marry a noble wife

Chapter 378 Who Will Be Responsible

Chapter 378 Who Will Be Responsible (1)
Fu Yu's hands were tight, it seemed that the dead emperor had already made up his mind to send Jiuya to the hardest-hit area, now that he is the emperor and they are the people, how can they openly disobey orders?
Empress Ma also said solemnly: "Don't talk about these people, just the Qi Wangjun over there in Luyi. I heard that due to the disease, it has become very difficult to defend the city. If the disease is not completely controlled and eliminated, the consequences will be disastrous. The matter is very important, and the county magistrate must go all out." What's more, she has not received a letter from King Qi for nearly a month, and this is quite a strange place, even if something happened to King Qi ahead.So now I can only take advantage of Jiu Ya's opportunity to bring some of my own people over to investigate the situation.

Speaking of this, if you don't agree any more, it's almost a disobedience. Fu Yu was full of reluctance, so he had to agree on behalf of Jiuya: "It's not that the lady doesn't want to work for the people, but she is worried that she is a girl, and it will be inconvenient to show her face in public. Well, the emperor and the empress begged again and again, and Xiaomin agreed on her behalf, but there is one request, Xiaomin must go with her, if this is ok, we husband and wife can set off immediately."

Emperor Hongwu's eyes flashed brightly, and he laughed suddenly, "Okay! You are deeply in love with each other, and I have absolutely no reason to forcibly separate you. In that case, I will immediately issue a decree to issue a team of troops to go to the epidemic area. You go back to the house to clean up and wait, at most you will leave tomorrow, the sooner you move, the better!"

Knowing that it was forced by the current situation, Jiuya was so helpless, she came out with Fu Yu to thank her, and complained as soon as she returned to Chunhua Courtyard: "Master, why did you agree? I always feel that the emperor has no good intentions. Originally, my prescription It’s okay, he didn’t go after those who cured the epidemic, but forced me to go again, there must be something tricky in it that we can’t figure out.”

Fu Yu asked Mama Xiong to wash her face with water, "You also said that if you hadn't decided to open some kind of broken medicine shop in the first place, there wouldn't be so many troubles."

Jiuya shrank her neck, and this guy was hitting her dead point again, and hurried over to please him to twist the towel, "That's all in the past, why are you still mentioning it? You should think about it now, why did the emperor let go of the towel?" Second brother comes back, why don't you hold others accountable, I must go."

She pressed the twisted hot towel to his face, Fu Yu closed his eyes, and let her serve him comfortably, "How do I know? I'm not a roundworm in the emperor's stomach. No matter how much we talk now, no matter how much we think about it It’s useless, you can only take one step at a time, wait and see slowly.”

Jiu Ya knew that what he said was reasonable, and was about to speak when Mother Pei came in nervously and whispered: "Young Mistress, Second Master is here."

Fu Yu immediately sat up straight, and before he went out to greet him, Fu Changting walked in with a smile on his face.

"Third brother, I heard that the emperor summoned you just now, is it about going to Xinyi?"

Fu Yu stood up as if nothing had happened, and blocked Jiuya behind him without any trace, and said with a light smile, "Second brother is so well informed, he even knows this. Indeed, the emperor has such a meaning. But congratulations to second brother, I heard that I was wronged, and I was only arrested for one night, which made me worry for most of the night last night."

Fu Changting chuckled, and the black beads in his small eyes exuded the rage of a wolf, "This is thanks to the third brother's generous gift. Back then, the second brother trusted you and happily followed you to contribute money and effort, but in the end it was a With such a move, the second brother will be impressed by the five times, and he will pay back five times in the future. It's just that this result may disappoint the third brother."

Fu Yu was not afraid, and said without giving way: "Then thank you second brother. If there is nothing else, we may have to excuse you for a while. Now we have to pack up our things for going out tomorrow."

Sure enough, Fu Changting took a few steps back, with a naive smile still on his face, "Really? Actually, I should go to pack my things too. I have been busy early in the morning, and I asked someone to prepare a lot of medicinal materials. We can do it tomorrow." Let's go together."

Jiuya's body trembled when she heard this, and she stood up from behind and stared at him, "You prepare the medicinal materials and go on the road with us tomorrow?"

Fu Changting smiled and said: "It seems that the emperor hasn't told you yet. The third sister-in-law is going to treat the patients in the epidemic area, and I will be responsible for the medicinal materials. It is necessary to let the third sister-in-law be able to play a big role in the epidemic area and cure all the epidemics there. Control it. Haha..."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and laughed uncharacteristically.

Leaving Fu Yu and Jiu Ya with shocked expressions on their faces, what on earth does the emperor want to do?
When Fu Changting returned to Ruanxiang Courtyard, Chunmei was waiting at the door, and when she saw him appear, she rushed towards him with tears in her eyes and said, "Master, you finally came back safe and sound, the concubine is so anxious that she doesn't want to live... ..."

Fu Changting was in a good mood, and patted her, "I know I don't love you for nothing, let me see, why do you not want to live?"

Chunmei rubbed her red eyes, Fu Changting raised her chin, and seeing her tears, he laughed and said, "I really miss you, okay, I will take good care of you in the future. Where is Second Mistress?"

As soon as he asked the second grandma, Chunmei felt the blood flow all over her body, and it seemed that an exciting moment was coming.Yesterday the Third Young Master showed the pamphlet to Master Hou, who was furious, but the Second Mistress turned into a slug, lying there daring not to move.Even when she went back to the house, she still didn't move away. It seemed that she was going to be in bad luck this time.

She pretended to be terrified and said: "Second Mistress is still in the house and hasn't gotten up yet, do you want to go over and have a look?"

Fu Changting chuckled, let go of Chunmei, and went straight to the inner room.As soon as he entered the door, he saw that Wen Caihe was still lying on the bed. He went over and grabbed her hair and pulled it to the ground.Wearing obscene clothes, he rolled on the ground, and quickly knelt on the ground, his body trembling.

Fu Changting had already heard what happened last night from Mrs. Xiao, and now that his true colors had been exposed, he no longer covered up, motioned Chunmei to close the door, and then kicked Wen Caihe in the stomach until Wen Caihe rolled away. When he fell down, he stepped on her neck with his left foot, gritted his teeth and said, "Bitch! How dare you punish me? Tell me all the good things about me, and you will be brave enough to go to heaven. Have you forgotten my tricks?"

Wen Caihe's tears flowed silently, she opened her eyes and begged in a low voice: "Master, please forgive me this time, this concubine will never dare again..."

(End of this chapter)

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