marry a noble wife

Chapter 391 It’s Impossible to Begin Again

Chapter 391 It’s Impossible to Turn Back (2)
Jiuya stared at him angrily, "What do you want me to say? What do you mean she can stick to the three obediences and four virtues of women? You dirty man, if you marry her, if you can't respect her and fool around all day long, she will marry you. What? What's the use of a man like you?"

"I'm dirty? Is that how you look at me?" Han Ziyaw's gaze was provocative and bright, "Young Mistress, I'm Han Ziyaw, not Young Master. How can you look at me with the way you see a man? ?It’s like a good man in this world has only one young master, and a good woman has only one young mistress. You can’t turn me into a second young master, and you can’t turn Yudie into a second young mistress. We ordinary people can only follow Go big, men are romantic and affectionate, women are obedient to their husbands, if an ordinary woman like Yudie can't do this, then she is asking for trouble!"

Before he could finish his sentence, Jiuya slapped him in anger, and only heard a "slap", and Han Ziyao was slapped firmly on the face.

"Bastard! How can there be a bastard like you in the world! Yudie is not an ordinary woman, and an ordinary woman would not make such demands on an ordinary man like you! If you make up your mind to treat her like this, even if Yudie agrees to marry you, I will not marry you." Not allowed, I will support her, I will support her for the rest of my life, a man like you is not worthy of her, go to hell!"

She was so angry that it seemed that Yudie's suppressed cry on the street yesterday was still echoing in her ears. If a woman has no love, how can she give herself willingly?Yudie was full of hope to get along with this man, but in the end, this man couldn't give her what she wanted, and she was pregnant, how sad should she be?But she never said a word or complained in front of her, what a strong woman, Han Ziya actually said that she was not good?What a blind eye.

Jack Crow tightened his fingers one by one, his eyes were burning with fire, he gritted his teeth and said: "This time, for the sake of the young master, I don't care about the slap, I just ask the young mistress to make things clear, I'm just a Jack Crow, It's not the young master, Yudie will marry if she can see it, but she can do whatever she wants if she doesn't!"

He brushed past her and strode away, Jiu Ya only felt that the man slapped her but still couldn't get rid of her hatred, she usually looked at him laughing and joking, and thought he was a responsible man, but he was such an asshole.Didn't Yudie get to know him better before he got along with him?Poor Yudie, she looks weak, but her heart is very proud. Will she really marry such a jackass?

Sitting alone in the room, she was sulking and didn't even want to eat. She ignored Fu Yu when he came in.Fu Yu's face was heavy, and he was sitting at the dining table full of thoughts. He didn't notice her displeasure, but said in a deep voice: "Lady, something is really wrong. Just now, Big Yu and the others came back to report, and Xinyi looks dead. Shen is calm, but the city gates around are tightly guarded. Even the people sent by Mr. Huang to Luyi were killed five miles outside the city for no reason, this is really unusual."

Only then did Jiu Ya forcefully break free from the boredom, poured him a cup of tea, and said sullenly: "The person sent by Mr. Huang to Lu Yi was killed? That's the Yulin Army, the emperor's man, who is so bold , can you even wait for something?"

Holding the teacup, Fu Yu asked the wrong answer: "My lady, do you think something is strange?"

"what's up?"

"It's the second brother. I clearly told him about killing the eldest brother that night, and my father also read the notebook kept by the second sister-in-law. I can completely confirm the evil deeds of the second brother. As a result, it happened that my father wanted to question the second brother. At that time, Lord Qi Tong came. Then my father was invited into the palace, and then the second brother was released, and my father did not ask him about this matter. Instead, the second brother was still sent here... ..."

Jiuya frowned, "You mean that the second brother has the emperor's help, and then the emperor suppressed father, so that father can no longer blame the second brother?"

Fu Yu nodded, "It seems that we really fell into the trap of the dog emperor. Physician Hua said that we can't fight that person, so he must be referring to the emperor. As soon as we entered Xinyi, we had already fallen into someone else's urn."

Jiuya thought for a while, and said: "In my opinion, the matter is not so simple. Didn't someone dare to kill the Yulin Army? If it is the emperor's intention, there is absolutely no reason to prevent Master Huang from going to inquire about King Qi's news, so I think there should be another force infiltrated here, which is fishing in troubled waters."

Fu Yu smiled, "Among the imperial court, there is only one crown prince who wishes King Qi to be defeated and die in Luyi. You mean, the crown prince is fishing in troubled waters?"

Jiuya also smiled, "Master is the smartest, so the key points here are naturally clearer than me. Since these two forces exist, if they don't let us leave the city and want to trap us here, why don't we follow along?" Fishing in troubled waters, what do you think?"

Fu Yu knocked her on the head, "Sure enough, only Song Jiuya can talk and laugh happily under such an unfavorable situation. In fact, I have been waiting for you to hug me and act like a baby with a scared little bird, and then say, Mr., I'm afraid... "

Jiuya spat at him, "Fuck you! I'm not afraid, but you have a good idea, is it disgusting?"

Fu Yu giggled, pulled her hand and was about to kiss her, Jiuya slapped him away angrily, and said sternly: "In order to attract us, those people don't treat the common people here as human beings, sir, you can Take this opportunity to win the hearts of the people here, and if necessary, expose the conspiracy of those superiors in public, so that they can turn against each other."

Fu Yu was not annoyed after being shut down, he raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Mistress and I want to go together. But this time the dog emperor actually used my second brother to try to kill me. I must show him some color this time." Look."

"What do you want to do?"

Fu Yu smiled casually, "I can't be too sure now, but until tomorrow, at most the day after tomorrow, there will be a few more distinguished guests in this city, and my lady just wait and see." Fortunately, he was prepared, otherwise , This time, he is really going to fall into the trap of the dog emperor.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Jiuya didn't ask any more questions, the two had a conversation, and after dinner, Fu Yu went to find Han Ziyao.Jiuya was about to put away the bowls and chopsticks by herself, when Xiucai walked in and said, "Young Mistress, did you see Yudie?"

"Didn't you see her? When I came back, the food was just set out. I thought she had gone to the latrine, but I haven't seen her until now. Maybe I went to chat with someone nearby and forgot the time?" Jiuya didn't Take it for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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