marry a noble wife

Chapter 403 Escape

Chapter 403 Escape (2)
Someone under the tree shouted urgently: "Put that woman down, or don't blame us for being cruel!"

While yelling and chasing, Tuoba Yue breathed leisurely, and his voice came like an endless sea, "I won't let the girl go. If you want to be ruthless, do it as soon as you want. It depends on whether you have the ability."

There were shouts of curses under the tree. Seeing that he had entered the dense forest, it was difficult for horses to enter, and it would be even more difficult to track, so he ordered to shoot arrows regardless of March 21 or [-].

Hearing the sharp sound of arrow strings and the sound of piercing through the sky, Jiu Ya, who was already dizzy by the scene of the swaying among the branches, was even more nervous. She couldn't help but hugged Tuoba Yue's waist tightly. He put his head on his shoulder, praying that those arrows didn't hit anyone.

Tuoba Yue chuckled, his stature remained undiminished. The denser the forest, the better for him. The people below had abandoned their horses, but thorns were growing in the forest, and their speed of chasing them was obviously much slower.Not to mention archery.

I don't know how long it took, the voices gradually faded away, Jiuya finally opened his eyes, Tuoba Yue seemed to be tired, climbed up a thick tree branch and sat down.Jiuya also sat down tremblingly holding the tree pole. Fortunately, the branches and leaves on the tree were so lush that she couldn't see how high it was from the ground, which lessened the attack of fear of heights.

Sweat was already visible on Tuoba Yue's forehead, but he was still calm and relaxed. He supported the branch with one hand and joked, "Do you think it's scary?"

Jiuya's face was still pale at this moment, and she forced herself to calm down and said, "It's okay, I'm afraid that those people's knives and arrows will hurt you without eyes."

Tuoba smiled and pulled the broken hair on her forehead behind her ears, "I am very honored for your concern. But your lack of confidence in me makes me very annoyed. Forget it, this feeling of ice and fire is not good enough. Great, I'd better ignore the past."

As he spoke, he stood up and listened again, then stretched out his hand, "Those people are coming after them, let's go."

Looking at the slightly sweaty face, Jiuya hesitated, "Still like just now? I think your complexion is not very good. If it is very difficult, we'd better go down and I will go by myself."

Tuoba Yue rolled her eyes and smiled, "That's exactly what I mean. After all, you've grown a lot taller than before, so it's not easy to take care of you."

Jiuya put her hands in his palms, and felt that his palms were warm and strong. Thinking of the way he kissed and tied her hair just now, she suddenly felt that she couldn't bear his love and care.Although she doesn't know whether he knows that she has married Fu Yu, but now she just wants to tell him personally and remind him not to treat her like this again.

Keeping her feet on the ground, she articulated her words and was about to speak. Tuoba Yue found out a compass out of nowhere, discerned the direction and said, "Are you going to Zhangzhou? Why did you choose there? I have urgent matters to go east now. If your matter is not too urgent, follow me to the Tak tribe first."

Jiuya shook her head resolutely, "I'm not going to the east, after I get out of this dense forest, I'll go north to Zhangzhou, and you go to the Tak tribe alone."

Tuoba Yue glanced sideways at her, without making a sound, put away the compass, broke off another branch to use as a walking stick, turned around and drove away through the bushes.

His silent silence made people feel suffocated, Jiu Ya never dared to speak about her again, and silently followed behind him.

The speed of the two of them was still very fast. Even if Jiuya didn't know the art of tracking, she could still feel that the pursuers hadn't given up and were always not far behind.

The sky was covered in the forest, and it was getting dark in a blink of an eye. Jiuya gritted her teeth and hurried behind Tuoba Yue. No matter how soft her fast boots were, the soles of her feet were soaked, but she didn't say a word. , I don't want people to think that she is an arrogant and useless waste.

Tuoba Yue walked for a while, and took out the compass for the last time before dark to identify the direction.Jiuya also took the opportunity to stop to rest, panting, "How far do you have to go to get out of the dense forest?"

"I'm going out of the dense forest soon, because there is still a mountain in front of me. Before I climb the mountain, I have to find a way to get rid of them. Otherwise, we will have to drive non-stop tonight."

Jiu Ya frowned, "Why are these people so reluctant to give up?"

Tuoba Yue looked into the depths of the dense forest, "I'm going to ask you now, what kind of difficult person did you provoke, and they want to capture you alive?"

Jiuya sighed, the emperor wanted to kill Fu Yu, so naturally he would not let her go.This is especially true for the prince. If the prince knew the emperor's intentions, he might act more actively.Then to capture him alive, it must be Fu Yuwei who was caught by them and wanted to use him to trap and kill him.

So, in fact, my current situation is extremely dangerous, and no one can understand it. So, should I tell King Qi?
The sky was getting darker and darker, and it was almost time to stretch out your fingers in the dense forest. Tuoba Yue couldn't wait for her answer, and didn't ask any more questions. He also tore off a piece from the tree. He told Jiuya to wait for a while, and then flew away from the trees in the dark.Jiu Ya stood in the darkness where the sound of insects could be heard endlessly, resisting her fear and waiting for him to come back.

After a while, Tuoba Yue flew over, pulled her up, turned around, walked down the wind, and said as he walked: "I guess the pursuers behind have something that can smell the scent, I have already A trap has been set, and they will have to wait until dawn at least tomorrow to see through it. Let’s hurry up, wait until we reach the mountain, and then find a place to rest.”

Jiuya was led by him in the dark, following closely with one foot higher than the other, and suddenly remembered something, "A tracking thing that can smell? Could it be my dog? I forgot to bring it just now, could it be Is it chasing me?"

Tuoba Yue sighed, and said: "It's very possible, no wonder I can't escape no matter how I turn, it turned out to be your poisonous dog."

Jiuya said embarrassedly: "Don't blame it, it didn't intend to bite you before, usually when it sees someone attacking me, it will bite, there is always a reason for it."

"It's true that you made some weird things, but that's good. With it, most people probably won't be able to hurt you, but it even bit me. The damage is pretty good." Tuoba Yue said extremely conceitedly.

Jiu Ya couldn't help laughing, "I don't know if you are praising or derogating, but I will take it as a compliment."

Tuoba Yue also smiled, "That's right, you're a quick learner, like me."

like him?How could he be like him?But when he heard his laughter, it felt like the clouds were opening and the moon was shining, Jiuya finally breathed a sigh of relief. When this person was silent, he was really dull.If this road continues like this, she will probably suffocate to death.

(End of this chapter)

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