marry a noble wife

Chapter 406 Escape

Chapter 406 Escape (5)
Jiuya propped her face, stared blankly for a while, then suddenly got up, and said in a slightly awkward manner, "Take off your coat."

The branch in Tuoba Yue's hand almost fell into the fire, he supported his chin, "What are you doing? You're not going to want me right now..."

Jiuya hurriedly interrupted his unrestrained words, "Your sleeve is torn, I'll mend it for you, I wonder what's going on."

Tuoba Yue looked at the sleeves that were torn by the tortoise hair and hung the cloth, and blushed, as if his mind was a little off. Could it be that the night was too quiet, so he began to think about those impure things?

"Sorry, I think I was confused by the fire." He coughed, handed the tree branch to Jiuya, then took off his robe and handed it to her. The patch of black and blue in the opening of the underwear stagnated, and it hung down to cover his side in a busy and calm manner.

Jiuya took his robe, and took off the rusty needle with white silk thread from his wrist—this is not a poisonous needle, but because it is convenient to insert the needle on the wrist, he put the embroidery needle in it, anyway, it will not be a problem.

She spread the torn place on her leg, looked at how to stitch, and began to sew from bottom to top.If she didn't embroider, such a simple needlework would surely stop her.

She lowered her head and carefully threaded the needle. The cave was quiet, except for the crackling sound of burning firewood. The breathing of the two of them was almost audible.

Tuoba Yue stared at her petal-like side face, and stopped talking. For the first time, she discovered that women look best when they are mending in the firelight, simple and unpretentious, and she in such neutral attire is even more beautiful. It was very charming, and in an instant, his heart also became quiet.

The rabbit meat had already begun to drip oil. He looked away and decided to treat this rabbit seriously. Only delicious rabbit meat can feed people's stomachs.

Turning and turning until the rabbit meat was golden brown and the oil was making a slight sound on the fire, he stopped work, blew on it, and when he was able to hold it, he tore off half of it and handed it to Jiuya with a smile, "Eat, eat, see. Although there is no salt, but the taste..."

He was stunned, the woman was already fast asleep on the grass bunk with his robes in her arms, her eyelashes were deep, her breath was evenly long, and she was too tired to feed her stomach after a day of running around.

He couldn't help but laugh, after all, she was weak.

He put the rabbit meat on the firewood, and went over and folded the coat and put it under her head for a pillow, so that it should be more comfortable to sleep on.

At this time, he also lost his appetite. He stared at her sleeping face for a while, guessing that she would really not wake up at this time, so he lifted the sleeve of the underwear on his left arm, and the place where the dog bit him before, It was still black and blue.

He frowned slightly, the dog's poison was too domineering, even though Jiuya gave him the antidote, they kept running away before the medicine started to work, the blood flowed quickly, the poisonous gas spread extremely fast, and the previous forced It consumes a lot of internal energy to hang the tree and fly away. The poison that has already been activated cannot be completely cured by the later antidote.

He added the firewood, and immediately sat cross-legged, hoping that he could force the poison out, otherwise, Gao Kan was not around, the longer the time, the more troublesome it might be.

When Jiuya opened her eyes, it was already bright outside the cave.A good night's sleep, just feel refreshed.She stretched her waist and sat up to look. It was quiet in the cave, the fire in front of her was still burning, and there was no sign of Tuoba Yue.She tried to stand up, but her feet hurt deeply. It happened that Tuoba Yue was not around, so she quickly took off her boots, and when she was about to pull off the homemade white cotton socks, she found that the socks had been glued to the soles of her feet. Has been stained dark red with blood.

She gasped, it seemed that after crossing here, because she was locked up in the deep house compound, she kept walking less, so yesterday's running quickly worn out the soles of her feet.But no matter what, if the injury is not treated well, it is impossible to walk again today.

Little by little, she took off the cotton gauze socks that were stuck to her feet, and then dried the bloody wounded feet in the air. Landing on the ground, I barely managed to stand up, thinking of going out to find some herbs to apply.

"What are you going to do? Don't move, sit down for me." Tuoba Yue's figure appeared at the entrance of the cave, holding a bag of smashed herbs wrapped in leaves in one hand, and holding water in a bamboo tube in the other.He hurried in, put the bamboo tube and herbs on the ground, and helped her to sit down, "Look at your feet are like this, where do you want to go?"

"I want to get some medicine." Jiuya sat down with difficulty, took the bloody socks on the ground and wanted to cover her feet. The rules here are that women's feet cannot be exposed to men other than their husbands. Now barefoot, it is really unreasonable. Very well.

"No need, the herbal medicine is ready." Seeing her action, Tuoba Yue couldn't help laughing, "There is no one else here, so don't care about those stinky rules, come on, you didn't eat last night, put the rabbit first After the meat is eaten, I will apply herbs to you, and we will go on our way later."

Jiuya blushed when he said that, in fact, she didn't like those stinky rules, but living here, she had to do as the Romans did.

She took the rabbit meat that Tuoba Yue handed over, it had just been heated by him, it had no salty taste, it was almost tasteless than chewing wax.She frowned and managed to take two mouthfuls, but couldn't swallow any more, and put the rabbit meat aside, "How far is it from where we go down the mountain?"

"Eat so little? Even cats eat more than you." Tuoba Yue sat beside her and handed her water, "If it's my footsteps, I can go down the mountain in about half a day. When I get down the mountain, find someone Bullock carts or something, you can reach Zhangzhou before dark."

Jiu Ya took a sip of the water with the scent of bamboo leaves, and said with a smile, "Then you can go east after going down the mountain, and I will take a car to Zhangzhou by myself."

Tuoba Yue was noncommittal, "I'll send you to Zhangzhou first."

Jiuya really didn't know what his plans were going to be, so she put down the bamboo tube and applied the herbs he had crushed to her feet. Her insteps were white and delicate, her toes were pink and small, her nails were round and shiny, and she was as eye-catching as pearls. .A vague smile appeared on the corner of Tuoba Yue's mouth.

Jiuya then put on the socks quickly and nimbly, until she barely put on the boots, Tuoba Yue watched from the side.

Jiuya tried to step on the ground, and said with a smile: "Okay, it's okay, let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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