Chapter 376
As soon as Mrs. Xiao heard what they said, he turned around and cursed: "Your sons and daughters have never had such a thing, so you are talking sarcastic here. You are usually attached to the Hou Ye, but now something happened to our Hou Mansion, pretending to think about it. In the name of the method, it’s clearly a joke, and it’s you who should go.”

She is not confused, now that Chang Ting has committed such a serious crime, and it is in the hands of the emperor, he is already doomed. What these people say to save or not is just going through the motions.Only Anpinghou can really save Changting.

The faces of the uncles changed suddenly. They came to help out of good intentions, but they were scolded so badly by her. One cousin stood up and said, "What a shrew who doesn't know what to do, Lord Hou, let's just leave now. It seems that there is no one here We are not needed."

All the people left angrily, and Anpinghou didn't want to stay. The old lady sat aside and wiped her tears, "Qiu Li, is there really no other way? He's the only one in your house now, why? You can't just leave it to chance..."

"Why is it that the second brother is the only one, am I not my father's son?" With this sound, Fu Yu and Jiu Ya walked in side by side.

At this time, the old lady had no energy to heal their anger with them, so she stopped answering.

Fu Yu's face was calm, but with boundless hatred in his eyes, he coldly swept over the faces of Mrs. Xiao and the old lady, and then handed a booklet in his hand to An Pinghou, "Father, you can look at the second brother now." Let’s see what he has done? And what happened to Big Brother Ye on the mountain road to Wude that night, let’s see if Second Brother Auntie has something to do with it.”

Xiao's face tightened, and he stared at Fu Yu, "What nonsense are you talking about? What does your elder brother's accident have to do with me?"

Fu Yu sneered, "If you want to be unknown, you have to do nothing. In order to get rid of Jiu Ya smoothly, you, the eldest sister and the emperor's grandson wanted to send away the upright elder brother, and by the way, create a false impression that something happened to him, and put I will also lure him over. Only in this way can you successfully attack Jiuya. But who knew that the second brother heard the news that the eldest brother was leaving Beijing, and he actually ambushed halfway, killed the eldest brother and threw him into the mountain stream by himself. The villain who murdered his brother, father, do you still need to save him?"

The old lady was shocked when she heard this, and she lost her voice: "What? Did Changting kill Qingyan? Why did he do this?"

Xiao Shi didn't believe it, and said loudly: "Old Ancestor, he is just harming Changting, how can you believe such words?"

And from the moment Fu Yu handed the booklet to An Pinghou, Wen Caihe's face changed, and his whole body trembled, like a little flower about to wither in a storm.

Anpinghou ignored them, and picked up the booklet and flipped through it page by page. The more he looked at the back, the more shocked he was, and his usually steady hands began to shake. Everyone was stunned.

After a long while, he mechanically turned his head to look at Wen Caihe, and said with difficulty: "Is all of this true?"

Wen Caihe's face was full of tears, and she knelt down in front of Anpinghou, "Father, please save our family, that beast said he would destroy our family, and my daughter-in-law has lived so far, death is not a pity, she is just the father of the family The old mother and two younger sisters are really innocent..."

The grief she had suppressed for several years seemed to find an outlet for a while, and she covered her face and cried bitterly.

Anping Hou gritted his teeth, "Beast, beast, it's useless for me to think about how to help him, but in the end there is nothing he can't do in this world, killing his elder brother, killing his wife, seeking property, why did I give birth to such a beast? Sacrifice!"

Mrs. Xiao was still waiting for a sophistry, but at this moment, Eunuch De, who was beside Emperor Hong Wu, came to invite him, and An Ping Hou hurriedly followed him into the palace.

The old lady pulled Fu Yu to ask Changting about killing Qingyan. Xiao Shi had nowhere to find someone to kill Xue. When she turned her head and saw Jiuya who was helping Wen Caihe, her eyes suddenly turned cold, and she suddenly picked up a fruit from the fruit plate next to her. He stabbed Jiuya's back with the knife.Jiuya really didn't expect Xiao Shi to be so maddened, and he didn't guard against it. Fu Yu was pulled by the old lady, but he didn't break away for a moment. Seeing that the knife was about to enter the flesh, Wen Caihe, who raised his eyes, suddenly pushed Jiuya away. Open, Xiao Shi confiscated the knife, and stabbed Wen Caihe shoulder well with a bang.

Wen Caihe covered her shoulders and cried out in pain, Fu Yu came over and kicked the knife in Xiao Shi's hand away, and at the same time grabbed her neck and said angrily: "Do you want to die now too?"

Xiao laughed like crazy, "I won't die, how could I die? After raising you for so many years, it turned out that I was raising a tiger without any danger. If I had known today, I should have strangled you to death back then! "

The old lady shouted angrily, "Zizhi, how can you talk nonsense!"

Xiao Shi was woken up by her roar, and then began to cry bitterly. Fu Yu endured, but finally did not smash his fist down.Because he was really afraid that his mother would be imprisoned by Mrs. Xiao, but now he didn't get any words from his aunt, and he couldn't vent the matter indiscriminately, so he could only suppress his hatred and anger, and threw Mrs. Xiao to the ground, "Mr. Save your dog's life."

He turned around and pulled Jiuya away, ignored the people here, and returned to Chunhua Courtyard.

He just went in, but Han Ziya came out with a clean face, "Master, it's not good, I heard that the medicinal materials in Nine Dragon Mountain were blown up, and things might be troublesome now."

Fu Yu was also taken aback when he heard that, "How could this happen? Do you know who did it?"

Han Ziya shook his head, "I don't know, could it be that Tuobaye got the news early and blew up the medicinal materials immediately?"

Several people were puzzled, the three of them were talking, Yudie came in with tea, she put the tea in front of Jiuya and Fu Yu with a cold face, took a step back and said: "Young Mistress, I want to Go back to the Song Mansion tomorrow to see my mother, I wonder if it's okay?"

In recent days, Jiuya has noticed that Yudie's smile has decreased a lot.Even though she was talking and laughing to herself, she could feel that it was forced by her. She often sat in a daze in one place, and sighed so many times.Although she could see that she had something on her mind, she knew that Yudie was an assertive person. Since she didn't say anything, she must be able to solve it by herself, so she didn't ask.

Now she suddenly said that she wanted to go back to see her mother. Although it was normal, it was also abnormal.

She smiled and said, "Okay, you didn't make it when we went back last time. This time, I'll grant you two days off to get together with your mother."

(End of this chapter)

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