Chapter 377
Yudie lowered her eyes and said, "Thank you young lady."

She turned and walked away with sadness in her eyes.The Jackdaw next to him was breathless, and lowered his eyes instead.

Jiuya frowned, as if sensing something abnormal between the two of them, and was about to ask, but Han Ziya got up and walked out.

"My lady, the medicinal materials are being bombed right now, so we may be in trouble now." Fu Yu was still thinking about the news he just received.

Jiuya came back to her senses, "I don't think it's troublesome if the medicinal materials are bombed, I'm just worried that the emperor will be uneasy and kind, and will use this to imprison our whole family."

Fu Yu laughed, "That's not true. The first is that Tuobaye's father is the King of Jin. Who is the King of Jin? He is the emperor's own son. If our Houfu will be implicated because of this matter, unless the emperor first takes Jin The king solved it together, and my father did not make any mistakes. The emperor moved him for no reason, which will inevitably cause turmoil in the prince's camp, because this is a clear indication that the emperor wants to strip the prince's forces to support the king of Qi. The emperor is now on both sides. Trying hard to balance, without convincing evidence, he will not move the entire Houfu for the time being. Besides, the bombing of medicinal materials is a bad thing as well as a good thing. If you don't believe me, just wait and see, the emperor will summon you tomorrow morning. "

Jiuya believed his analysis, but she didn't believe in his last sentence. Could it be that he still predicts things like a god?

However, it wasn't until the second day that she completely admired Fu Yu's prediction.But the development of things was completely unexpected.

Only early in the morning, Fu Changting, who was taken away like that yesterday, was released without charge. He came back proudly, making the old lady and Mrs. Xiao very happy to worship the Bodhisattva.

Before Jiuya could figure out the reason, someone in the palace summoned her and Fu Yu into the palace, this time it was Empress Ma herself.

Jiu Ya and Fu Yu were invited into the Palace of Compassion and Peace. After the meeting, Empress Ma gave them seats and had tea.

"I don't know what's the reason why the Empress summoned us?" Jiuya had a good impression of Empress Ma, and she felt that she was very protective of her, so when she spoke, she was not so unfamiliar and polite, and she was a little more homely. means to come.

Empress Ma looked at the radiant young couple sitting at the bottom, feeling a lot of emotion in her heart.However, her face was still peaceful and loving, and she said helplessly in melancholy: "If it's not a very important matter, I wouldn't have called you young couple over. Presumably you should also have heard that the medicinal materials that the emperor finally found are gone. Was it blown up?"

Fu Yu smiled and said, "I heard about it, but who did it?"

"It hasn't been found out yet. I heard that the emperor suddenly interrogated your second brother last night. Your second brother said that he definitely did not do this." Empress Ma sighed and said seriously: "I heard that it was your second brother and Tuobaye who did it." I was very surprised about the hoarding of medicines and reselling them. Later, I heard that the medicines were bombed, and my whole heart was shaken. Now the epidemic situation in Xinyi and Luyi is getting worse, and many infected people have died. A lot of officials were killed, and the people's hearts were extremely unstable. Now if someone with malicious intentions instigates a little more, the whole south will fall into chaos and chaos. It is only the support of a prosperous dynasty. Therefore, it is really a merciless request for me to invite the county lord here today."

Jiuya and Fu Yu looked at each other, "Your Majesty wants my wife to..."

Empress Ma nodded, "I don't know why the people I sent before couldn't treat people according to your prescription, but I believe in your medical skills, so for the sake of the common people and the people of Daxia, I implore this time. The county magistrate personally goes to the epidemic area to inspect, and can pass on the real treatment method there."

Fu Yu refused to comply at first, and flatly refused: "No. My wife is just a woman, and the epidemic area does not say that there is a risk of contracting the disease. It is very strange that the people in the medical office cannot save people according to the prescription. If What happened to my wife there, who will be responsible?"

"I'm in charge!"

Following this sudden and majestic male voice, Emperor Hong Wu strode in in a bright yellow python robe.

When Fu Yu and Jiu Ya saw that it was Emperor Hong Wu, they hurriedly got up to meet him. Emperor Hong Wu made them flattened, sat next to Empress Ma and said with piercing eyes: "Yesterday, there was almost an unjust case. Someone reported that the drug hoarder was reselling it. It's your second brother and Prince Jin's son Tuobaye. I was really surprised. After I personally supervised the investigation yesterday, I found out that they were framed. Now Tuobaye has been wronged so much that I don't know where he is hiding. , your second elder brother, I heard this morning that he has been released without charge, which is really a good thing, and he did not wrong a good man."

Fu Yu's heart trembled secretly, what the hell is this dead emperor planning?Obviously, the evidence he gave Mr. Wei was quite conclusive, and there was nothing that could be questioned. Why did he suddenly say that Tuobaye and Fu Changting were wronged?If he didn't do it himself, he still believed the emperor's words, but the emperor clearly didn't want to punish those two, so what kind of conspiracy was there?
However, his face remained calm, and he said with a smile: "It turns out that I was wronged, Xiaomin just said, the second brother has always been honest, how could he do such things that violate the laws of the country?"

Emperor Hongwu also laughed twice, then changed the subject and said, "Just now in the court hall, I discussed the epidemic situation in the south with all the ministers, and everyone also highly respected the county magistrate's medical skills. After many discussions, all the ministers unanimously decided, This time, the county head will personally go to the Xinyi area, no matter what, he has to help me stabilize the epidemic situation, and at the same time teach the local medical staff to do their best to treat those infected."

Although he was just talking casually, it could be heard that he was giving an order, and it was a well-spoken word, and he had to obey if he didn't obey.

Jiuya just felt that something was wrong, and immediately pleaded: "Your Majesty, my wife is just a womanizer, it is not appropriate to show her face like this, in fact, to treat patients, as long as they follow the method that my wife told Hua imperial physician before. ..."

Emperor Hongwu's face suddenly turned cold, "Could it be that they didn't implement what the Chinese imperial physician said before? Everyone's techniques are different, and their techniques can't achieve the effect of the county lord's action. Lu, but don’t you want to serve us Li people?”

(End of this chapter)

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