marry a noble wife

Chapter 390 It’s Impossible to Begin Again

Chapter 390 It’s Impossible to Turn Back (1)
An Zicheng looked at Jiuya and sighed, "Why don't you believe me? Did you see that I have broken off the engagement with your seventh sister?"

Jiu Ya blinked, it was true, but that was because Seventh Sister was no longer useful.What is the purpose of this guy coming to pester himself now?She also sighed, "No matter what, it's just a matter of time. After all, I'm married now, and my husband treats me very well..."

An Zicheng grabbed her arm, and said with deep eyes: "Are you stupid? Is he a person who can be trusted for life? Not to mention that he has a strange disease, just take him... I don't want to see you as a widow , I don't care that you are already a married woman, as long as you nod, I will take you out of here now, before I can keep you safe..."

Jiu Ya stared at him, and slowly said: "Where are you taking me? Back to the capital? Are you not afraid that others will laugh at you?"

An Zicheng raised the corner of his lips, "Take you back to the capital? I won't be so stupid. Now, you can hide as far away as you should. You don't know, that... Anyway, you listened to me right, otherwise, At that time, I will not be able to save you, and you will regret it later."

Jiuya smiled, it seemed impossible to find out what he said, she threw off his hand and said coldly: "Fu Yu is my husband-in-law, how could I abandon him to go with you? Reason? But thank you for your reminder, it seems that our trip to Xinyi was done on purpose, since this place is so unsafe, my husband and I should leave immediately."

Combining with what Imperial Physician Hua said before: You are really here.She can already conclude that someone carefully planned the uncontrollable situation of this epidemic, so as to lure her out of Beijing. Is the purpose to kill herself?Could Fu Yu be in danger too?
She turned around and left. An Zicheng cursed from behind: "Well, you Song Jiuya, at this point, do you think you can still get away now? Don't dream! Since I gave you the last chance, you still don't care. Gu, don't blame me for not showing affection in the future!"

He also turned around with a sneer and left, this woman is looking for her own death, it is God's will, no matter how much he stops her, there is nothing he can do, so let her die.

Jiu Ya was grabbed by Fu Yu, he stared at her up and down, "Are you okay?"

Jiuya shook her head worriedly, "I'm fine, did you hear what we said just now? Mr. Xianggong, it seems that we came to Xinyi in the wrong place, and we have to leave immediately."

Fu Yu held her hand tightly, "You don't have to worry about these things. I already felt something was wrong when I entered Xinyi last night. Today, Big Fish and the others are investigating. If we can leave, we will leave immediately. If we can't, I will leave on my own." There's a way to deal with it. Go ahead, act like nothing happened, and go about your business."

Jiuya nodded with a heavy heart, hoping that Fu Yu could handle everything.

Afterwards, Fu Yu quietly left the shanty town, while Jiu Ya was busy with the patients.It wasn't until the evening, after summarizing things and arranging tomorrow's consultation plan, that the group returned to the post house.

Back at the post house, I didn't see Yudie, and I called people everywhere who didn't see her, but the room was cleaned up again, and even the steaming hot meals were placed on the table, apparently just left, she thought she was I went to the latrine, so I didn't look for it anymore.Turning around, she saw Han Ziyaw walking in alone. Jiuya thought about it, and called him to stop, "Han Ziyaw, are you busy now? If you're fine, can you talk to me?"

Han Ziyaw was startled, and there was a sense of idleness on his chiseled face, "It's okay to say it's all right, but what does Young Mistress want to tell me?"

He walked over slowly, Jiuya thought for a while, and chose her words extremely cautiously: "When I was in Luozhang yesterday, I heard you talking to Yudie." Han Ziya looked down on Yudie.

Han Ziya was slightly surprised, "It turns out that the young mistress got out of the car just to chase us?"

Jiuya didn't feel embarrassed either, she turned her body and looked at the green grass under the stone steps, "Yudie is pregnant, what are your plans?"

Han Ziya frowned slightly, he really didn't like to bring up this question, and he didn't like being pressed like this.Although Song Jiuya was considered half master, she couldn't meddle in his private affairs.

He said indifferently: "She is pregnant, what can I plan? She said she would let me marry her, but now is definitely not the time, let her get rid of it, but she refuses. Does she want to get pregnant before marriage? If she is not afraid of people If you laugh at it, let it be, I have no opinion at all."

Hearing his indifference, Jiuya was secretly angry, she turned her head and glared at him suddenly, and said, "What are you talking about? Since you were ruthless to her, why did you provoke her in the first place? Now that you have provoked her, you just want to lick your ass." Shoot, act like a normal person, are you still a man?"

Han Ziya narrowed his eyes slightly, he really wanted to tell her that if she hadn't let him try the medicine, he wouldn't have been poisoned by the bewitching poison, let alone ask Yudie to detoxify it.That's right, he's a playboy, and he didn't like Yudie's lofty appearance before, and wanted to conquer her, but this kind of thing is what you want, if Yudie doesn't agree to him, he won't either. It's hard for the strong.What's more, he never said that he was not responsible from the beginning to the end, it was just that the timing was wrong.

"Young mistress, I think you should make it clear that I never said I was irresponsible. It was she who refused to listen to my arrangement and asked her to stay in the capital, but she wanted to follow. Young mistress knows the situation here best. It is a Is there a place where pregnant women can come? She doesn't cherish it herself, so why blame me?"

Jiuya gritted her teeth, "I thought I didn't hear clearly. When you were in love with her, you went to find Yuru and went to a brothel. Since you are in love with her, how can you be half-hearted? Why don't you respect her a little bit?" ? Do you know that what a woman wants from a man she likes is to be single-minded?"

Han Ziyao felt a little irritable when he heard it, and he was single-minded, why did you ask him to be single-minded?To be specific depends on who is right, if it is a woman who makes his heart move, if it is a woman who makes him look up, he is willing to give in this way.But Yudie is not, he just thinks she is okay, Xiaojiabiyu is also considerate, and occasionally can arouse pity in his heart, but she is not the object in his heart that can make him single-minded.

He raised his eyes and fixedly looked at Jiuya. After a long while, he said in a low voice: "Young mistress, is she my lover? If she is the woman I really love, I would like to protect her like a jade, but she No, if she can't bear my flirtatiousness, then it's up to her to choose. If she can stick to the three obediences and four virtues of a woman, and don't think about things that she can't think about, as long as the young mistress says something, I will marry her now."

(End of this chapter)

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