marry a noble wife

Chapter 398 Hurry up and have children is the business

Chapter 398 Hurry up and have children is the business (5)
It seems that the people of King Rongchang at the North City Gate have already started to attack. This was arranged with King Rongchang in advance. When they heard the explosion, they should run there immediately. I heard that there is now the only way out of Xinyi.

She turned over and got up from the bed, but the bitten man grabbed her back and said angrily, "Jiuya, do you really want to go out and die?"

This voice... Jiuya, who was thrown on the quilt again, suddenly widened her eyes and looked to the right. Her eyes were as clear as water, her face was plump and bright, and her eyes were long and gentle. Although she was sullen, there was no trace of anger between her brows.

King Qi, it's actually King Qi, I thought it was Lu Ziqiao, I thought it was someone else, but how could I become King Qi?
She froze there immediately, the poisonous needle fell from her finger, and she was speechless for a long time.

It is estimated that Jiuya will not make a sound, so Tuoba Yue sat up, opened the torn sleeves and took a look, except for the tooth marks, the skin around the place where the dog bit has turned purple and black.He stretched out his arm in front of Jiuya, sighed and said, "Genius doctor, your dog is too powerful, detoxify me quickly."

Jiu Ya blinked, a stunned heart finally woke up under Tuoba Yue's shaking arm, grabbed his arm and looked at it, and quickly touched the porcelain bottle with her, Tuoba Yue looked at her in surprise, "You won't miss it?" Bring an antidote?"

Jiuya glared at him angrily, finally took out the porcelain bottle, and poured a detoxification pill, Tuoba Yue opened his mouth, Jiuya threw the pill into his mouth, then poured him a glass of cold water from the table , Tuoba Yue smiled lightly, took the medicine from the cup with water.

Jiuya bent down to pick up the medicine box that fell on the ground, turned around, but bumped into a person's chest, Tuoba Yue laughed lowly, "Jiuya, you don't have to be so anxious, the timing is not right now, yes I throw myself in my arms, I might refuse..."

I don't know why, after a year, when I saw this person again, Jiuya always felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart, she didn't say a word, just walked around him and walked towards the door, but in the end, Tuoba Yue Screwed it back.

Tuoba Yue raised her chin, her eyes were dim, and she frowned slightly, "Why are you ignoring me? You know, in order to help you avoid today's difficulty, I'm in danger alone now. Don't you think Is my image tall? This is your attitude towards the hero who saves the United States? Be careful to be thunderbolt."

Jiuya was forced to look at him, his demeanor remained the same, elegant and calm, but his words were not flattering.She licked her somewhat dry lips, and finally said: "What do you say, it's hard, I'm fine now, as long as you don't pull me, I'm going out of town right now."

Sure enough, she had bad words when she opened her mouth, and Tuoba Yue wanted to sigh. How did he offend her?
"Don't you just want to go out of the city? Why bother doing so many things, I'll just take you out of the city now." He pinched her chin, but his thumb gently stroked the porcelain-like skin on her chin, squinting slightly, "I I don't know where you got your confidence, but you know that this Yuanwai mansion alone is already surrounded by people. Haven't you heard the crackling sound outside? Someone is already there A fire is set here, and a poison that can soften people's tendons and legs is burned in the fire, as long as you get out of this room now, not only will you become a poisoned person, but you will also be burned into coke."

Jiuya was taken aback when she heard that, and anxiously wanted to rush out the door, "I still have friends outside... Tsing Yi Phantom, get out!"

"Do you want to court death?" Tuoba Yue hugged her, and while Jiu Ya was struggling, the door had already been smashed through, and when Tsing Yi Phantom saw Jiu Ya being hugged by a strange man, she turned to face her sword.However, hurried footsteps suddenly sounded outside, and someone shouted: "Come and see, there are still a few lying here."

"Don't worry about the others, hurry up and catch Song Jiuya alive immediately!" Someone sternly said.

Before anyone could rush in, Tuoba Yue hugged Jiuya and ran towards the bed. With a lift of his hand, the bed board was flipped open, and a dark hole appeared underneath.The tortoise hair also seemed to feel the danger, it stabbed and jumped into the hole first.

Tuoba Yue hugged Jiuya and jumped in the moment the door was kicked open. Tsing Yi Phantom also saw that the stranger had no hostility towards Jiuya, so she relaxed a little, and the two jumped down together.The bed board was turned over, and there was darkness in front of his eyes.

Tuoba Yue led Jiuya to stride forward, even though it was in the dark, his pace did not slow down at all.His voice was deep and clear in the darkness, "Jiuya, tell your two friends to give me some peace. Someone is chasing us. We are running for our lives now. Don't let them get cold feet and try to shoot me."

The Phantom in Tsing Yi was startled, it was so dark here, how did this person know that they had drawn their swords?Who is he?
Jiuya was dragged out of breath by Tuoba Yue, "This is my friend, you two don't need to worry about him for the time being."

Tuoba Yue praised in the dark, "Jiuya is absolutely right. You are lucky to have met me today, otherwise, no matter how many of you are here, you will surely die. According to my estimation, there are at least five hundred people around here. Experts, and these people are extremely good at catching and catching fish, and they are all in their plans. These people don’t know where they jumped out of, and we are still in the palm of their hands.”

Jiuya was really puzzled, "Why do you know these things?"

Tuoba Yue suddenly smiled, "Because I have been dormant here for several days just to see you, so I am quite affectionate, right?"

Jiuya was speechless, she really felt that His Royal Highness King Qi was quite a boastful person.

In the hall, King Rongchang and Princess Yuechan were still accompanied by Master Zhang, drinking wine amidst graceful singing and dancing.Fu Yu came late, sat down, looked up, but didn't see An Zicheng, so he asked Mr. Zhang with a sideways smile, "Since it's a farewell party for King Rongchang, why don't you see our Mr. An?"

Mr. Zhang was looking at the dancers in the middle with a smile and squinted his eyes. When he heard his question, he looked sideways and said, "Master An? I heard that there is an old man here, and he didn't go back to the post house last night. Could it be that the third young master has something to do with him?" ?”

Fu Yu laughed, "It's okay, it's okay."

At this time, Yuechan came over with a glass of willow in her hand, poured a glass of wine for Fu Yuman, then raised the wine in the glass, and said with a smile: "Brother Yu, after this matter is over, you must go to our Shunchang for a few days. My God, come, my little sister will toast you before leaving, wishing us...the joy of getting married in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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