marry a noble wife

Chapter 392 It’s Impossible to Begin Again

Chapter 392 It’s Impossible to Turn Back (3)
Xiucai asked strangely: "We just came here, and we don't know anyone. Who has she chatted with for so long?"

Jiuya was also surprised, put the bowls and chopsticks on the table, and asked: "Is there something wrong, let's look separately."

Xiucai was too tired at first, but she became anxious when she said this, and started to shout after running out the door, "Yudie... Yudie..."

Jiuya ran to the small kitchen first, because Yudie was pregnant, and she was worried about her diet, so Jiuya specially asked Master Zhang to vacate this small courtyard with a kitchen, so she arranged the meals by herself.As soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw that the stove was in a mess, the spatula was thrown on the ground, and there was a broken wooden stick. There was a small pool of blood on the ground. Call uncle to come over."

Xiucai, who was calling around, rushed to the place where they were discussing. The people over there had already heard Jiuya's cry. Fu Yu thought that something happened, so he rushed in first, and saw that she was just anxious. Standing there, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "What's the matter?"

Jiuya looked at the Jacked Crow who followed him in, and said angrily, "It's been a long time since I saw Yudie, and the kitchen is so messy and there are bloodstains, something must have happened to Yudie."

Han Ziya's face tightened, and he hurried over to check the blood on the ground, wiped it with his finger, and sniffed, "It's not long, just before we come back..."

Jiuya's heart trembled, "Are you sure it's Yudie's blood?"

Han Ziya's face was cold, "After we all go out, she will be left alone in this yard. We won't be there until the young mistress comes back. Besides her blood, who else could it be?"

The big fish behind was also surprised, "Could it be that someone sneaked into our yard and took Yudie away?"

Fu Yu's face darkened suddenly, "This is in the post house. If something like this happened, I naturally have to ask Mr. Zhang, who is the person who dared to kidnap me?"

He immediately came forward to negotiate with Mr. Zhang, while Han Ziya was still searching for clues in the kitchen.

Li Yun carried a lantern to investigate outside, and finally picked up a golden phoenix-headed hairpin by a low wall in the east. The golden phoenix held two strings of round black pearls in its mouth. In his hand, "I gave this to Yudie. It seems that her butterfly was indeed taken away."

Li Yun held up a lamp and looked at the imprint on the low wall, "The person who kidnapped her was thicker and stronger, but he was very good at lightness kung fu. He fled to the east. By the way, who lives in the east courtyard? It's all daytime, look Did they see the woman taken away?"

Jiu Ya whispered: "Fu Changting lives in the east, could it be him?"

As soon as Han Ziyao raised his waist, he was about to rush over to find someone, but Jiuya held him back, "Don't be reckless, Fu Changting is not easy to deal with, we will go after we think of a perfect plan."

Han Ziya's eyes turned dark, he had also read Wen Caihe's brochure, so he naturally knew what Fu Changting was.If it's a girl, even if she is really taken captive by him, who can do anything to her?Thinking that Yudie still had a child in her womb, his heart throbbed for no reason, Yudie, you must do nothing, otherwise, Fu Changting must be torn to pieces!

Jiuya took Xiucai and Han Ziya to the east courtyard, only to see a light in a wing room in the middle, walked in, and saw Fu Changting sitting on the grand teacher's chair with his feet on the table, holding his hands Humming opera with eyes closed while beating the beat.

"Second brother is really leisurely and happy. Humming and singing alone is really leisurely." Jiuya entered the door and looked at Fu Changting calmly.He was wearing a navy blue wide-sleeved robe, his hair was tied casually, his round face was broad and fat, and he looked very leisurely.

Hearing her voice, Fu Changting stopped the song, slowly opened his slender eyes, and said with a chuckle, "So it's the third sister-in-law, it's getting dark today, what can I do?"

He retracted his legs and pointed to the opposite chair, "Second Brother is bored by himself, are you afraid that Second Brother will be lonely, so come and accompany me?"

When Han Ziyao heard his obscene words, he couldn't bear it any longer, raised his eyebrows and scolded: "Second Master, please speak with respect, the person who is talking to you now is a very good county lord!"

Fu Changting raised his eyebrows and squinted at him, "Oh? The county lord, oh, yes, I almost forgot, our Fu family also has a county lord. I was negligent, I don't know why the county lord came here Ah? Do you want Xiaomin to kneel down and pay homage?"

When he said this, there was clearly a contemptuous smile on his face, and Han Ziya was so angry that he was about to beat someone up, but Jiu Ya secretly held him back, walked around the table, walked slowly in front of Fu Changting, and said with a slight smile: "Go to pay homage!" No, I just want to ask my second brother if he has seen the girl in my yard, if he has, I hope he can tell us where she is."

Fu Changting looked up at the sky, "Your girl, how can I see it? I sleep in the house all day long, how can I keep my eyes on your girl?"

"Oh? Really?" Jiuya flicked the tea cup on the table with her big sleeve without any trace, and the tea immediately poured down on Fu Changting's sleeve. Fu Changting jumped up and shouted impatiently: "You What are you doing?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose, I'll show you if there's any burns..." Jiuya pretended to be him wiping the water stains to cover his already wet sleeves, Fu Changting stepped back, "Forget it , I’m too lazy to bother with you, please go ahead!”

He turned around and went into the back room, closing the door with a bang.Jiu Ya led them away immediately, and returned to the yard. Li Yun was already standing at the door, he shook his head and said, "I have carefully checked his resting place just now, Yu Die is not inside."

Jiuya sneered and said, "Even if Yudie is not in his room, I'm sure that he has absolutely nothing to do with this matter."

Xiucai asked, "Why is Young Madam so sure?"

"Didn't you see the gown with the big sleeves he was wearing? He is already fat. Whenever we see him wearing clothes with such sleeves, it is clear that he is trying to cover up something. I just splashed water on his sleeves Seeing that gauze was tied on his left wrist, he must have been injured. He concealed the injury so much and didn’t want us to know, so can’t we be sure that Yudie’s accident is related to him?”

Han Ziya's eyes were tearing when he heard that, he gritted his teeth and said, "Fu Changting!"

At this moment, Big Yu came over and said, "Just now I asked the people monitoring Fu Changting. They saw someone who looked like Fu Changting go out from a distance. They thought it was him, so they chased after him, but after turning around twice, they found that there was no No, when they turned back, they didn't see Fu Changting's people. When they found him in Waihe, they saw him running back holding his wrists and humming in pain. Because Fu Changting used a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain, he couldn't know the rain. Did he take the butterfly away?"

(End of this chapter)

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