marry a noble wife

Chapter 388 I Don’t Believe It

Chapter 388 I Don’t Believe It (2)
"My lady, how do you feel? Riding a horse is different from riding a carriage, isn't it?" Fu Yu asked triumphantly above her head.

Jiuya replied with a smile: "It's really different, I prefer this feeling of speeding fast."

Fu Yu moved his eyebrows, smiled lowly, and lowered his head, "Aren't you afraid?"

Jiuya raised her small face and met his eyes, "Why should I be afraid when my husband is here? Besides..." She paused, "I still want to learn how to ride a horse from him. What do you do when you're riding?"

Fu Yu frowned, and gradually slowed down the speed of the horse, "Want to learn how to ride a horse? Is it necessary?"

Jiuya burst out laughing, "If one day I need to escape, isn't being able to ride a horse the best escape skill?"

Fu Yu shook his head, "Impossible, how could you have the time to run for your life? I'm here for everything."

"I'm just saying in case, I know that all the women in the Western Regions are good players on horseback. In our Daxia, women are not only living in the hall, but also in the kitchen, and then they are female reds. They pay attention to virtuousness and virtue. Hey, these I can do it, but I am more envious of women from the Western Regions who are unrestrained on horseback, sir, after this matter is over, you can teach me how to ride a horse? I beg you." Jiu Ya begged.

Fu Yu tilted his head to look at her, and a smirk gradually formed on the corner of his mouth, "Please? Then I have to have some kind of reward, otherwise, I'm not ready to agree."

Jiu Ya pretended not to understand, and blinked, "What reward does Mr. Xiang want?"

"I want you to give me a son..."

Sure enough, this color embryo!Jiuya's face turned red again.

Because Fu Yu was young and when his hormone secretion was at its peak, he had just passed through the human affairs, and he used to do it almost once or twice a day.Later, Jiuya had so many things to do that he really didn't have the energy to deal with him, so it became every few days, which made him very uncomfortable.Especially since the poison was detoxified, I don't have to sleep uncontrollably at night, and I feel depressed at night.

However, seeing Jiuya falling asleep every day as soon as her neck stiffened, he really felt sorry for her, so he could only bear with it. Before coming to Xinyi this time, including so many days on the road, he hadn't touched her for almost a month. She loves her, and sometimes he wished he could become a monk himself, because people almost faded away.

Now there is such an opportunity to obsess her, how could he miss it?
Jiu Ya understands the distress under the raging fire, suppressed a smile, and said: "I am not alone in giving birth to a son. As long as you are willing and capable, I can give you one right away."

Fu Yu was overjoyed when he heard that, and whispered in her ear: "Then it's settled, don't be too tired today, go to bed early..."

Jiu Ya giggled.The two chatted and laughed for a while, and she suddenly remembered something, and said seriously: "By the way, Mr. Hua, I think Imperial Doctor Hua is a bit suspicious, but Mr. Zhang hates it very much, so you will create a chance for me later, let me and you Imperial Physician Hua will be alone for a while, I must figure out the matter of putting people to death."

As soon as he mentioned this, Fu Yu raised his eyebrows, and exhaled from his nostrils: "If that guy doesn't listen to the greetings and doesn't tell the truth, my lady just speak up, and see if I don't let him explain everything about his eighteen generations of ancestors clearly. No wonder."

Jiuya rolled his eyes at him, "You..."

At this time, I have got off the official road, and the front is suddenly clear. On a large open grassland, there are countless temporary houses made of wooden sheds scattered. Not far away, there are officers and soldiers guarding all around. Someone is moving.

The two of them stopped in front of the guards, did not go deep for the time being, and showed their identities, then rode horses and slowly wandered around the shanty town.Just after finishing a circle, Mr. Huang and the others came.

So the brigade started to move, setting up stoves and carrying water, while Mr. Huang and other officials recruited patients.When those isolated patients heard that the imperial court specially sent a genius doctor to diagnose their illnesses, those who were mildly or seriously ill all walked out with a hand or a hand.When it came out, Jiu Yafang discovered that the number of people was completely unexpected.Looking at the dark heads, a rough estimate is that there are at least six or seven thousand people, all of whom are sallow, emaciated, weak and weak, and they feel pitiful when they look at them.What's more, living in this shantytown, the food and drink must not be good. Now it's May again, the temperature is high, and the weather is getting hotter. If the water is not convenient, they can't change it every day, and the sanitary conditions are even worse. .

Some people endured the pain with Shen Yin, even though they were disappointed once by the doctors who healed someone to death, they had no hope of life, so they didn't make a fuss in front of these doctors this time, They lined up very politely and asked the doctors to see them one by one.

Jiuya felt that the smell was unpleasant, so she put on a self-made mask first, and then guarded behind to make random checks at any time to see if the doctors had misdiagnosed them.As a result, as she expected, these doctors were accurate in diagnosing various diseases without any difference.Such a result made Jiuya even more suspicious of Imperial Physician Hua.

"Doctor, doctor, my mother is dying, please go and see her, please go and see her..."

Out of the dark crowd, a seven or eight-year-old little girl in dirty clothes suddenly stumbled out. She threw herself in front of Imperial Physician Hua, hugging his trousers, begging and crying.

Physician Hua did not see a doctor like other doctors after he came. He just looked at the patients in a daze, and was hugged by a little girl at this time, and he came back to his senses.He helped the little girl up, and said in a harmonious voice: "Little sister, did your mother also suffer from this disease?"

The little girl's tears flowed out the stains on her face, and she herself was on the verge of collapse, but she was still begging for her mother at this time, "Yes, my mother was also infected with this disease, and it has been delayed. It's been a long time, I finally hoped for you to come today, I beg the doctor to treat my mother first."

Imperial Physician Hua touched her head and sighed, "Let's lead the way, little sister."

Seeing that Physician Hua followed the little girl away, Jiu Ya, who was talking to a patient, prescribed a prescription and followed quietly.Fu Yu knew what she was going to do, so he asked Han Ziya to cover up for a while, and he also followed.

In a wooden shed that couldn't be more shabby, a skinny woman was lying on a door panel, dying.When Jiuya entered, Imperial Physician Hua was taking her pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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