marry a noble wife

Chapter 381 Who Will Be Responsible

Chapter 381 Who Will Be Responsible (5)
Everyone endured exhaustion, and the journey was full of dust and dust. The convoy finally arrived at Luozhang County. It was only the last day's journey to Xinyi.Hearing that it was coming soon, Jiuya felt a lot more relaxed.

Early in the morning, Han Ziya carried Fu Yu from the guest room to the carriage. When he arrived here, Xiucai asked Jiuya to change into men's clothes, because he was going to Xinyi soon, and he might have to face many people when he arrived. the people there.Jiuya felt that what she said made sense, and as soon as she nodded, Xiucai happily showed her a brand new Hu suit, but it was exactly the same as the one Yudie bought her before.

Yudie joked: "Xiucai, when did you prepare such a set of clothes for the young mistress? How do I see that you just wait for the young mistress to nod and then give it out?"

Xiucai had already arranged Jiuya's hair, put her hat on neatly, her eyes were filled with amazement, and she smiled after a long time: "I had expected that young mistress would have this day, so I went ahead before coming here." I went to a clothing store and bought this set of robes for my young mistress, wow, my young mistress is really suitable for such a dress, no, my eyes are getting blurred."

She pretended to be about to faint, which made Yudie giggle.

After arguing for a while, Xiucai went out to fetch the medicine. Yudie frowned for Jiuya. Jiuya looked at her slightly swollen eyes, stayed quiet for a while, and suddenly asked: "Yudie, what is the relationship between you and Jackyaw?" Is there something? Look at you, you must have cried again last night. "

When she woke up last night, she saw Yudie leaning against a pear tree alone, looking at the sky and weeping. Although she talked and laughed during the day, how could she hide it from her eyes?Yudie is so depressed, from daily observations, it is clear that she has something to do with Han Ziya, every time she only hopes that she can solve it by herself, and does not want to intervene between the two, but judging from her situation last night, if she If she doesn't intervene, it may cause her to fall into a dead end and be unable to get out.

Yudie paused, bit her lower lip, was silent for a while, and slowly drew the last few strokes, suppressing the tears in her eyes, and said in a low voice: "Young Mistress, don't worry, there is nothing between us, if something happens, let Young Mistress Know."

Jiuya sighed, the saddest thing in the world is nothing more than a word of love, if Yudie doesn't say it, it's obviously hard to say it, she will slowly find out what happened between them.

Coming out of the posthouse in Luozhang County, the carriage drove for a while. Fu Changting said that the medicine shop here was out of stock yesterday, and he had to go to pick it up again today, so he asked the team to wait at the gate of the city for a while, and Master Huang ordered the cavalry to stop at the city gate. Behind the gate, the convoy winds down Long Street.

At this time, the sky was gray, and there seemed to be fine water vapor in the air, and the whole Luozhang County was shrouded in a misty morning mist.

There are many vendors walking on the street, those who push carts, those who pull donkeys, those who plant weeds to sell themselves, those who beat gongs and drums to perform arts in the rivers and lakes. Among the green smoke and weeping willows, all kinds of ecology are fully displayed. Some young masters with greasy hair and noodles set off against each other. Although they are not as luxurious as the aristocratic masterpieces in the capital, there is still another heart-wrenching soft and gloomy atmosphere slowly flowing.

After many days of rushing, Jiuya couldn't help but be moved by the grand scene of the market while waiting. It is more than 100 miles away from Xinyi. Looking at the expressions of the people around, it seems that they are not affected by the cholera, while most of the people on the street The mental outlook is not bad, and there is no sorrow or crying, and it is obvious that each of them is living a very comfortable life.

That's right, they are all ordinary people, how can they manage so much about the urgent frontier affairs and the epidemic?Ordinary people only want to eat one bite a day and wear what they have, without affecting their daily life, they are already content.What's more, there are officers and soldiers with swords on the street from time to time questioning and inquiring, which makes people feel tense and oppressive. How dare ordinary people make any changes?
After watching for a while, Jiuya was about to put down the curtain, when she suddenly saw Yudie covering her face and running to many people on the street, and then saw Han Ziyao chasing after her, she couldn't help but stared, and looked around Fu Yu glanced at him and saw that his eyes were closed, as if he hadn't really woken up from a deep sleep, so he didn't bother him, lifted the curtain lightly and got out of the carriage.

Fortunately, she was wearing men's clothes today, and walking around the street in a fancy dress, there were no women who would look at her.After identifying the direction, he kept his eyes on the Jackdaw in Tsing in front and quickly followed.

After the end of a straight street, she followed them around a restaurant and was about to follow up, but in this less crowded alley, Yudie was already blocked by jackdaws, and the two seemed to be arguing wearing something.

In fact, in this strange street, she didn't want to be too far away from Fu Yu, but firstly, she followed Han Ziyao, and secondly, Fu Yu once said that they sent many good men around to protect her safety, so she dared to be so bold follow up.

"Why are you chasing after me? Go away, I don't want to see you!" Yudie stared at Han Ziyao with tears in her eyes, and stepped back step by step.

Han Ziya approached step by step, with a coaxing voice, "Xiaodie, good boy, come here, let's go back, the young mistress may be waiting for you to go back, everyone is waiting for you, it's not good to delay the schedule and miss the important matter of the young mistress. "

Yudie said with a gloomy expression: "I will go back, don't care about me, don't care about my affairs, get out of here!"

"Xiao Die, how can I go away when you look like this now? Look at you, the weather in the south is getting hotter now, and it's easy for people to see that you're pregnant if you wear a single shirt, so go back with me and have a good time." I drank the medicine..."

"I won't go back...Why should I listen to you? You don't want me, you don't want this child, you can only blame me for being blind and falling for your tricks. I have told you many times that there has been a lot of love between us. It doesn't matter, I won't drink that medicine, I can't let you kill my child..."

Han Ziyao seemed to have coaxed him for a long time because of his nice words before, and immediately lost his patience with these few words, "Then what do you want? Give birth to this child? If you didn't come with me, it's possible. Now We are going to the epidemic area, where it is very dangerous, if it is not done well, what should we do if the child is also infected? So now, what else can you do besides killing one way?"

Yudie covered her ears, teardrops fell to the dust one by one, "I don't listen, I don't listen. If you promised to marry me in the capital, would I follow? Even you are like this, I am nothing but young mistress It's all gone, I have to follow the young mistress, everything is up to the young mistress to decide for me, don't worry about it—"

(End of this chapter)

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