marry a noble wife

Chapter 395 Hurry up and have children is the business

Chapter 395 Hurry up and have children is the business (1)
Lord Zhang bowed his waist on the opposite side and said: "They are all vulgar people, how can King Rongchang say it is so good, but if King Rongchang likes it, he can pick a few people who are pleasing to the eye and go back..."

"It's good to dare, there are beauties to choose, and this king never knows how to refuse, and Master Zhang can't hide it later. Haha..." King Rongchang raised his glass to Master Zhang, and drank it with his head up.

"Third Young Master, I can't let me monopolize the good things. You can pick a few too. It's rare that Mr. Zhang is so generous..." He turned around while smiling, and suddenly saw a bright and smart person beside Fu Yu. The beautiful young man with clear and gloomy eyebrows was suddenly shocked, regardless of his identity or the public's gaze, he pushed the table up, kicked, ran to Jiuya, opened his eyes and shouted: "Oh my god, third young master, Where did you find such a young man, the two of you are sitting so close, you are not a broken sleeve, are you?"

Fu Yu raised his wine glass to block his eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother, you are worrying too much. No matter how bad I am, I won't be a broken sleeve."

King Rongchang clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "That's good, a young man like this is just right for my sister's alluring beauty. Since you have married a real wife, it's too bad for my sister to agree with you. Why don't you let me marry you?" You come to be a matchmaker, marry this young man to my sister, and come to our Shunchang to be a door-to-door son-in-law, how about it?"

Jiuya smiled lightly and said nothing, this King Rongchang seemed rude, but she believed that such people were generally good at covering up.Just talking about Yuechan's marriage, it can be said that it is related to the honor and interests of the entire family, how can she talk so lightly about a stranger?Yuechan didn't even seem to be satisfied with Qingyan, so how could she easily decide on a marriage because of a person's appearance?So, this King Rongchang must also be a shit-stirring stick, playing haha ​​there, it will never really rain.

Yuechan naturally recognized Jiuya, she had a deep impression of her since the Prince's Mansion, secretly, she already regarded her as a rival in love, although she didn't think much of common people like Jiuya.When she heard what King Rongchang said, she immediately felt sullen.

The few officials on the opposite side were covering their mouths and snickering. They felt that King Rongchang was a bit muddled. How could such a person inherit his father's throne?

Fu Yu blinked and said with a playful face: "Brother, this is absolutely impossible. This young man is not a real young man, but just my little brother's wife."

Jiuya's face was dark, cheap?What the hell is this called?

King Rongchang was taken aback, looked Jiuya up and down again, his eyes were even bigger than copper bells, "It's actually a woman? It's a pity my sister."

He lost interest and walked back, took two steps, suddenly slapped his head, turned around and said: "I heard that the third young lady is a famous doctor in the capital. It just so happened that a friend of mine suffered from a strange disease. The young doctor has been treated, but there is no improvement, can you ask the third young lady to take a look at my friend?"

Jiu Ya looked at Fu Yu, and Fu Yu interjected for her: "Since it's my elder brother's entrustment, as long as I can do what I can, how can I refuse? I just don't know what disease my elder brother's friend is suffering from?"

King Rongchang pointed at Mr. Zhang, and shouted, "You should know that man too, right? It's Lu Ziqiao, the only son of Mr. Lu in Beicheng."

Mr. Zhang suddenly realized: "I really know each other, Mr. Lu's family has a great career, and he only had a son at the age of 40. Unexpectedly, this son suddenly suffered from a strange disease when he was 16 years old, and his stomach grew day by day. After three years, his belly looks like a pregnant woman who was pregnant in October. He has seen many famous doctors from all over the world, but he has never seen any improvement. It is very pitiful. Because the child is very difficult to move, even During the cholera epidemic this time, the family did not dare to leave the city, and they stayed by this son's side all the time."

He paused, "I didn't expect Mr. Lu to be your friend. If I knew this, I should go over and say hello."

King Rongchang laughed and waved his hands, "That's not necessary. It was just a trivial matter back then. I owe a favor to Mr. Lu. He has always entrusted me to find a famous doctor for your son. When I saw the third young lady today, I suddenly thought of this. If The third young lady can help cure Lu Ziqiao's illness, so I owe one less favor."

As soon as Jiuya heard that it was a patient with a belly as big as a pregnant woman and now it is difficult for her to move, she began to have a clue in her heart.I have seen people suffer from this kind of disease in previous lives. Because of the advanced medical equipment, it is generally possible to detect the cause of the growth in the abdomen. Some have tumors, some have hepatosplenomegaly and ascites, but no matter what it is, with the current medical conditions , are extremely difficult to treat.However, it is not ruled out that he was poisoned by Gu poison. Compared with the first two kinds, Gu poison is easier to cure.

She pondered for a while, "I can't say for sure that it can be cured, but I can go and have a look to find out what the cause is."

Seeing her such an unheard of illness, An Zicheng who dared to follow her, who was sitting across from her and looked at Yuechan from time to time, looked sideways in surprise. Is Song Jiuya so powerful?

Fu Changting also narrowed his eyes slightly, and shook the wine glass in his hand playfully. Chunmei said, people who don't know medical skills are suddenly proficient in medical skills, and they are also highly skilled. Seeing is believing.This woman, if there is a sudden divine help, one day she will figure it out clearly.

King Rongchang was overjoyed, so the matter was finalized like this. After the reception banquet, it was late at night, and after eating and drinking for a while, they each arranged to rest.

At the end of the song, when Fu Yu and Jiu Ya returned to the courtyard, King Rongchang sent a guard around him to invite them, saying that they had something to discuss in secret.

Fu Yu asked Jiuya to take a rest first, and he and Han Ziya followed the guards to a small courtyard with heavy guards. Before he had taken two steps, a petite figure rushed towards him.Fu Yu dodged to the side vigilantly, but the figure seemed to know the direction in which he was hiding. He tilted his body and was about to fall to the place where he was dodging.The soft female body immediately spread her arms around his waist tightly, and pressed her head against his chest.

"Brother Yu, I can finally be with you in an upright manner, but I miss you so much." Yuechan took a deep breath of the masculine fragrance on his body, her voice was delicate and weak, soft, like the light A dandelion that disperses when blown lightly, arouses pity.

(End of this chapter)

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