marry a noble wife

Chapter 405 Escape

Chapter 405 Escape (4)
With his roar, many people were awakened. Fu Yu, who had been waiting for him, rolled him on the ground in his arms, and shouted: "There are assassins who want to kill Mr. Huang, come quickly."

While he was screaming, those figures accelerated the dancing of the sharp weapons in their hands, and all parties surrounded and attacked Fu Yu who was shouting.Fu Yu was like a spirit monkey, and led Master Huang into the sky suddenly, hanging on the roof beam with one hand, still shouting, "Ah, Master Huang is about to be killed by them, come quickly..."

At this time, there were shouts from outside the door, and the men in black didn't dare to stay any longer, one of them shouted: "Get out!"

Several men in black rushed towards the window at the same time, but one of them suddenly turned around and stabbed at Fu Yu who was hanging in the air with his sword.

Fu Yu sneered, and threw Master Huang down who was about to be frightened to the point of softening. With his fingers stretched like a ball, he pushed fiercely towards the man's sword the moment his body fell.

The man in black was wearing a silver mask, and he thought that his sure-kill sword would be able to shock Fu Yu's wounds, but the tip of the sword still pushed towards the void between his fingers, but the tip of the sword only pierced two points, and it couldn't be done any more. Entering, a suction force still pulled his body down together, he was terrified, the eyes behind the silver face flickered, collided with Fu Yu's mocking eyes, and he lost his voice: "How is it possible?"

Fu Yu had already pulled his body down, and sneered, "How is it impossible? Do you think I'm still in a dead sleep? Do you think I'm the same as Wu Xia Amen?"

With only this delay, five or six Habayashi soldiers had already entered the room, and the silver-masked man abandoned his sword and rushed out. The face man snorted, his right shoulder blade had been pierced!But he was very fierce, he flipped his left palm repeatedly, still injuring two people, he rushed to the roof and left quickly.

Master Huang chased him out, but the enemy was already overwhelmed, Fu Yu walked over, Master Huang was concerned: "How is the third young master?"

"I'm fine. It's just that the people who came to assassinate Mr. Huang must be investigated clearly. These people are colluding with Mr. Zhang. To kill Mr. Huang now, they must want to kill all the dragons without a leader, and then kill them all. Their intentions are very vicious." Fu Yu Said slowly.

Master Huang said coldly: "It's lucky to have you here tonight, otherwise I would really be slaughtered by them. Does Third Young Master have a way to find out this person?"

Fu Yu said with a smile: "The person I fought with just now has extremely high martial arts, but he is wearing a silver mask, obviously he doesn't want us to see his true face. Could it be...he is someone we know?"

Master Huang nodded, "It's possible, but who would it be?"

Fu Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, "I have pierced his right shoulder blade just now. Tomorrow morning, my lord will only check the person who has suffered this injury. Maybe this person is still with us. If there is someone who is not there, it is completely suspicious."

Master Huang said in a deep voice: "Well done, if you do the investigation like this, maybe you can find out which army the opponent is from."

Fu Yu laughed.It doesn't matter which army is found out, the next thing is very lively, dog emperor, everyone will wait and see.

In the not-so-deep cave, Tuoba Yue picked up firewood and lit it to repel mosquitoes.In order to prevent the fire from escaping, Tuoba Yue also experienced and experienced in covering the entrance of the cave with numerous lush branches.Jiuya took a grass towel and swept the dust on the ground, and then found hay, and spread it evenly in handfuls, so that it was soft and not sticky to sit on.

When she was busy, Tuoba Yue had already taken the skinned and dissected rabbit meat to the nearby mountain spring to wash, then sat by the fire and forked the rabbit meat on a tree branch, tossing and roasting slowly, Jiu Ya supported Looking at his familiar movements, he asked curiously, "Do you often live in the wild? Is this rabbit roasted so skillfully?"

The firelight reflected on her face, her charm was soft, and she felt more thin and warm in the splashing sparks, which made people feel that the wind around her was also gentle, the moon was still, everything was happy, and the bottom of her heart was happy.

Tuoba Yue flicked her hands, looking at her long and gentle eyes, "In addition to studying and practicing calligraphy in the palace since I was young, I have been traveling around the world since I was twelve or thirteen years old, apprenticed to teachers, learned arts, made friends, and met martial arts figures. Dealing with others, imitating their big mouthfuls of meat and wine, swearing loudly, fighting in groups, even smashing halls and kicking the field, doing everything. People who often do these things are often easily hunted down, just like now, if hunted down When I was young, I didn't have the skills to survive in the wild. If I couldn't even roast a rabbit or a pheasant, I would starve to death or drink blood. After all, I am a gentleman, how can I eat meat like a barbarian, so this roast Pheasant chicken and rabbits have become my most basic survival skills, if you think I am proficient, it is all because of the environment."

Jiu Ya was stunned, "Isn't it? I've heard that you like to make friends with people in the world, but I haven't heard that you have been in the world, and you started when you were young. Aren't you a prince? You have been with a golden spoon since you were young. Daddy, why do you want to live this life?"

When she heard about this person's life story for the first time, his image made people feel aloof and god-like.

Tuoba Yue smiled lightly, "Easyness makes life inert. Have you never heard the words that when the heavens assign great responsibilities to people, you must first work hard on your heart and bones? I am that hard-working man, sitting in the palace , often misfortunes will fall from the sky, poisonous killings, scorpions, insects, snakes, scorpions, ants, everything, I am tired of it, but I have to adapt, and I am even more bored after adapting, so I have to go out of the palace to spread the unique skills of the palace to the world. Making friends, poisoning, killing and planting, beating, smashing, burning and looting, all kinds of evil, people hate it. But some people are happy, after all, there are pros and cons in everything.”

He downplayed those court battles, self-deprecating with uninhibitedness, and the game with unknown ups and downs. Jiuya couldn't empathize with it, but after living in the Houfu for a while, she had already experienced it a little.Therefore, the elegant His Royal Highness Qi Wang in front of him has a strong heart inside. Although he is young, he has a lot of experience.Now even though he is besieged by people, he still talks and laughs happily, as if no one or anything can make him angry again, just like an old monk who has seen through the fickleness of the world and sees through the world of mortals, he has taken everything lightly, leaving only a heartless heart. false heart.

Seeing that she was silent and lost in thought by herself, Tuoba Yue smiled lowly, "What about you? Now you have transformed yourself into a doctor. As expected, we have been separated for almost a year. Can our coffee tree be planted? It has sprouted No? Is it growing well?"

(End of this chapter)

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