marry a noble wife

Chapter 380 Who Will Be Responsible

Chapter 380 Who Will Be Responsible (4)
So this time when I go to Xinyi, I have to watch her closely no matter what, and never let her have a chance to meet King Qi, even if others laugh at him for being narrow-minded, carefulness can make the Wannian ship.

Seeing that he was silent, Jiuya knew that he was starting to get into trouble again. She couldn't help but sighed softly, leaned into his arms and laughed muffledly: "Sir, I don't know if you have noticed that I have fallen in love with you now?"

Fu Yu was overjoyed at first when he heard it, then turned his head down to see the smile on her face, his face collapsed immediately, and he said dejectedly: "Lady, don't make me happy and say you like me, how could you be like this The facial expression is clearly coaxing me again."

Jiu Ya was really speechless, if he didn't say anything, he would go into a corner again, if he said it, he wouldn't believe it, so how could he believe it?She was about to speak, when someone shouted urgently from outside: "Young Mistress...Young Mistress...wait for me...I'm going too..."

When she heard Yudie's voice, she hurriedly opened the curtain, and sure enough, she saw Yudie running over panting with a burden on her back, and immediately stopped the carriage. Throw me out of the house? No matter what, the slave must follow."

Jiu Ya looked stunned, "It's very dangerous there, aren't you afraid?"

Yu Die said: "If you are afraid, the slaves will not rush over as soon as they hear Mama Pei's words. How can there be fewer people around the young mistress? No matter what, the slaves will follow."

Jiuya was moved, "Thank you, Xiucai is in the carriage behind, you can go to her side."

A smile appeared on Yudie's face, "Thank you young lady."

She turned around and ran towards the carriage behind, where Xiucai had already parked the car waiting for her, the two girls became companions, they would have to chat on the road.

There were seven or eight carriages in the waiting mansion, five of them belonged to the Jiuya couple. Xiucai was very conscientious and helped them pack a lot of clothes, new bedding and food. I brought it up, I was afraid that I would get sick if I used someone else's in the epidemic area, the most important thing was Jiuya's special medicine box and that gray dog.Jiuya was worried that it would be killed in the mansion, so she had to take it with her no matter what.

Now Guimao and Yudie Xiucai are more familiar, they will eat the food they feed, usually Yudie often bathes with it, now Guimao almost regards her as the third master.

Then the three cars in front belonged to Fu Changting. He was alone in a carriage with a servant. The other carriages seemed to contain a lot of medicinal materials besides daily necessities.

This time the emperor let him out and knocked him a lot of medicinal materials. He said that he could not receive so much in the capital for a while, so he planned to collect it along the way.Anyway, he was in charge of this matter, Jiu Ya just let him do as long as he had medicinal materials to use.

Eight horse-drawn carriages meet up with Mr. Huang waiting there at the gate of the south city. Mr. Huang is a 50-year-old man with a thin face and bright eyes. He has a serious face. Outside, he is very ruthless. Some officials are not willing to approach him on weekdays, because approaching him to curry favor with him will not get you any good. Instead, he will get some excuses and sue the emperor mercilessly. .

The five hundred officers and soldiers were drawn from the Habayashi Army, led by a general surnamed Lu. When the hatchbacks met, Jiuya didn't get out of the carriage and only let Fu Yu go down to say hello to Master Huang.

Mr. Huang didn't say anything, he just pointed to a young and handsome young master beside him and introduced: "This is Mr. Cheng An, Anzi Cheng An, the detective of Jinke, the scribe specially designated by the emperor. He will record all the itinerary this time It is in the register, and at the same time, he will record the treatment of the epidemic in detail, since the third young master came out on behalf of the county head, you should know each other."

An Zicheng and Fu Yu had known each other for a long time, and he smiled brightly and said, "I never expected to be able to travel with the third young master this time. I really feel honored."

Seeing him, even though Fu Yu was worried, he didn't show it. He just smiled and said, "To each other, I hope we can cooperate happily all the way without any mistakes."

After a few people greeted each other, they each got into the carriage, and nearly [-] carriages, under the protection of [-] riders, drove out of the south gate in a mighty manner.

The moment Jiuya saw An Zicheng's appearance, she felt uneasy for no reason. There are so many people who are easy to send, why did the emperor send him?Is it appointed by the emperor, or is he recommending himself?Or recommended by others?
Fu Yu patted her hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I've already made arrangements, there will be many people following along the way, don't worry about those people playing tricks and tricks, take a step back and say, during the epidemic Before they are under control, none of them dare to touch you, so don't think too much. The journey is still far away, so lie down and rest for a while, you are very tired these days."

Jiu Ya knew that what he said made sense, and it didn't work for her to worry too much about some things, so she could only adapt to the situation when something happened.

The capital city is more than 1000 miles away from Xinyi. Due to the urgent matter, the group did not dare to delay for a moment. They rushed slowly. At the end of the day, they would have to drive at least 150 miles. According to this speed, to Xinyi, let’s not talk about it. It will also take seven or eight days.

And this way, Fu Changting rode first, because he had to go to the front to collect the medicinal materials first, and agree on the route, and then the convoy would meet him in the town ahead.But after a few days, he collected medicinal materials from more than [-] carriages without any delay.

Sitting in the carriage all day was acceptable at the beginning, but after a long time, Jiuya couldn't bear it anymore. The official roads are not smooth and without pits.

In my previous life, I felt sore and backache after a [-]-hour train ride, let alone such a bumpy ride?After a few days, she felt like her body was about to fall apart.But no matter how painful it was, she had to endure it, and she couldn't slow down the journey because of her alone.

Xiaoxing stayed overnight, and as soon as she was next to the bed at night, she wanted to sleep like that and didn't want to get up again. Fu Yu always sighed, and kept giving her massages with warm hands.Of course, he still had to pretend to be sick, and slept until the early morning of the next day, when Jack Crow would often run in and carry him into the carriage to continue on his way.

The two girls, Xiucai and Yudie, must have had a hard time. Not only did they also suffer from the bumpy carriage that they had never encountered before, but they also had to help Fu Yu continue to boil medicine after staying in the posthouse at night.Because Fu Yu's yin and cold air has not been completely dispelled, and those tonics can't be broken.

(End of this chapter)

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