a big incident happened in the Hou Mansion, they would also be implicated if one did not do well.

Although Anping Hou knew from the incidents in those shops that Fu Changting was not as honest as he appeared to be, he did not expect him to do such a thing. He went to the Prince's Mansion to find out that it was true.And the place where the medicinal materials are stored has been found, but unfortunately it has been destroyed. The emperor is furious, and no one knows what to do about it.

In the hall, Wen Caihe looked relieved and indifferent, neither happy nor sad, Chunmei cried heartbrokenly in Xiao's voice, if something happened to Fu Changting, what would happen to the child in her belly?Does it make her a widow before the child is born?How can you be so miserable?

Some clan uncles discussed with Anpinghou for a while, but they didn't come up with a good idea. Xiao's crying was even more disturbing. Anpinghou scolded: "Why are you crying? Why don't you go to one side? "

Xiao's heart was about to break. Qing Yan died, Jing Wen was abolished, and now Chang Ting was arrested again. She planned her whole life just for them. Now all these hopes were suddenly shattered. She felt that God really treated her It's not fair, not only did Anpinghou's scolding not make her quiet, but she got up and grabbed Anpinghou's sleeve as if she had spilled it, and said bitterly: "Master Hou, is this what will happen to me? I'm sorry for not doing anything. Why do you treat our children like this? Qingyan is gone, and you admit that the little prostitute came to harm my daughter, and now Changting is also harmed by her. You return my son, you compensate my daughter, or I will That little whore's life is about to be killed!"

The normally elegant lady is no different from a shrew at this time, and the uncles shook their heads, "Master Hou, you must calm down at this time, how can you be disturbed by a woman so that the house is so restless? Let me tell you Help her go, we have to think carefully about how to do it."

(End of this chapter)

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