marry a noble wife

Chapter 379 Who Will Be Responsible

Chapter 379 Who Will Be Responsible (3)
The old man feels desolate and cold-hearted when he thinks of this. After all, Lord Hou only thinks about Princess Lan. As long as his daughter-in-law does not want a mother, he knows that Princess Lan is the culprit. If he did not marry Princess Lan back then, Maybe this mansion won't be what it is now.

She confessed to Chang Ting earnestly, but she didn't even look at Fu Yu and Jiu Ya. The young couple would never take the initiative to curry favor with her. They just politely said goodbye to the elders, and then prepared Go out and get on the carriage.

"Wait a minute, I still have something to say." Following this sound, Xiao Shi walked up to Jiuya with a stern expression on his face, "Listen to me, you two, if you bully our Changting again along the way, we will What happened to Chang Ting, don't say I didn't tell the ugly words, I will naturally make you regret it for the rest of your life, do you hear me clearly!"

At this time, not only the old lady, but even she said that they bullied Changting, Jiuya was so helpless that she couldn't help but laugh, "Auntie, as long as the second brother doesn't bully us, who dares to bully him? It's just that once we go out I just hope that my aunt will take good care of her body, and don't see us come back and get angry and sick after a while, that's no fun."

Xiao's face turned green, and she also knew Jiuya's ability to make people angry when she spoke, so she behaved herself this time, and didn't respond, she only sneered twice, and then turned around to help Fu Changting prepare to carry the luggage.

Jiu Ya and Fu Yu walked to an ordinary green felt carriage, where Xiu Cai was already waiting.Because she had assisted shopkeeper Ji to rescue many people in the capital this time and had a lot of experience, Jiuya called her back and went to Xinyi with her.At the same time, I didn't bring any other maids with me. After all, it was an epidemic area, and if they were not done well, they would get sick. These maids were usually locked up in the yard, and their bodies were also very delicate. How could they stand such a toss.

Mama Xiong and a few maids stayed to watch the yard. Mama Pei and Chunju were sent back to the Song Mansion by her. They were her dowry, and she was afraid that the old lady would try to bully them in some way when she was away. is safe.Yudie happened to be on vacation and returned to the Song Mansion, so she didn't need to make any other arrangements. She just asked Mother Pei to inform her to stay in the Song Mansion together for the time being.

"Xiucai, I will take you alone this time, won't you feel lonely?" Xiucai has been helping the pharmacy for several months, and her energy has improved a lot, giving people a very healthy and healthy feeling. A neat feeling.

Xiucai opened the curtain for them, and said with a toothy smile: "What are you talking about, young mistress? It's the dream of a servant girl to travel far away. She is saying that there are so many people on this road, how can she be lonely? Isn't there still a uncle and a young mistress?" ?”

Fu Yu smiled and got into the carriageway: "That's right, if you really feel lonely, I might as well find you a good man on the way to marry you."

Unexpectedly, the aunt would still joke with her, Xiucai blushed with shame, "I don't want to find a good man."

Fu Yu chuckled, "If you're not looking for Mr. Ruyi, then who are you looking for?"

Xiucai was stunned, hesitated for a while, half joking and half serious, and said, "Do you want to look for it? It's almost as good as looking for Mr. Fu Jiu."

Jiu Ya looked her up and down, jokingly said: "Xiu Cai, you are not in love with me, are you?"

Xiucai stomped her feet and spat at her, then turned and ran into another carriage.

At this time, An Pinghou walked down the stone steps, wanted to say something, but turned around and entered the door without saying anything, Fu Yu suddenly called him, and said vaguely: "Father, have you checked that thing?"

An Pinghou paused for a moment, then said calmly: "No, these two days are too busy, I will read it later." He naturally knew that Fu Yu was referring to digging up the grave to see if his mother was really dead.But these two days have been busy every day until very late, so I don't have time to watch it.Moreover, he didn't want to tell Fu Yu a definite result when he was about to leave the house. Whether he had it or not, it would definitely not be a pleasant thing, so let him think about it with hope. If you like that fantasy.

Fu Yu was very disappointed. He would almost have to wait several months for this trip. Fortunately, as soon as there was news from his aunt, he would know immediately.Right now, he really has a feeling that he can't wait, if his mother is really not dead and is still alive... For a moment, he doesn't know what mood he should use to face the answer that is about to be revealed.

Jiuya seemed to know his mood, smiled slightly, and said: "Don't be too anxious about that matter. After more than ten years, I finally have a hope. How can I know the result all at once? No matter what it is It’s good to keep thinking about such a result, isn’t it?”

Fu Yu pulled her into his arms and sighed, "No wonder my wife thinks I'm immature. Sometimes I find that I'm still a little bit. Others have become the father of two children, but I still think about mine. Mother, it really is a child with an immature mind and Oedipus complex, the wife has a reason to dislike it."

Jiuya hooked his neck, raised her face and said, "How can I dislike it? It's just to express what's in my heart. People are born with personality, and I didn't try to change it for you. Just do whatever you want. Anyway, you already It’s my husband, isn’t this an unshakeable fact?”

Fu Yu looked depressed, after all she still didn't like him.What I said before was bewildered by his beauty must be to make him happy. Now that the two are deeply in love with each other, if one day she meets a truly mature man who treats her sincerely, even if she is alive, her heart will already be moved. , What can I do to tell him?
Thinking of going to Xinyi this time, it is so close to Lu Yi, and King Qi is there, if she sees King Qi's heroic appearance of killing the enemy, will she be so moved that she will leave regardless of herself?

Although she said that she didn't think about Qi Wang that way, but he just couldn't help but think about it. For some reason, in front of any outstanding man, he can talk and laugh happily, retract and release freely, and feel that he can trample them all. Let him knead the soles of his feet, but even in front of King Qi, he always has an inferiority complex.No matter how indifferent he is on the surface, in his heart, he always feels that he is not as good as that uncle who is always surrounded by halos.

Such a person is like a shining ray of golden sunlight that cannot be ignored no matter where it is placed. He has to admit that he is afraid of such an opponent.He didn't quite have the confidence to beat him.

(End of this chapter)

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