marry a noble wife

Chapter 402 Escape

Chapter 402 Escape (1)
At the same time, as a man's sixth sense, they can see that this man has unreasonable thoughts about the young mistress, it's so damn hateful!

The two looked at each other secretly, and they must get rid of him later, otherwise the young master's woman might be lost.

Tsing Yi looked at the bright sun in the sky, looked for the direction, and suddenly found that the boat was heading east along the current, and politely said: "Brother, please bring the boat to the shore immediately, we have to go ashore immediately, if it is going east, we will go ashore immediately." Farther from our destination."

At this time, Jiuya also realized that the direction was wrong, stood up and said: "It is true that the direction is reversed, we must land immediately."

Tuoba Yue frowned slightly, "Where is your destination? Do you know, maybe those chasing soldiers will surround us as soon as we land?"

Phantom said decisively: "We have our own measure."

Tuoba Yue glanced at Jiuya's face, and seeing that she seemed to agree, she didn't say much, turned the oars, and the boat moved towards the shore.

Four people and one dog abandoned the boat and went ashore. The land here is open, surrounded by sand and pebbles left after the river dried up. The few people walked the riverbed in silence and walked on the forest path. Tuoba Yue suddenly stopped. , looking at Jiuya, "What's the matter with you coming to Xinyi this time? Don't you come here to find me?"

Jiu Ya blushed, and glanced at Phantom in Tsing Yi, "Please be careful with what you say, I am a doctor sent by the imperial court to Xinyi to control the cholera epidemic."

"So you didn't come here for me?" Tuoba Yue smiled, "But doctor, you saved the people from fire and water, why would someone want your life? Oh, they said they wanted to capture you alive, you What kind of person did you offend, who would go to great lengths for you? What's the point of capturing you alive?"

He asked a lot of questions at once, and Jiu Ya didn't know where to start to answer them.However, at this moment, they heard the sound of horseshoes not far away at the same time, and the face of the Phantom in Tsing Yi changed, and Tuoba Yue snorted secretly, "I said that those people are very good at hunting, but you don't believe it. Now it's all right, I'm going to be caught alive."

He picked up Jiu Ya and ran away, Tsing Yi Phantom really didn't expect the pursuers to come so fast, the two stopped talking and hurriedly followed.But how can a person with two legs run faster than a four-legged one? What's more, Jiuya is exhausted after running for a few steps, and she is about to fall to the ground when being dragged by Tuobayue. With a tacit understanding between Phantom and Wei, he lifted her up and ran forward quickly.

Tuoba Yue looked at the empty hand, pursed her lips, and then looked at the three people flying away, her eyes flew away, could it be that these two men like her?Xiao Jiuya, this is not good, how can you mess with these rotten peach blossoms?

Instead, he smiled slightly, and rescued her after going through all kinds of hardships, how could these two guys take advantage of it?
He raised his breath a little and chased after him, the sound of hooves behind him was getting closer, and according to the loud sound of hooves, there were at least fifty or sixty riders.Tuoba Yue caught up with the three of them and ordered: "Hurry up and dodge to the left, you can't run away from them."

The Phantom in Tsing Yi also knew this truth, as soon as she turned her legs and feet, she jumped into the sparse forest on the left.The cavalry had seen them a long time ago, and one of them shouted, "Quick! Everyone outflank them, and don't let them get into the depths of the forest."

Everyone chased after him on horseback, and some even shot arrows out of impatience.Phantom in Tsing Yi carried Jiuya and ran while avoiding the arrows. After running a few feet away, the road ahead was blocked by people, and she had to draw her sword in her hand, ready to kill.

As soon as the Phantom in Tsing Yi was alerted, Tuoba Yue stood up, looked around, and said relaxedly: "Can you two escape from this forest with your own protection?"

Tsing Yi glanced at him, "What do you want?"

Tuoba Yue naturally stood beside Jiuya, "These people are very cunning, come on, Jiuya, follow me, now we may have to defeat each of them."

Jiu Ya looked him up and down, "Are you sure about taking me as a burden? If you don't, it won't be worth it."

Tuoba Yue blinked, "If I'm not sure, I won't leave you behind. Let's go."

Jiu Ya immediately said to Tsing Yi Phantom: "If we get separated, I will not go ten miles north of the city, but go directly to Zhangzhou. We will meet at the biggest inn there. See you soon."

Before Tsing Yi Phantom agreed, Tuoba Yue suddenly grabbed Jiu Ya's waist, raised his breath and rushed towards a big tree, Tsing Yi Phantom also rushed forward at the same time.All the soldiers in front of them were silver light suits, and it was impossible to tell which branch of the army they belonged to or which battalion commander they belonged to.They are armed with knives or guns, ready to attack.

The Phantom in Tsing Yi drew his sword and attacked the two horsemen in front of him, his body was like lightning, and he stabbed the horse's head.

I don't know who gave the order to release the arrows, and at the sound of the strings, the two of them suddenly rose into the air without touching the ground.

These dozens of powerful arrows were all fired by powerful crossbows, they were ruthless and cold, even if the two of them were extremely fast, they couldn't shoot down all of them and avoid them.Tsing Yi was hit by an arrow, without even frowning, the two of them cooperated tacitly, raised their spirits suddenly, then raised their bodies, pressed their four palms against a tree pole on one side, and retracted their five fingers, they pinched two arrows and successfully threw them Archers hiding behind the cavalry.The two attacked that gap again, but before they got close, several other archers were hit by the strong airflow they shot, and fell to the ground screaming.

They seized the opportunity to snatch a horse each, the wrists holding the swords sank, the long swords went everywhere, two sharp sword auras came out, and immediately three more fell down and died on the spot.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two men each picked up a dead body lying behind their backs, and clamped the horse's belly fiercely. The horse neighed and rushed forward, and arrows rained down on the dead body behind. He has already rushed up the small road from the breakthrough gap, on a flat road, completely ignoring the pursuers behind him, slapping the horse's butt like crazy, pushing down the corpse behind him, lying on the horse's back and galloping away.

At this moment, Tuoba Yue took Jiuya to the treetops, his figure was as agile and flexible as a monkey, and the people below set up their arrows to shoot, but when they reacted, Tuoba Yue had already pulled the arrows. The branches swayed like a swing.They were taken aback. With a person like this, they have to fly into the air to grasp the branches accurately and continuously, and quickly find the next place to drop their hands. Not only must they have good waist strength, long breath, but also quite accurate judgment.

(End of this chapter)

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