marry a noble wife

Chapter 396 Hurry up and have children is the business

Chapter 396 Hurry up and have children is the business (3)
Early in the morning, Master Zhang arranged for beautiful wine and beauties to see King Rongchang off, and someone rushed to urge Fu Yu to come over.

Han Ziya sent him back on the grounds that Fu Yu was ill and hadn't woken up yet.

Jiuya lifted the thin quilt with back pain and wanted to get up. Fu Yu opened one eye and pulled her down again, and said with a low smile, "Ma'am, am I still working hard these days? Are you satisfied with my performance?"

Jiuya beat his chest angrily, "You still said, if every night is tossed by you like this, should I still do something?"

Fu Yu braced his head, "What else is there to do? The only thing to do is to give me a quick birth."

He stroked her radiant face, and said "tsk tsk" in a loud voice: "Look, the lady's complexion is so good, it's all nourished by me."

"I'm not serious." Jiu Ya rolled his eyes at him and brushed his fingers away, "I'm going to Mrs. Lu's family soon, so get up too, everyone else is waiting for you."

Fu Yu still wrapped his arms around her waist reluctantly, salivating and said, "You're going back to Luxi soon, I really can't bear to part with you, lady, shall we do it again?"

Jiuya looked helpless, "Don't tell me you're not going to come back when I go back to Luxi? You can bear it and you won't die. I really have no strength now." For her safety, Fu Yu has arranged for her to borrow Luxi today. When Da Yuan's family went to see a doctor, she launched an offensive, and she was escorted out of the city quickly.And what Mr. Lu said outside, it was the place where King Rongchang and Fu Yu had negotiated to give her a way out. Later, there would be about fifty people who Fu Yu thought were the best fighters to follow her and go to Mr. Lu's house. Then they broke out of the city together and returned directly to Luxi.Naturally, this is just a plan discussed with King Rongchang.

Fu Yu closed his eyes boringly, "If it wasn't for that dog emperor always forcing me, I wouldn't plan to make such a big fuss with him for a while, it seems that I really have to bear it. Madam, I have already discussed the matter with Han Ziyao, If the two of you split up, you have to take care of yourself."

Jiu Ya frowned, "He is the most capable person by your side, I don't feel at ease here if he leaves you."

"What are you worried about?" Fu Yu opened his eyes and said softly, "I'm just a saboteur. The 2000 people who can be used are all good players who can make one equal to ten. What are you afraid of? Besides, the lady is still a heavy responsibility. We This move can only succeed, not fail, otherwise, life in the future will definitely not be easy."

Jiuya smiled, indeed, there are many variables when she goes, this time, in order to get out safely, and make the emperor tickle, so that he will not be sad in the future, Fu Yu has put a lot of thought into it, and Han Ziya is just the best But also the goal.

After getting up and washing up, she asked Xiucai to accompany her to Mrs. Lu's house in Beicheng with her tortoise hair in her arms.

After leaving the post house, Han Ziya was already waiting outside. Ever since Yudie disappeared, he hardly showed a smile on his face. Every time he saw Jiuya, his expression was very gloomy.Presumably Yudie's disappearance reminded him of the day when he and Jiuya were arguing over Yudie. At that time, he still looked like he didn't care about whether to follow the rules. Now, he should also have some regrets. Bar.

Therefore, sometimes people take it for granted when they have it, and when it is taken for granted and becomes lost forever, it is too late to know how to cherish it.

Jiuya got into the carriage, and Xiucai sat across from her with a medicine box on her back.Xiucai is not an idiot either. In the past few days, she saw officers and soldiers patrolling more intensively in the whole city, and Jiuya more or less revealed to her some things about their being trapped in Xinyi.She wasn't too scared, because she knew that Uncle was a capable person, and now that Jack Yaw had left Uncle to stay with Young Mistress, she knew something big would happen today.It's just a pity... Yudie, where are you now?Still alive?
Han Ziya and Tsing Yi Phantom guarded around the carriage, Jiuya opened the curtain and looked around, everyone on the street was in a hurry, but she knew that the person Fu Yu arranged might be the one who carried the carriage. The old man carrying firewood on his way might be the old woman begging for money with a broken bowl on her waist, or maybe the honest man selling candied haws would pull a big knife out of the straw handle at any time.So far, she doesn't know where Fu Yu's men were recruited from, but he told her that he brought more than 2000 people this time. Only strong and not bad.

The carriage drove north, and stopped in front of a big house, "Mr. Lu's family has arrived, please get off the carriage."

The coachman was arranged by Mr. Zhang to lead the way. Jiuya came down with the tortoise in her arms. In front of her was a mansion with a vermilion gate, a golden plaque on the lintel, and two well-dressed servants waiting there on the white jade steps.When they saw Jiu Ya and his group of five, they immediately greeted them, and asked if it was Song Miracle Physician, with a respectful expression on their faces, they hurriedly led them inside.

Han Ziyaw looked around as he walked, paying attention to the terrain.The houses in Lu's mansion are quite heavy, with glazed green tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, which are of extraordinary style.After entering the second gate, I saw an old man in his 50s wearing satin satin embroidered with gold ingots all over his body, waiting in front of the wall photo.

"Is this Song Miracle Physician praised by King Rongchang?" The old man stepped forward and said loudly.

Jiu Ya clasped her fists slightly and said, "Don't dare, it's Song."

"Old man Lu Zhengzhong, others call him Mr. Lu. I am very grateful that the miracle doctor came to help the children in his busy schedule. Hurry up and invite them inside." Mr. Lu politely took them inside, and Jiu Ya was not too polite with him. Follow him.

During this journey, the servants of Lu's mansion shuttled among them, the population was overwhelming, and the layout of the mansion was also very elegant.Next to the small stone path, there are beautiful trees and scallion cages, lush flowers and plants, strange rocks and rockeries, and winding paths leading to secluded places. It is a good place to raise your heart and feel happy.It's a pity that Wanguan's family wealth was lost, but such a seriously ill son was born.

When he reached the sixth heavy hospital, Senior Lu finally stopped. Jiuya could see that he was in a very heavy heart, perhaps because he had seen too many famous doctors for his only son who was seriously ill, hope again and again, time and time again. His disappointment has already made him unable to put forward much interest and hope for her, the so-called miracle doctor.

"Because the baby's belly is as big as a ball now, he has been afraid to see outsiders for a long time. When the genius doctor Song comes in for a consultation, please pay attention to his tone." Lu sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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