marry a noble wife

Chapter 401 Hell on Earth, Rivers of Blood Flow

Chapter 401 Hell on Earth, Rivers of Blood Flow (3)
Tsing Yi Phantom looked at Jiu Ya at the same time, meaning whether this friend of hers was trustworthy or not.

Jiuya smiled slightly, "As long as we can avoid the camp of those people five miles to the north of the city, ten miles away will be our people, right? Just go up."

She didn't pretend, she turned around and jumped on the boat that Tuoba Yue rowed over, followed by Guimao, and Tsing Yi Phantom followed without a sound.

Tuoba Yue swung his oars leisurely, Jiuya sat on the bow and looked at him, amidst the green mountains and green waters, he felt that no matter how embarrassed this man was, he was still an ink painting by a famous artist.

Knowing that she was sizing him up, Tuoba Yue didn't know that, he stared long ahead, with a smile on his mouth, letting her watch enough.

Jiuya was really impressed by his calmness. If she was stared at for such a long time, she would always feel a little uncomfortable, wouldn't she?
She touched the turtle's hair with her hands, and finally gave in and said first, "I don't know why you are there? Not only did you know the secret way of the family, but you also changed the master's son, and the master didn't even notice."

These two questions were exactly what Tsing Yi Phantom was puzzled by, and they also looked at him together.

Tuoba Yue turned her head and smiled, "It's not easy, since I met Jiuya in Luozhang County that day, I have followed, and then I wanted to approach you quietly, but I didn't know where to go, so I walked around Wandering around, it was unfortunate that I heard all about those people’s plan to set up Lu’s house in one night. As for the authentic? That Lu Dayuan existed before he moved in. Back then, when my pilgrimage ancestor separated from Li Tang, I was in dire straits At that time, he lived in the area of ​​Luyi. Later, in order to fight for more territory to survive, when he attacked the former dynasty, he dug the tunnel for nearly half a year through skillful craftsmen, and then attacked the former court guards in the middle of the night like a sudden heavenly soldier. The soldiers, attacking from inside and outside, captured the impregnable fortress of Xinyi County in one night."

Jiu Ya couldn't help being speechless, "This should have happened several generations ago, why do you know?"

Tuoba Yue couldn't help laughing, "This is called a big event, and it is meticulous. Generally, as long as it is beneficial to me, I don't care how long it is, and I have to dig it out so that I can make good use of it."

Jiu Ya really admired someone with his mentality, and asked instead: "You said you met me in Luozhang County, why didn't I know?"

Tuoba Yue stared at her, "I really don't know? The person who kept helping you..."

Jiu Ya suddenly remembered, "Ah, that's the person in the blue robe, so it's you? Why didn't you call me?"

"At that time, Luozhang County was arresting me everywhere. If I called you, I guess they would arrest you too. Believe it or not?" Tuoba Yue half-jokingly said.

Luozhang County wants to arrest him?Why?As the general who resisted the [-] soldiers of Wuyue, His Majesty King Qi, why did Luozhang County arrest him?Then the conversation that the county guard Chu Heng and An Zicheng heard that day, saying that the higher-ups ordered strict investigation and strict security, is it aimed at King Qi?

She couldn't help being startled, King Qi was defending his home and country on the border, and the enemy soldiers in the city couldn't handle it, plus the cholera epidemic, food shortages in the rear, all kinds of unfavorable factors were all against him, why would anyone order to arrest him?

When I was in the capital, I didn't hear about Lu Yi's lack of food. Could it be that he couldn't deliver any news at all?Just because Luozhang County has been intercepting his people to send news to the capital?
God, who is it that disregards the righteousness of the country and does such evil things that will kill him and a hundred thousand troops?

When she thought of this, she felt chills down her spine. When she was in Xinyi, Master Zhang said that King Qi Yueyu had not gone to the tower, and all the people sent by Master Huang to find out the news were inexplicably intercepted and killed. King Qi was trapped to death!
It is definitely not the emperor who wants to trap the king of Qi to death, because what the emperor of a country wants is strong soldiers, stable border affairs, strong generals and mighty, to resist the enemy from outside the country.What's more, King Qi is still his most proud son?Don't make silly orders!

Then this person who wanted to kill King Qi was ready to come out!

It can be inferred that Chu Heng belongs to the prince, so what about An Zicheng?An Zicheng knew about this, could it be that he was also bought by the prince and became his man?An Zicheng said before that he was in danger, so he could naturally conclude that the prince wanted to kill him.

She couldn't help smiling wryly, just because she could cure Fu Yu's illness, all those high-ranking people wanted their own lives.

However, before Jiu Ya asked why Luo Zhangjun wanted to arrest him, Tuoba Yue continued, "Besides, you were dressed in a Hu suit that day, and I was completely dumbfounded."

He looked at her, "I can't believe that Jiu Ya, who is far away in the capital, will come here, and I can't believe that Jiu Ya will show people in such a costume."

He chuckled, and River Wind became gentle, "It seems that I don't know you well enough, and I thought of you as an ordinary woman. Fortunately, I turned around and followed, and I didn't miss the chance to save you."

Jiuya didn't dare to look into his eyes anymore, the scenery like water ripples definitely didn't belong to her.

She turned her face away slightly, and at the same time vaguely felt that he was unwilling to mention Lu Yi's matter at this time, perhaps because of the presence of the Phantom in Tsing Yi.

Looking at the scenery on the river bank, she changed the subject, "Where is the master's son? What have you done to him?"

Tuoba Yue sneered, "You mean that big belly, I cut off the strange flesh on his stomach with a single knife, and bought a lot of expensive medicine powder for him, I don't know if he will survive or not, in my opinion, Instead of living like that, he would cut off his freedom. Even if he died because of this, it would be his blessing, but living is also a pain. Amitabha, I have done another good deed.”

Seeing that he was still talking and laughing happily while fleeing like this, Jiu Ya couldn't help feeling better, and a smile gradually appeared on the corner of her mouth.But, what happened to Fu Yu at this time?

The Phantom in Tsing Yi stood at the stern of the boat and stared closely at Tuoba Yue. This person's aura reminded them of the endless mountains and the flowing clouds in the sky. They could see clearly, but they couldn't see the end.What kind of identity does this person who is like flowing clouds and flowing water have?How did the young mistress know him?

(End of this chapter)

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