marry a noble wife

Chapter 384 Cholera

Chapter 384 Cholera (3)
The two laughed together.

On a remote street corner, several people were talking in low voices as they watched the convoy gradually leave.

"It has been found out that the imperial court has re-appointed them to control cholera, led by the imperial censor, Mr. Huang. Judging from the current situation, the imperial court seems to have put in a lot of effort to control the cholera."

"Hmph, so what if you work harder? Those conspirators only let people in and don't let them out. Can they come out safe and sound?"

"However, I seem to have seen the second son of Anping Marquis Mansion raising medicinal materials just now."

"I also saw the long follower next to the third young master of the Hou Mansion. Could it be that Anping Hou sent these useless people because he couldn't do it himself?"

The doubts of several people finally came down to one person, and they asked in unison: "Master, what should we do now? Should we go back, or..."

Finally, the person who had been silent all this time whispered: "Everything is going according to the original plan. The three of you are rushing to the interior. Be sure to contact all parties. I will go back right away. I may have to attack from the outside afterward."

"Master, we just came out, why do you want to go back?"

"I have my own ideas. When the time comes, just wait for my order, and we will respond internally and externally. Those who think they are smart will surely die without a place to bury them!"

When his voice drifted in the wind like a spell carrying some kind of magical power, the team had already entered the official road.The horseshoes were galloping, and in the evening, the convoy finally arrived at Xinyi County.

At the gate of the city, lanterns were fluttering, and more than a dozen guards looked weakly at the [-] Yulin Army who had rushed over from the capital, and their momentum was still unabated after driving thousands of miles. They were not emotional because what they sent was medicinal materials. fluctuation.They were all blank-eyed, staring blankly at them all the way into the city.

The new county guard heard that Master Huang was leading the team, and waited at the gate of the city early. After seeing Master Huang, everyone exchanged greetings, and the motorcade was arranged into the post house.

On the way into the city, there were very few lights around, scattered on both sides of the long street.And it was only dark at this time, and there were surprisingly few pedestrians on the street, not to mention singing, singing, drinking and food, and the dark street gave people a lifeless feeling, as if this was a dead city. When the lights were turned on, there was the gloomyness of will-o'-the-wisps, which was extremely bleak.

Jiuya gasped when she saw it. Could it be that everyone here is almost dead?
When they arrived at the post house, Master Zhang arranged for the board and lodging of the Yulin Army, and at the same time led Master Huang and others to the dining room.

The dining room is wide and spacious, and a lot of oil lamps are lit, which is obviously much brighter than the outside. The wine and dishes on the table look very good, very rich, but the gray and decayed atmosphere around is hard to remember. Interest in eating.

Mr. Zhang invited everyone to sit down. There was a table for the doctors over there, and Mr. Huang, Fu Changting, Mr. Lu, An Zicheng and three accompanying local officials sat with Fu Yujiuya here.

Lord Huang introduced them one by one, and when he pointed to Jiuya, he coughed slightly and said, "This is Doctor Song, the genius doctor specially appointed by the emperor to control the epidemic this time."

Mrs. Zhang were amazed at her delicate and bright, her eyebrows were dyed and slanted, and that kind of spring-like temperament made them even more surprised. Just such a gentle and beautiful young man can also be called a miracle doctor?
It was also the first time for An Zicheng, who was sitting opposite, to see Jiu Ya's attire in a narrow-sleeved beard robe, and couldn't help but stare blankly. This woman, after marrying Fu Yu, her temperament has changed a lot from the inside out?Is it really the Eighteenth Change of the Female University?

Surprise is surprise, after all, they are still doing business, no one puts much thought on this beautiful boy, Mr. Huang doesn't drink any wine, after eating a bowl of rice, he asked Mr. Zhang, "I walked all the way just now. There seems to be no one in the city, and there are few lights. This situation is completely beyond my expectation, Mr. Zhang, please report the general situation here to this officer."

Mr. Zhang nodded, and said with a serious face: "Mr. Huang's eyes are extremely sharp. The current situation in Xinyi County is really too bad. The people here, some of whom are a little rich, have moved away a long time ago. And in the court Before receiving the report, the former county guard suppressed the matter and prevented the people from leaving the city. After the court learned about it, they lifted the ban, and some of them escaped. After the officials came, the sick people were first separated A large shantytown was quarantined. Those people who were quarantined and had relatives were reluctant to leave, so they reluctantly stayed. However, the doctors and medicinal materials sent by the imperial court did not save them from suffering. Some people in the quarantine died, causing the people outside to be restless."

Master Zhang paused for a moment, then continued: "Later, more and more people died. The officers and soldiers of the government could no longer suppress them. Those mobs began to kill doctors and officials. After the fierce fighting between the two sides, many people died. Some doctors were also afraid. , ran away a few more, and now the rest are forcibly detained in the Donglin Mansion Yamen, and I really can't do anything about it."

Master Huang frowned and asked again: "Xinyi is the hardest-hit area, so what about Luyi now? I heard that King Qi is still at war with Wu Yue. Has the cholera affected the army?"

Master Zhang smiled wryly, "Where would there be no influence? The influence is much greater than here. The middle and lower officials once paid a visit to King Qi once. He said that if he hadn't discovered the epidemic early, he would have cut off the army from the outside world. Now, the entire King Qi army may have died of illness. But despite this, there are still people who are infected in the barracks. He is decisive, and once he finds someone in the camp showing signs, he will be quarantined immediately. After so long, the next Officials think the situation over there is not optimistic either. They have already run out of food and grass, and the local supply cannot be supplied. If they didn't accept it, Qi rushed out. They had no way to survive, so they relied on robbing food to survive. Therefore, King Qi was about to run out of ammunition and food, and Wu Yue seemed to have detected the situation here, and stepped up the attack. If it weren't for King Qi's powerful general Ruyun, maybe Lu Yi would have been destroyed long ago."

Mr. Huang was secretly startled, King Qi is so dangerous?Running out of ammunition and food?Can some disaster victims really occupy and snatch military food and grass?Can the huge government and the tens of thousands of officers and soldiers under its jurisdiction not even be able to suppress those disaster victims?
(End of this chapter)

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