marry a noble wife

Chapter 400 Hell on Earth, Rivers of Blood Flow

Chapter 400 Hell on Earth, Rivers of Blood Flow (2)
At the same time, at the gate of the northern city, civilians came from nowhere and pulled out the medicine and food carriage parked in the open space. They all skillfully poured kerosene on the carriage, and quickly pushed it to the gate of the city to line up. Light it up, turn around and run.Before those chasing soldiers and defenders could react, the ignited carriages began to explode, one after another, the defenders killed a large number of soldiers, and the deafening explosion made the whole earth tremble. .

At this time, the south city gate had already been opened in panic, and countless black knights rushed in from outside the city. They moved towards the city in an orderly manner, but they met the mob who was burning the Donglin government office in the city. The mob thought they were coming again Suppressed, one after another angrily protested, the air-conditioning chilled the world, the voices of people were shrill, and the sound of horses neighed, like a hell on earth.

Mr. Huang was escorted to the top of the tower by Fu Yu. The scene of slaughter in front of his eyes made him cry. He waved all five hundred feathered forest troops to kill the knight in black who raised his knife, but the knight in black became more and more violent. Many, the whole city searched, the defeated Habayashi army retreated downstairs, and the black knight seemed to have found the target, screaming angrily and trampled on the corpses of the people, rushing over, the rolling logs were lowered from the tower, and a large area was injured.The retreating knight in black was stopped by King Rongchang, who was leading a cavalry team of thousands of cavalry in iron armor with angry eyebrows and eyes, and the knight in black flanked, scattered, and shot him!

The wind is fierce, the ground is dusty, and the earth and the sky are shrouded in a chilling air...

Rivers of blood flow, corpses piled up...

In the corner of the long street, Fu Changting stared at the failure of the group of people, and couldn't help gritting his teeth. If he can't complete the task this time, how will he explain to the emperor?The emperor sent him 5000 troops, if he failed even to close the door and beat the dog, wouldn't he become a useless person?

His eyes were cold, and with a wave of his hand, two men in black stepped forward, "Master."

"Where is Fu Yu now?"

"It seems to be found in the tower, with Mr. Huang."

Fu Changting sneered, "He is cunning. He provoked King Rongchang and the common people, but he himself reaped the benefits. Where is his woman?"

"The people we arranged in Lu's Mansion burned and killed that family, but in the end we saw Han Ziyao guarding the woman and running away from the blasted north city gate. Now we have sent two hundred riders to chase after them. Man, they are dead!"

Fu Changting slapped him and slapped him, "Fart! Who wants them to die? Let the woman stay. If Fu Yu escapes this time, I can still use her to trap her. If you kill her, I will kill her." You all cut it together!"

Those two people were too scared to make a sound.

"Don't hurry up and pass the order? You want to catch the alive!"

Two men in black led the order and galloped away on horseback. Fu Changting stretched out his hand, and a man in black put a silver mask in his hand. Can you stand it?
The secret passage is dark and long. Although Tuoba Yueye can see and run fast, Jiuya's physical strength is far inferior to him and Tsing Yi Phantom. Seeing the sound of hurried footsteps coming from behind the secret passage, Tuoba Yue doesn't care about Sanqi 21 , squatting down, Jiuya, who couldn't see, bumped into his back all at once.Tuoba Yue chuckled, hooked her legs with both hands, and she got on his back.

Jiu Ya let out a low voice, but did not struggle, knowing that her footsteps had been delayed, she had to close her eyes and lie on his back, but countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

Unexpectedly, after almost a year of separation, they would meet this king of Qi under such circumstances.But this time, it seemed that he was the one who saved her again.

Before, because Fu Yu was not worried about King Rongchang, he secretly made another escape plan.Covered by the jackdaw, Xiucai changed her clothes in a certain corner and rushed out of the blasted north city gate first to divert the enemy's attention. When others found out that it was a fake, it would be too late to turn around. They At the same time, the two of them can meet up with their fellow disciples who are waiting ten miles outside the city.

And she restrained the people inside the house. At that time, she thought that if King Rongchang was fine, then Lu Ziqiao was Lu Ziqiao, and she would not really hurt him.

If King Rongchang is untrustworthy, then Luziqiao is not Luziqiao, and he will be bitten to death by a turtle.She changed her clothes again, and after she gave an order, the Phantom in Tsing Yi pretended to be anxious, and then she rushed in and took her in her changed clothes to attack the North City Gate again.

If you pull out like this and confuse the public, the chance of getting out is much greater.

It's a pity that their plan is too high to change. The enemy outside is very cunning. They used poisonous smoke to kill the Lu family.How did King Qi sneak into Lu's mansion, and how did he know about his underground secret way?
While rushing, Tuoba Yue had already stopped walking when he heard the whining of the tortoise hair. He picked up the steps and went up two steps. With his hands on top, the sky light poured in.Then came the cool breeze and the sound of running water.He chuckled, "Here we are, come up quickly."

He took the lead in jumping up, and he didn't lag behind. With a run-up, he jumped up into the air, and the phantoms in green clothes came out one after another. Tuoba Yue put Jiu Ya down, pointed at the hole and said with a smile: "See, you two are not weak , Seal the entrance of this hole soon!"

The Phantom in Tsing Yi didn't say much, and the two of them held a bluestone slab at the entrance of the cave at the same time, and turned it up with force. They turned over the stone slab that weighed several hundred kilograms. They hit it hard, the hole lost its support, and with a crash, a large area collapsed immediately. They then used bluestone slabs to support it, stepped on it hard, Tsing Yi said in a pooh, "See if they catch up again."

Phantom looked around and frowned, "Where are we now?"

Here is a small river about ten feet wide, the surrounding fields are open, the grass is green, and the tall reeds are pressed into one piece by the wind, and there are rustling sounds.

Tuoba Yue glanced at them, the corners of his mouth slightly turned up, "We have already left the city, about five miles away from the gate of the North City, I think, if the pursuers know that we have gone down a tunnel, there must be people chasing us not only in the tunnel, but also on the ground." The chasers have been sent out. If you don’t want to be chased by them, then follow my route.”

As he said that, he walked into the reeds, and after a while, he rowed out a small boat, and the moon white robe rolled up a faint misty fragrance in the transparent wind.

(End of this chapter)

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