marry a noble wife

Chapter 387 I Don’t Believe It

Chapter 387 I Don’t Believe It (1)
Mr. Zhang brought the two of them to a room where the guards rested. There were only two chairs and a table. The dishes, wine glasses and jars on the table were piled high and messy. Do you want to take the doctor out?"

Master Zhang glanced at Imperial Physician Hua, "Tell me here first, if Doctor Song thinks there is nothing wrong with him, it will not be too late to take him out to help you treat patients together."

Imperial Physician Hua wiped the sweat from her forehead, Jiuya was helpless, and several of them sat down accordingly, she straight to the point and asked: "Emperor Physician, do you keep the prescription I gave you at that time?"

Physician Hua replied: "I have already learned that prescription by heart, but now I accidentally lost it."

"Really? In this case, the imperial physician must have cured many people. So I would like to ask the imperial physician, if the patient is diagnosed with cholera as damp-heat, what can cure polydipsia?" Jiuya first wanted to confirm whether these prescriptions for killing people were Is it from her.

Physician Hua hurriedly replied: "Polygonum seed cures polydipsia."

"What kind of medicine can be used to stop cholera and muscle cramps?"

"Front beard, bellflower."

"What medicine stops cholera bloating?"

"Su Zi, Zi Su."

"What antiemetics?"

"Mint, chicken su."

"What kind of medicine will stop the boredom, what else should I add to the pain?"

"Reed rhizome stems and leaves relieve boredom, add ginger and orange for abdominal pain."

Jiuya asked the same questions, from hot and humid to cold and damp, and it turned out that Imperial Physician Hua really remembered verbatim, since he prescribed the medicine according to this prescription, why can't he heal people well?Could it be that those doctors made a wrong diagnosis?
She couldn't help staring at Imperial Physician Hua and said slowly: "When I was in the capital, I cured many people according to the prescription I gave you, and there was never a case of unhealed or dead patients. Physician Hua, can you Tell me, what is going on here?"

Dr. Hua lowered his eyes, sweating from his brow, and said anxiously, "Doctor Song, these things are really hard to say. Maybe we don't understand the symptoms of cholera. I'm afraid it's a false rash. There will be cases where the condition gets worse. Now that you are here, why don't you go and show those patients yourself, we are really not skilled enough."

Jiuya pursed her lips tightly, and no one else said anything, but as a member of the imperial hospital, Physician Hua had to go through various examinations before entering the imperial hospital. How could she not be sure about the symptoms of cholera?
What happened here that she couldn't understand?

In a flash of thought, she suddenly remembered what the doctor Liu Ming said, those people were not killed by our doctors, you stupid official... If it is not a problem of medical skills or prescriptions, then it is caused by external forces. for.

Because Master Zhang was watching closely, she didn't ask any more questions at the moment, but nodded calmly and said: "I'm going to take someone to the shanty town to see the doctor in person, Doctor Hua, we have a good relationship when we were in the capital , even if you have committed crimes before, but I don’t have enough manpower now, so please pack up and follow me to the shantytowns, I believe that under my personal supervision, Physician Hua will never diagnose wrong diseases again.”

Physician Hua looked at Mr. Zhang embarrassingly, as if he was reading his meaning.Master Zhang made a haha, "That's fine too, Imperial Physician Hua is the leader of the group of doctors, as long as he masters the knack of the doctor Song's healing, and then pass it on to other doctors, I believe the people in Xinyi County will be saved Come here, take Imperial Physician Hua to freshen up and change clothes!"

Jiuya got up, and was no longer obsessed with releasing the other healers. She came out with Tsing Yi Phantom, and checked the situation at the place where the medicine was applied. Everything seemed to be normal. Those who drank the medicine All the people left one after another, but nothing happened.When Physician Hua came out, he gathered about six or seven doctors and headed to the shantytowns opened in the east of the city. They were accompanied by not only Mr. Huang, but also a hundred riders from the Habayashi army, and An Zicheng's recorder.

After this delay, Fu Yu ran over pretendingly, the doctors were all literati, and each sat in a carriage. Seeing that Jiuya was dressed in men's clothes, Fu Yu was so glamorous, his heart was about to move, and he brought a horse with joy. He smiled and said, "Master Fu Jiu, I wonder if Xiao Ke is lucky enough to ride with you?"

Jiuya straightened her eyebrows, cleared her throat and said, "Third Young Master, we are both men, so it's not right to ride together?"

Fu Yu squinted at her with one eye, "What's wrong? It's rare to come out, there must be a chance to see the scenery of the southern country, isn't it?"

Jiu Ya looked him up and down, did the sun come out from the west today?To be so generous as to let her appear in full view?She had a half-smile, "Since Third Young Master doesn't care, I naturally don't care either."

Fu Yu's eyes were all smiles, she was wearing men's clothes, and the two of them traveled the mountains and rivers together, but his greatest wish was not to be afraid of other people's covetousness, but also not to worry about worldly gossip.Now that I'm here, it's no longer comparable to being in the capital, but I can let go of it occasionally.

He hugged Jiuya onto the horse, then kicked her up himself, hugged her around his waist, tightened the reins, and said with a low smile: "This is the first time my lady is riding a horse, hold my arm tightly, don't fall off .”

As expected, it was Jiuya's first time riding a horse, and she had no chance to touch this thing in her previous life. She had seen horse riding at a tourist attraction, but she saw that the horse's back was too high, and she was always worried about falling off. She had never experienced this kind of sport.Now that Fu Yu is here, she is much more courageous, just like riding a motorcycle for the first time, when someone greets her from behind, her heart is at ease.

She tightly grasped Fu Yu's arm holding the rein, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go."

Fu Yu said loudly to Mr. Huang and others behind him to take a step ahead, then clamped the horse's belly and galloped with the rein in hand.

The two of them stand out among the crowd, one is as bright as jade, and the other is like a plain painting by a famous artist. The two of them squeezed together, their clothes fluttering, like a fairy child who stepped into the world from that painting, and everyone was shocked. I couldn't help looking and looking, unable to move my eyes.

Seeing this pair of beautiful boys disappearing from sight in a hurry, everyone felt their eyes dimmed, and everything turned pale.

Master Huang stroked his beard, Master Zhang looked straight at him, An Zicheng's eyes narrowed into long lines, and a regretful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth inadvertently.

Jiuya couldn't care about these things at this time. Fu Yu purposely swung his whip and galloped when she got on the horse for the first time. If she hadn't ridden a super fast motorcycle in her previous life, she would definitely be scared out of her mind now.Although she was mentally prepared, the rapid rush and bumps of the horses still made her dizzy.Fearing that he might fall and fall, his whole body was tightly pressed against Fu Yu's chest, his hands tightly grasping his arm, not daring to relax for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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