marry a noble wife

Chapter 393 It’s Impossible to Begin Again

Chapter 393 It’s Impossible to Turn Back (4)
"Really? Let's say he is very cunning and knows that someone is watching him." Fu Yu came in at this time, and told Han Ziya: "Now we have no proof, and we can't ask him. You send people around to look for him." Look, you want to see people when you are born, and you want to see corpses when you die!"

Han Ziyaw had already taken his orders and left. At this moment, he didn't know what he was feeling in his heart, but he felt his chest was swollen, and he had an urge to kill.

Since the person disappeared in the post house, Mr. Zhang couldn't get rid of the responsibility. He also sent hundreds of people to search around overnight. After a whole night of searching, he couldn't find Yudie, a big living person, who seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.

Jiuya waited for the news and was so anxious that she stayed up all night. When the news came back one after another, she couldn't sit still anymore and wanted to go out to look for it. Fu Yu grabbed her, " Ladies, don't worry, let them look for it, and they will definitely find it."

Tears welled up in Jiuya's eyes, "Master, how could I not be in a hurry? It's all my fault, if I hadn't left her alone in the inn, she wouldn't have had this kind of thing happen to her now. You are pregnant, what should you do if something happens? Mr., you must find her, you must find her..."

Fu Yu wiped her tears and coaxed her: "I will definitely find her, I know she is very important to you, don't worry, even if I don't do anything now, I will definitely find her, you believe me."

However, until the afternoon, there was still no news of Yudie. Jiuya was heartbroken. If she had known about this, she would not have brought her here. Thinking of her always smiling and pure face, I felt that the whole world was full of her voice and smile. .

When I saw her for the first time, it was in Xiao's room. At that time, I only felt that she was clean and elegant, but she was also disturbed. Her first sentence was "Miss, don't you know me?"

At that time, she had just traveled here, how could she know her?That time, she was the one who gave her a hand to avoid being knocked down by Jin Xia.

When I saw her again later, it was in Xiao's house again. That time, Yudie risked being severely punished by Xiao's, and reported her situation to the aunt and old lady.

Later, the old lady sent her by her side.What she said the most every time was "what does the girl want to eat, what does the girl want to wear?"

Her earnest smile, like the spring breeze turning into drizzle, is gentle and comfortable.

Her hands are the most dexterous in the world, she can curl the most beautiful hair in the world, and can draw the most beautiful eyebrows in the world. I still remember that she once said, "My young mistress is the closest person to me. Wherever my young mistress is, I will be there." ..."

I still remember that day when she cried and said, "I have nothing but my young mistress now, I have to follow my young mistress, and my young mistress will decide everything for me..."

She trusted her [-], but in the end, before she could fulfill her promise to take good care of her, she disappeared...

Xiucai came over to hug her and cry bitterly. Her mouth was full of Yudie's goodness. She remembered every detail better than anyone else...

The work of treating patients in the shantytowns was still going on, and the search for people was still going on. Fu Yu sent people deep into the prison at night to secretly meet with the imprisoned doctors.

Until the third day, Yudie still hadn't been found, Jiuya was completely desperate, Jackyaw, who had always thought that Yudie was irrelevant, suddenly became gloomy and terrifying, kept silent all day, just desperately looking around.

During this period, Xinyi County indeed had two distinguished guests - King Rongchang and Princess Yuechan.

Shunchang, where the vassal Prince Rui lived, happened to be adjacent to the southwest of Xinyi, and Shunchang and Xinyi were usually neighbors, so they lived in harmony.But ever since King Nanping got indulged and instigated by the imperial court, he continued to harass the people of Shunchang with all the surrounding counties and counties, because it was just a civil dispute and did not escalate to the point of using the government, Prince Rui has been enduring it.So on the surface, Shunchang has a good relationship with surrounding counties.

This time, Prince Rui's banished eldest son, King Rongchang and Princess Yuechan went straight to the Donglin Mansion under the friendly banner of sending medicines, food and other relief items to the people. Report, they led the team to drive straight in.Originally, the city guards didn't dare to let them go, but the captain of the car found a loud voice from somewhere, stood on the top of the city wall and shouted, saying that the people who delivered medicine and food came, and the people inside were not waiting for those brutal city guards. After reacting, they rushed forward one after another, opened the city gate wide, each grabbed a bag of rice from the convoy and rushed away.

Armored cavalry escorted the convoy full of goods, and the long line occupied the streets in front of the Yamen of Donglin Mansion to the end. The sound of people neighing instantly made the whole Xinyi City lively.

When Mr. Zhang got the letter, the convoy had already arrived at the gate. King Rongchang said loudly, and he stretched out his hands to hold Mr. Zhang's hand, "Haha... Mr. Zhang, I have been admiring your name for a long time, but I have never had the chance to meet you. To be able to take this opportunity to deliver medicine and food to meet Master Zhang for the first time is a godsend, haha..."

King Rongchang is in his 20s, tall and burly, with a rough face, and his voice is like thunder. He is also a strong man. That grip, those two hahas, immediately pinched Mr. Zhang's hand sorely and deafened him. dizzy.

He struggled and couldn't get rid of it, and smiled dryly, "I didn't expect that King Rongchang would personally deliver medicine and food. On behalf of the people in Xinyi County, I would like to thank King Rongchang for his support." He really didn't expect that King Rongchang would choose I came to deliver medicine and food at this time. Shunchang was not moving in the past few months. It seemed that they were tired of dealing with the provocations of King Nanping and were so upset that they didn't care about the surrounding counties. Are these so-called medicines and food coming all the time?His calves could not help but start to tremble, it seemed that there were some things that had to be implemented immediately.

At this time Master Huang also came out, he had always had a very bad impression of the king of San Francisco, he was only superficially polite to the king of Shunchang, but in his heart, he was extremely disdainful of making friends with him.

Yuechan was covered with a light veil, sitting in the carriage, looking for the figure in her mind, until the young man in crimson clothes, Ruoliu, came out slowly, the corners of her mouth finally frowned. laugh.

She has been in love with this young man for many years. He has been crushing and turning, and he is indifferent. Now that he has finally extended an olive branch to her, does it mean... the best time for Prince Rui and Prince Xi to cooperate and fight against foreign enemies has arrived? ?
(End of this chapter)

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