marry a noble wife

Chapter 404 Escape

Chapter 404 Escape (3)
In order to forget the pain in the soles of her feet, she deliberately found a lighter topic, "You haven't told me why there are places other than Luyi? How is the war in Luyi?"

Tuoba Yue was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "Lu Yi? The war over there is barely sustaining, but food is about to run out, and some people in the court don't want me to have a good time, and all the people sent to the court for help are like mud cows, so I can't help it. I didn’t bring a few capable people to go out of Luyi quietly, break through the blockade, and I didn’t expect to meet you as soon as I came out.”

Jiuya was startled, "Since you have important business to do, why did you sneak into Xinyi again? Isn't this a waste of time?"

Tuoba Yue's figure suddenly stopped, Jiu Yacui was caught off guard, and bumped into his chest again, she retreated hastily, but he held her hand tightly so that she could not retreat.

"When I saw you and the Jackdaw leaving together, I thought I ran into a ghost, and turned around by accident. Fortunately, I didn't run in vain, and they will definitely take care of those things for me. So I It didn't delay the business, you don't have to think too much." His words seemed to be comforting.

Jiuya swallowed, "Thank you."

Tuoba Yue chuckled in the dark, "Seeing that you are so nervous, your palms are sweating, are you afraid that I will eat you?"

He turned around, "Come on, I think the blisters on your feet have burst, if you go any further, you may have an accident, you are such a stubborn little thing."

Jiu Ya hesitated for a moment, Tuoba Yue had already pulled her onto his back without a doubt, then his pace quickened, Jiu Ya fell silently on his back, the faint misty fragrance lingered in his nose, and his heart felt heavy .

At this moment, in Xinyi City, the killing has stopped. There are broken walls everywhere. Thousands were lost when the city was bombed, and two thousand were lost by the knights in black who defended with the Habayashi Army. The city gate was opened to welcome the bandits in the south of the city, which was regarded as colluding with the bandits and rebelling. In the end, under the command of Master Huang, only five thousand officers and soldiers remained , two hundred Yu Linjun.King Rongchang's [-] Shunchang troops were less injured, and they were all gathered around the headquarters at this time, closely guarding against the midnight sneak attack of the black knights.

"Master Huang, the opponent's lethality is so strong, it is really a regular army, with iron fists, these officers and soldiers are not their opponents at all. Just now, the king asked someone to go to the south of the city to check. Damn, it seems to be Wang Jun. That Master Zhang is the county guard here, not only did not try his best to let those doctors treat the common people, but also imprisoned them, it is clearly out of ulterior motives, let him die like this, it is too cheap for him."

King Rongchang sat in the grand master's chair, his brows and eyes wide open, and he slapped the table angrily.

Sitting behind the table, Lord Huang snorted, "Where did they come from? We haven't figured it out yet, but that Lord Zhang obviously colluded with them, and asked his subordinates to open the city gate directly to welcome them in. They What exactly do you want to do?"

Fu Yu poured Master Huang some tea, "In my opinion, it must be aimed at King Rongchang, Master Huang, think about it, King Rongchang has only been here for two days, didn't Master Zhang send someone to assassinate him? Going against the court's intentions and colluding with others to kill King Rongchang, isn't this intentional to cause misunderstandings between the court and the vassals? If King Rongchang is unreasonable, it is chilling to think that the court wants to punish him."

Master Huang slapped the table and said angrily: "These people are trying to provoke the relationship between the imperial court and the vassal king, and their intentions are to be punished! I must find out which army this is, General Lu Lang, and you will lead two thousand soldiers tomorrow. To attack the south of the city, we must clarify this matter."

Lu Lang will take the lead.

At this time, Fu Yu said with a sad face again: "My wife went to Mr. Lu's family to see a doctor. When she went there just now, she didn't see anyone at all. Could it be that she was killed? Or was she arrested? I'm really worried. .”

King Rongchang patted him on the shoulder, "Brother, don't worry, I believe your daughter-in-law will be auspicious, and nothing will happen. We will send people out to look for her tomorrow, and we will definitely find her."

Master Huang suddenly asked: "Third Young Master, where is your second brother? It seems that I haven't seen him since the chaos in the hall."

Fu Yu shook his head, "I don't know."

Lord Huang frowned, "And that Lord An, who hasn't seen anyone since last night, what did he do?"

No one knew where the two of them were. At this moment, Yuechan walked in and threw herself into King Rongchang's arms in horror, "Brother, I'm afraid."

King Rongchang patted her on the back lovingly, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, although we are no match for those people now, but the eldest brother has sent a letter back, I believe that the father will send troops to support us in a few days. Then we can gone back."

Next, Master Huang and King Rongchang discussed how to deal with the black knight's approach tomorrow. It was late at night, and Master Huang, who was tired all day, was finally going to rest.Everyone left, but Fu Yu sighed and followed Master Huang to the couch.

Master Huang was taken aback, "Don't you have a place to sleep?"

Fu Yu's eyes were blank, and he said pitifully: "My lord, my wife has disappeared, and I feel panicked, so please stay with me, my lord."

Master Huang saw that he was really pitiful, so he allowed him.The two fell asleep on their feet, but Fu Yu pursed his lips and snickered, guessing that Fu Changting would bring someone to assassinate him later, but is it that easy?It's best to wait for him to come and go, grasp his current situation, and let Mr. Huang distinguish.

It was night, a lone moon in the sky, reflecting the faintly tired guards on the ground.Insects and frogs croaked all around, and the night grew darker.

From the top of the missing city wall in the north, a few black shadows floated quietly like ghosts and ghosts.The guards were dozing while standing. After a patrol team passed by, a few figures quickly rushed towards the command building.The patrolling soldiers walking at the end seemed to be aware of it, but when they turned around, there was nothing behind them.

A few figures flitted up to the roof of the command building and saw the four guards at the door. A silver light flashed in their hands at the same time, and a throwing knife directly blocked their throats. Before the four guards could react, they fell to the ground .

A few figures broke through the door, waking up Master Huang who was soundly asleep. When he saw a few bright long swords piercing in front of him through the skylight outside the window, he couldn't help roaring, "Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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