marry a noble wife

Chapter 394 It’s Impossible to Begin Again

Chapter 394 It’s Impossible to Turn Back (5)
Fu Yu and King Rongchang also chatted loudly, and after a while, the two began to hook shoulders, as if they were two good brothers who hadn't seen each other for many years.

Mr. Zhang stared at him, and with a forced smile, he was about to welcome them in, but at this moment a person rushed from the street and shouted: "Mr. Huang, please hurry up!" Stop this guy, he's gone crazy, he'll kill anyone he sees!"

The person who came running was Fu Changting, and he got behind Master Huang in an instant. Before Master Huang could react, Han Ziyao swung his knife over.It turned out that the Han Ziya couldn't find anyone in the past few days, and there was really nowhere to look for him. Finally, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he took a knife and slashed at Fu Changting directly.

He chopped left and right silently, and Fu Changting circled around Master Huang. Master Huang shouted angrily, and the surrounding Yulin army immediately stepped forward to hold Han Ziyao.

"Fu Sanshao, isn't this your long-term follower? Why don't you just let him kill your second brother at will?" Master Huang glared at Fu Yu who was walking in with King Rongchang.

Fu Yu closed his smile, looked back at Fu Changting, and said slowly: "Some people have done something that should be chopped up, so why not let him chop it up?"

Fu Changting had a naive look on his face, and said pitifully with a mournful face: "Master Huang, quickly judge, they are just a girl who disappeared, and they are all on my head. I usually sleep only when I eat, how could I have the courage to go to bed?" The girl who provoked them, I was usually bullied in the Houfu, but unexpectedly, I was bullied by a servant, Mr. Huang, I... I am having a hard time. Why don't you let me go back to the capital first, I can't stay here for a day..."

Mr. Huang has always been upright, and he can't see the underdog offending the superior, so he glared at Han Ziyao, "No matter who you are, there is no reason to kill a master with a knife. What's more, he is the hero who was appointed by the emperor to bring medicine to Xinyi. Not to mention that the missing girl has nothing to do with him, even if it has something to do with him, she is just a girl, and I will compensate you all when I return to the capital!"

Han Ziya's eyes were bloodshot and he yelled, "Whoever wants you to pay for the girl, I only want him to pay for my life!"

Fu Changting, however, hid behind Master Huang and kept laughing. Yuechan happened to be helped out of the carriage by two Meichans. The person who was laughing secretly looked straight ahead and saw the girl's soft waist, and the light gauze was full of water. His eyes were like mist, he couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva, his eyes turned sharply, he straightened up and walked out from behind Master Huang. What to do with him, walked up to Yuechan in a polite manner, and said loudly: "It's such a coincidence that I didn't expect to see the Princess here again."

Yuechan glanced at him, and she recognized Fu Changting at a glance. After all, he was also Fu Yu's second brother, so she smiled slightly and said, "Hello, second brother."

Her voice was like an oriole coming out of the valley, and the faint smile under the veil contained a kind of hazy beauty. Fu Changting suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and said with a naive smile: "I dare not be the second brother. I have never heard of the princess coming here before, otherwise I will You and your third brother should go out of the city to meet each other."

Yuechan's watery eyes bent, and she looked at Fu Yu who was having a good time with her elder brother at the door, her eyes were full of tenderness, "I dare not have Brother Lao and Brother Yu, besides, we didn't know that you were also here in New Year's Eve when we came here this time." Yi, otherwise, the two elder brothers should be taken to Shunchang to play first."

Fu Changting was full of doubts in his heart, did King Rongchang really not know that they came to Xinyi?Is there such a coincidence?

At this moment, Jiuya was coming from the shanty town. She looked at the convoy occupying several streets, and then at the armored cavalry. It blew from the horizon, with the bloody smell that was searched from nowhere, and bit by bit it blew towards this county that was already full of innocent souls.The dark clouds in the sky covered the scorching sun, and the goshawks were circling in the sky. These animals seemed to smell the delicacy of blood that only belonged to them!

Hopefully, everything can be restored.

The sudden visit of King Rongchang and Princess Yuechan to Xinyi caught everyone by surprise.Mr. Huang only felt that it was a trouble, Mr. Zhang felt that the dark clouds were overwhelming, and there was an ominous omen in his heart. He secretly prayed for God's blessing, so he tried his best to entertain him. He only hoped that the two neighbors would come happily and leave as soon as possible. .

The medicine and food that King Rongchang sent was quite rich, and he pulled over a hundred carriages. Each cart had heavy ruts, and the things on it must have been packed heavily.But Mr. Zhang is also a cautious person, how can he allow this kind of thing to enter his city center, his headquarters first?He arranged for people to open the bags of medicinal materials and grains on the carriage and check them one by one. After confirming that they were correct, he drove all the carriages to the large field at the gate of Beicheng. At this time, they must not be put into storage immediately. The food is left, and the medicinal materials are burned.

That night, Mr. Zhang held a banquet for King Rongchang in the yamen courtyard of Donglin Mansion, accompanied by several officials under his command and those from the capital.

Due to Yudie's disappearance, Jiu Ya didn't intend to attend this kind of banquet, but Fu Yu sent people to remind her again and again, presumably there must be a reason for her to participate in this banquet, so she was still dressed in a lotus blue Hu suit and was escorted by the Phantom of Tsing Yi to the banquet. hall hall.

At this time, the hall was brightly lit, and the seats were seated according to the southern customs. Two people sat on a small table, each table was equipped with a few exquisite snacks, cups and bowls of tea, and the servants shuttled back and forth, serving carefully.

There was no one seated at the top of the hall, the middle was empty, and there was a red carpet. Seven or eight dancers in fluttering colorful clothes were dancing to the music, their waists were soft, their eyebrows were affectionate, their eyes were pleasant, and the fragrance was blowing. , can make people's lust flutter, and everyone is mesmerized by watching.

Jiuya saw Fu Yu sitting on the left side, squinting his eyes at the dancers, smiling, and staring intently, looking lewd.The seat beside him was empty, and on his left, King Rongchang and Princess Yuechan were sitting next to each other.Two steps away, King Rongchang excitedly tapped his chopsticks on the table to beat the time, yelling loudly from time to time because of a difficult move by the dancer.But Yuechan's mind was not on those dancers, she turned her eyes slightly sideways, casting watery eyes on Fu Yu from time to time.

Jiuya walked over with a smile, Fu Yu immediately spotted her, stood up and helped her sit down, just as the dance was over, there was warm applause on the stage, of course, the most enthusiastic one was from King Rongchang, "Okay, dance!" Well done, haha, I never imagined that Mr. Zhang, as the sheriff, could hide such a superb dancer in Xinyi, I really feel inferior to Shunchang."

(End of this chapter)

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