marry a noble wife

Chapter 385 Cholera

Chapter 385 Cholera (4)
Mr. Zhang glanced at him, and said cautiously: "Recently, I have heard a piece of news, because I have a lot of things here, and I have to pay attention to those mobs, so I didn't confirm it."

Master Huang asked: "What news?"

"Xiaguan heard that King Qi has fallen ill and has not appeared in the tower for many days..."

Master Huang was surprised and said, "Could it be that he was also infected with the disease?"

The other three escorts all shook their heads, "We don't know either, but now that Mr. Huang is here, we can take some time to go over and verify."

Jiu Ya was also secretly startled in her heart, she didn't expect King Qi to be in such a dangerous situation, did he get sick too?

At this time, she couldn't help interjecting: "Master Zhang, what about Imperial Physician Hua? I remember that he came with him, and all the doctors were under his supervision. Where is he now?" As a qualified imperial physician Well, if the medicine is prescribed according to her prescription, it is impossible for the patient to be cured, let alone die. This matter is extremely strange, and the only way to know is to ask him.

Mr. Zhang's face froze, and he said immediately: "Physician Hua is also in Donglin Mansion, if Dr. Song wants to see him, anyway, the place where he will be set up for treatment tomorrow is also there, so you can stop by and have a look."

Jiuya nodded and said: "Master Zhang is familiar with me here, everything is arranged by Master Zhang."

When the few of them were talking, Fu Changting just ate and drank like a pig, An Zicheng was distracted after hearing this, he didn't know what he was thinking, and Fu Yu was lazily listening and didn't interrupt.

After the meal, Master Huang had already arranged for Jiuya to go to the doctor in person tomorrow. At the same time, Jiuya didn't dare to really rest that night, so he immediately organized more than a dozen doctors to start making medicine. More than 500 people must first take medicine for prevention.

Fortunately, the sky was dry and there was no rain, so a cauldron was set up in the courtyard and began to boil medicine, and Xiucai led a few people to guard it. At the same time, she gathered more than a dozen doctors and explained how to accurately prescribe medicine according to the severity of the disease. Let them know that although it is complicated and the usage of various medicinal materials is different, these doctors are all people who are familiar with medicine, and they will remember it after a little extraction.Seeing that they remembered so quickly, Jiuya was even more guilty of muttering, such an easy thing, why did people have to be put to death before?

Tired until almost midnight, she went back to the guest room, Fu Yu was not there, Yudie fetched water for her, Jiuya looked at her stomach, and wanted to say something now, but after thinking about it, I'd better leave it for tomorrow Let’s just say, I’m really too tired to keep my eyes open today.

In the next room, Fu Yu was discussing matters with Han Ziya and Li Yun Dayu.

Li Yun's eyes flickered and said: "Master, we have sent people to check the surrounding situation just now. It seems that there are not many people left in this city, and everyone looks like they are about to die, but we found that , not far from the two towers in the north and the south, those shantytowns that seem to be isolated are too neat and uniform. We are far apart, and it seems that we can still hear the sound of horse neighing. Master, this is not normal, the shantytowns are all Who can raise a horse for a sick person? What is the purpose of raising a horse?"

Big Yu also said: "Also, I also let people sneak into the houses of those households with lights on, especially those big households, my dear, although there are not many lights in each house, the people who live inside There are quite a few people. Furthermore, some people are still eating and talking in Wu Qi's slander. These people are sick, and will they die of poverty by lighting a candle? There is clearly something wrong here."

Han Ziya analyzed: "Young master, these two situations can be fine if they are small, but if they are big, there may be big things. In my opinion, it must be that the old man entrusted the big ones, thinking that we are in a hurry It was more than 1000 miles away, and I had no energy or intention to go to investigate this dead city that was on the verge of no one inhabited that night. I didn’t expect Big Yu and the others to go out and take a look, and they saw the clues, what should I do next?”

Fu Yu digested the news, and slowly said: "Although I don't know what mystery Master Zhang is playing, but, Big Yu, Li Yun, you two must find a way to enter the isolation camp and those big households to find out the situation. Worried..." He didn't continue talking, although he was worried, but the blazing light in his eyes gave people a feeling that he didn't dare to look directly at him.

Big Yu tried to ask: "What are you worried about, Master?"

Fu Yu sneered, "You guys just go to investigate tomorrow. It seems that I have to deal with people a little more. It's better that they don't provoke me, otherwise, I want to start killing too!"

He was full of murderous aura, like a sword about to be unsheathed.The big fish and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, they never thought that the young master would have such murderous intentions after recovering from his illness, did he suppress it for too long and want to smell blood?

"I asked you to monitor Fu Changting, did you find anything unusual about him?" In the silence, Fu Yu suddenly asked.

Li Yun shook her head, "We all stared at him very closely. Along the way, apart from eating and going to the latrine to buy medicinal materials, he just slept, and he didn't see any changes."

Fu Yu said again: "I heard that An Zicheng met with the sheriff of Luozhang County, you should keep an eye on him too, this guy doesn't look like a good guy!"


"Young mistress will visit the clinic in person tomorrow, and send a few more experts to guard in secret, so that no one can take advantage of the loophole."

Han Ziyaw couldn't help but let out a snort of laughter, "Master, I bet you will stay by Young Mistress's side every step of the way tomorrow. With you here, who would dare to take advantage of the loopholes?"

His ridicule caused Fu Yu to fly.

When Fu Yu returned to the guest room, Jiuya had already fallen asleep. He couldn't bear to wake her up, washed her lightly, and then went to bed. Looking at her sleeping peaceful face, he couldn't help but love, pity and resent her.He loves her caring heart, pities her hard work, has always been in high tension mentally and physically, and blames her for being self-reliant. If it wasn't for her unwillingness to depend on him to live, she wouldn't have to come here to suffer this. Kind of sin.

But no matter what mood he was in, he couldn't bear to blame her. As she said, she was the one who attracted him the most, didn't she?
In the early morning of the next day, Jiu Ya started to get busy. First, he gathered the doctors together, and then asked Mr. Zhang to arrange more than a dozen healthy yamen servants to act as clerks. Everyone went to the Donglin government office to drink medicine to prevent infection.When she was arranging all this, she asked Yudie to stay, saying that she was asking her to help Fu Yu get up, but she was actually worried that something might happen to her.

(End of this chapter)

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