marry a noble wife

Chapter 383 Cholera

Chapter 383 Cholera (2)
She pulled the sleeves of the robe away from her eyes and raised her head. A big-brimmed hat with a green veil covered the face of this person. Although she couldn't recognize his true face, Jiuya saw the burning beauty of this person through the green veil. eyes.

This person seemed to be watching her through the green veil, Jiuya felt burned for a moment, broke away from that person's embrace, and hurriedly stepped back, "Thank you."

Then turn around and leave, the more people there are, the more dangers there are around, so you must return to the team as soon as possible.Fortunately, the jackdaw came to meet him. When he saw Jiuya, he hurriedly said in a low voice, "It seems that something happened here just now, are you alright?"

Jiu Ya breathed a sigh of relief and shook her head, "It's okay, those military masters are too arrogant, let's go."

Han Ziya then protected her and walked outside.

"Jiuya..." Just after arriving at the door, Jiuya suddenly heard someone calling her, she hurriedly stopped, turned her head and looked around, scanning the faces of panicked people, but she didn't see anyone she knew well at all. Can't help but wonder, who called her?Or is she hallucinating?
His eyes couldn't help looking at the lake-blue silk robe just now, the corner of the robe was already hidden in the crowd at the back door, a touch of blue was like a light cloud in the hustle and bustle, and disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

When Han Ziya escorted her to the convoy, Master Huang was already waiting there anxiously. When he saw Jiu Ya in men's clothing, he was stunned for a moment before recognizing that it was the county lord.Immediately, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where did the county lord go? It's very chaotic here, you can't run around."

Jiuya said embarrassedly: "I just went out to buy something, and I kept you waiting for a long time."

Master Huang snorted, then looked her up and down in the bearded attire, stroked his beard and nodded and said: "The county lord will come out to meet people in this attire from now on, it will be more convenient to do things like this."

Jiuya didn't expect Master Huang to have such thoughts, would such a stubborn old man be so sensible?
She had a puzzled look on her face, she never hid Master Huang's sharp eyes, and he didn't explain, just said "get in the car and get ready to go", and then left.

It's no wonder that he couldn't explain at this time. When she came out, Empress Ma had repeatedly confessed that she should try to hide Song Jiuya's whereabouts when she went to Xinyi this time. To the outside world, she could only be mentioned as the county magistrate, let alone her. real name.When they were there, Song Jiuya was not allowed to appear in public unless it was absolutely necessary.He didn't know the meaning of Queen Ma's confession, but he just had to do it.Now Jiuya has changed into a men's outfit that he can hardly distinguish for a while, which just suits his heart.

Jiuya got into the carriage, Fu Yuzheng was half leaning in the carriage, holding a jade cup and drinking, his black hair half covered his face, so he couldn't see his face clearly.

"Silently, what did you go out for? Could it be that you saw an old acquaintance?"

Jiuya grabbed his cup and said angrily, "Don't you want to die? How can you drink now?"

Fu Yu turned his face sideways, with a misty expression on his face, like a ray of light passing over thousands of rivers and mountains, gloomy and full of sorrow, he whispered: "It's just a sip, I haven't answered your question yet."

The car was full of sour smells, Jiuya poured the wine out of the car angrily, "I did see an old acquaintance, do you know who I saw? An Zicheng." She couldn't help but sigh secretly, did she just go out? After a while, he was thinking wildly again?Is there such a narrow-minded man?

"Him? You got out of the car just to see him?" Fu Yu's eyes widened in disbelief.

Jiuya gave him a blank look, "What kind of eyes do you see? I saw him and Mr. Chu coming out of a restaurant, and I seemed to hear An Zicheng say that Mr. Chu must follow the instructions from his superiors to closely guard him. Who is that Lord Chu? Whose order did An Zicheng take, and what is he closely guarding? Don't you find it strange?"

Fu Yu sat upright, and said with a straight face, "Lord Chu? The sheriff of Luozhang County is Chu Heng. Could it be that An Zicheng met him? The superiors told him to keep a close watch?"

He mused while Jiuya ate the glutinous rice cake that Xiucai had prepared on the table, "Master, it seems that An Zicheng's visit here is not limited to his duty of keeping records, and he clearly has other intentions, which are not good for us. Guarded."

Fu Yu suddenly smiled like an uncertain child, "The defense is already very strict. Besides, the situation is complicated when we go to Xinyi. It may not be that they are targeting the two of us. But... "

As soon as he changed his tone, he wrapped his arms around her waist and looked at her, "Lady, promise me that when you arrive in Xinyi, don't leave me. I'm afraid that if something happens, I won't be able to take care of it?"

Jiuya sighed helplessly, and stuffed a piece of glutinous rice cake into his mouth, "Fu Yu, what are you worried about? Are you really just worried about my safety?"

Fu Yu wanted to take the glutinous rice cake in his mouth, Jiuya held it down, stared into his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Master, I know why you are upset, but I solemnly explain to you that I really will not do it for others. Tempted, because I am already yours, you should choose to believe me. If that person really makes you so uneasy, well, then I promise you, I will not meet him. I say this, should you be at ease ?”

Fu Yu's thoughts were exposed by her, his face was sullen, he opened his mouth, and swallowed the glutinous rice cake after a long while: "My lady, I..."

Jiu Yala put his hand on his face, and said in a muffled voice: "I said this because I hope there will be no suspicion between us. It's really easy to make people sad when you questioned me just now, so I came to Luo Zhang , you start to become suspicious, if you really arrive at Xinyi or Luyi, your suspicion and uneasiness will be taken advantage of by those who are interested and cause misunderstandings between us, do you know that?"

Fu Yu was amazed, and finally realized self-reflection. Jiuya spoke out her heart so distressedly, and without saying anything else, she must have classified herself as immature in her heart. She likes mature and stable men. How could she fall in love with him?After learning from the pain, he gritted his teeth and nodded, "My lady is right. I am indeed too petty, and I have too little confidence in myself. I can't go on like this. Well, I choose to believe in you, no matter when and where."

Jiuya immediately stretched out her little finger, "Pull the hook, stamp it, and it will not be changed for 100 years."

Fu Yu stretched out his little finger, put his thumb in contact with her, and smiled slightly, "It will remain unchanged for 100 years."

(End of this chapter)

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