marry a noble wife

Chapter 399 Hell on Earth, Rivers of Blood Flow

Chapter 399 Hell on Earth, Rivers of Blood Flow (1)
She raised her head and drank all the wine. After that night, she took off her veil. After drinking a glass of wine, her face was already bright red, like peach blossoms blooming in February.

Mr. Zhang is secretly funny, happy to get married?Wait for the next life.

Fu Yu raised his glass and was about to drink, when he suddenly thought of something, "Ah, my wife said that I can't drink alcohol yet, I'm sorry, princess, I won't drink this glass of wine now."

Yuechan's face turned green, and she slightly pursed her red lips, "Brother Yu, how could you do this?"

She returned to her seat angrily.

Master Huang frowned as he watched from the side. This princess is too bold.

Fu Changting drank slowly, with an imperceptible smile hanging from the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, the two dancers who were favored by King Rongchang a few days ago poured wine for King Rongchang with their waists like water snakes, and one pressed his chest on King Rongchang's shoulder.In the past few days, King Rongchang has turned upside down with these two women countless times. He is very familiar with them, and the two women are good at skills.

As a royal aristocrat, even though he was located in a border area, no nobleman would be short of such flamboyance.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the service of the two women. Suddenly, a cold light flashed from the bottom of one of the women's sleeves, and her cold and stern air stabbed straight at King Rongchang's chest.Although King Rongchang closed his eyes, he seemed to have seen it. He raised his hand and pinched it, and controlled the dancer's hand.Then with a twist, the dagger in Wu Kuang Ji's hand fell to the ground with a bang.

This happened only for a moment, and the two guards behind King Rongchang drew their swords and slashed at the dancing girl.The dancer girl only felt a lightness on her neck, and her entire head was cut off with a single blow. A column of Lao Gao's blood rose from her neck, and immediately sprayed the entire banquet like a field of Shura.

"Bold! How dare you assassinate this king! Master Zhang, but you ordered?"

King Rongchang got up and took several steps back, but his body was still splattered with blood. He pointed at Zhang Shicheng angrily. Mr. Zhang was stunned by this sudden change!He never ordered these two dancers to kill King Rongchang. Who is helping him find trouble?
Master Huang stood up suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "This kind of matter has absolutely nothing to do with us, please calm down the anger of King Rongchang."

"It has nothing to do with you, does it have anything to do with the emperor? It is clear that this guy resented me for robbing his dancer girl, and made them kill me because of hatred." King Rongchang sneered, kicking the girl in front of him. The table was kicked over, "This incident happened before I took the man back. It seems that someone here can't wait to kill me. Come here, let me drag the man who murdered the king out for questioning!"

Master Zhang cried out for being wronged, the guards of King Shunchang had already killed another dancer with a knife, and came to take Master Zhang when he turned around.Mr. Zhang was so frightened that he shrank behind the yamen servants and shouted: "Stop them! Stop them for me!"

So more than 20 yamen servants rushed up with swords drawn, and more than a dozen bodyguards of King Rongchang rushed up, and the two sides quickly fought together.

Master Huang shouted to stop, but no one listened to him, in this kind of war, swords have no eyes, so he had to escape outside under the escort of others.Fu Yu had very long eyes, and seemed to be too frightened to follow Master Huang, grabbed him tightly, and shouted: "Oh, murder! Master Zhang wants to kill King Rongchang, King Rongchang wants to kill Lord Zhang, come quickly!" , murder!"

He yelled, and while the crowd was rushing, he secretly kicked the legs of the two soldiers who were supporting Master Huang. The two soldiers fell to their knees screaming miserably. Fu Yu had already dragged Master Huang into the crowd , Mr. Huang was pulled by him so that his feet did not touch the ground, while yelling to let him go, he still had to take care that his feet would not be trampled by the falling people.But Fu Yu caught him to death. He called out to everyone he saw along the way, and many people went to the hall to rescue Mr. Zhang.

Fu Changting, who was drinking, suddenly saw this change, his eyes fixed, and he retreated while thinking. Master Zhang didn't have an order, and he would never dare to order someone to kill King Rongchang without authorization.Moreover, there are still two dancers who obviously don't have any martial arts background. A person like King Rongchang can subdue them with just one finger. Then, this assassination... His face suddenly changed. Could it be that King Rongchang provoked the trouble? The reason?
He turned his eyes to look at the place where Yuechan was sitting, and this look shocked him even more. There was no shadow of Yuechan, and he didn't know when she had been sent away.Seeing the chaos in the hall, the two parties fought in full swing, but how could the yamen servant be the opponent of King Rongchang?Seeing that the yamen servant was about to lose, Mr. Zhang was forced into a corner, and in the next moment, he must be someone who was about to be arrested.

He sneered, this kind of idiot deserves death!He resolutely turned around and ran, but it was a pity that at this time there was a loud explosion sound from the north city gate. , hope things can be remedied.

At this moment, many people rushed into the cell, they quickly opened the cell door, a dozen doctors were led by them and rushed to the shanty town, and when they waited in front of the old and young who were still isolated, they made a passionate statement, He yelled out Master Zhang who secretly made people put poison in their life-saving medicine.

"We were appointed by the emperor to cure everyone's illness, control the epidemic, and prevent you from losing a relative. However, in order to ask for more pensions from the imperial court, that dog officer filled his own pockets, and actually paid for your relative's medicine. Put poison in it! It was he who poisoned your relatives to death. In order to prevent us from speaking out about his cruelty, he imprisoned us, unable to express the anger in our hearts. Folks, that dog official is not a human being, we must kill him , to avenge our loved ones!"

Hearing that the death of his relatives was man-made, and in order to occupy the pensions issued by the court, thousands of ordinary people who were about to recover were outraged and shouted: "Kill that dog official and avenge our parents! ! Kill that dog officer and avenge our sons and daughters!"

The surrounding officers and soldiers pressed towards them, acting rudely. At this time, the people who had been ignited by others immediately mobbed and besieged, some took sticks, some whipped poles, and threw those officers and soldiers down in a blink of an eye, blood spattering five feet.

"Look, Mr. Zhang is bringing people to suppress us again, everyone, hurry up and fight him—" Someone shouted, and the crowd rushed forward immediately.

Mr. Zhang was led back to the shanty town by the yamen servants to avoid the pursuit of King Rongchang. Unexpectedly, when he came, he met the mob, and the officials and the people were killed. Both sides suffered casualties. Seen by a clever child, Mr. Zhang, who covered his head and screamed under the pincers of many sticks, finally fell to the ground, and people continued to continue...

(End of this chapter)

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