marry a noble wife

Chapter 386 Cholera

Chapter 386 Cholera (5)
The news spread throughout Xinyi County last night, and the imperial court sent people to treat the epidemic. As soon as the gong was heard early in the morning, the common people heard the wind and came. When the big pot of medicine was ready, Yu Lin The army maintained order, and the people who came from all directions lined up to drink medicine.At the beginning, some people were afraid, because there were doctors sent by the imperial court to treat people to death before. They were afraid that the medicine would kill them again, what should they do?
At this time, Lord Huang, as the chief executive of the entire Xinyi County, came from the capital again. He climbed up and called out, and said loudly: "Folks, don't be afraid. This time the court has made the greatest determination, and we must take the villagers We have been cured by our sick relatives, and we must prevent the villagers from getting sick again. This time, we sent the famous doctor Song, who is very famous in our capital and even in the whole of Daxia, to come and treat everyone in person. Doctor Song is also very confident. As long as everyone With cooperation, we must control the cholera in the entire Xinyi County, stop it from spreading, and cure everyone's relatives, so that the family can be reunited and live a good life with peace of mind. Although I am a police officer, I am subject to The emperor entrusts us with great trust, so everything should be shared with everyone. Come on, I am new to this place, and I am also afraid of the cholera virus. I will drink a bowl first to keep the virus out of the body and stay healthy with everyone. Defeat the disease!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slowly drank the bowl of medicine that he had just put in his hand. Seeing that he took the lead, other officials followed suit.Seeing that these officials were not afraid of death, the common people dispelled their doubts and went forward to drink medicine together.

At the same time, Jiuya asked the doctors to explain the health precautions to prevent cholera loudly. Seeing that everyone was doing well, she went into the yamen to find the doctor Hua.

Physician Hua and more than a dozen doctors were imprisoned in a big prison. When Master Zhang brought her to the head of the prison, Jiuya was almost fainted by the filthy smell in the prison.That kind of smell, in the words of a comedian, is really an upper respiratory tract infection as soon as you inhale it, it's too bad.

The ground in the prison is damp, and through the iron fence, it can be seen that many prisoners are held inside.When the prisoners saw an official and a handsome young man coming in, they all got up with a whoosh and surrounded the fence. Some shouted that they were wronged, some picked their nostrils and laughed, and some rubbed their eye poo. They were staring wide open, and some had green lights in their eyes, wantonly commenting on Jiu Yapin.

It turns out that this place is the most popular in the whole city.

The Phantom in Tsing Yi followed closely, and Jiu Ya pretended not to see or hear those howling people with different expressions, frowning and asked Mr. Zhang, "Could it be that Doctor Hua was imprisoned in this kind of place? They didn't break the law, how could they compete with these people?" Where are the prisoners kept together?"

Master Zhang looked sideways at her and gave her a weird smile, "Master Song, those imperial physicians who put someone to death, and ran away a few more, and if nothing else, just rush at the person who was cured to death, and I can ask them about their crimes." Besides, if I don't lock them up tightly and run away together, when someone like Miracle Doctor Song comes, where can I find help for you?"

Although his words were reasonable, Jiuya felt extremely uncomfortable hearing them. No matter what, they were sent from the capital, not to mention that Hua imperial physician is still an imperial physician with official rank, how can he be allowed to be detained by a sheriff? , instead of leaving the patients outside alone?
Seeing that she was about to meet with Imperial Physician Hua, and the things that had been puzzling her were about to be solved, Jiu Ya couldn't help but quicken her pace.

Mr. Zhang finally stopped in front of a cell door, and ordered the guard who was following him, "Open the cell door, and ask Imperial Physician Hua to come out and speak."

The jailer went to open the door, and Jiuya took this opportunity to look at the people in the cell. In the two cells connected to each other, the prisoners were slightly different from those in the other cells. Six or seven of them were locked in one cell. Although all of them were unkempt, their faces were extremely refined and refined, not to mention nostril picking.

When they saw Mr. Zhang approaching, their faces were full of hatred, but they didn't get up, and they all treated him indifferently.When they heard that they were going to invite Physician Hua out, their faces changed. They all gathered around the iron railings, and a person asked loudly: "Why do you want to see Physician Hua alone? We let it go together?"

Mr. Zhang laughed, "This is Dr. Liu Ming, right? How can you open your eyes and talk nonsense? Who said you didn't commit a crime, but through your hands, many people died. You are murderers. I didn't judge you." A decisive decision is already very merciful, but you still want to come up with it, is it whimsical?"

The people next to Liu Ming shouted angrily: "We didn't kill those people, you stupid official..."

Before they could finish speaking, a yamen servant with a stick in his hand picked up a wooden stick and smacked their mouths. The doctor backed away in horror and didn't dare to speak anymore, but he still seemed daring to speak out.

Jiuya sees the scene here, and the cell head that has been opened here, Imperial Physician Hua has also come out under the escort of two jailers.It's only been a month or two since I've seen him. The middle-aged man who was energetic before now has sunken eyes, high cheekbones on both sides, and his complexion has aged a lot.He didn't recognize Jiu Ya at first, and Jiu Ya didn't take the initiative to point it out.

He hooked his waist slightly, with a humble face, "Master Zhang..."

Master Zhang patted him on the shoulder, "The imperial court sent a genius doctor Song here today. The doctor Song wants to ask you something, so you can tell her everything you know."

Imperial Physician Hua was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Jiuya, who smiled at him, that smile was clean and clear, he was familiar with this smile, because that little girl was someone he deeply admired.And her attire surprised him even more. After a long while, he rubbed his eyes and said, "Third Young Master... are you really here?"

Jiuya frowned slightly, what do you mean it's really here?Did he know she would come before?
She smiled slightly, "The imperial doctor is suffering. I heard that the situation here is not good, so the imperial court sent me here. It just so happens that we were acquaintances in the capital, and these prescriptions were provided by me, so I wanted to hear them when I came here." Listening to what happened to the imperial physician, how could those people be put to death?"

Imperial Physician Hua was extremely excited, his beard under his chin was shaking again and again, his eyes were almost glistening, and he said incoherently, "I... I will know everything..."

(End of this chapter)

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