marry a noble wife

Chapter 407 The road is beautiful

Chapter 407 The road is beautiful (1)
Tuoba Yue followed her to stand up, helped her hat up, didn't smile, just said softly: "What a stubborn little thing."

Before Jiuya understood what he meant, he had already walked out.She stuck out her tongue, looking so serious, it's okay, they can part ways soon, otherwise it would be very uncomfortable to face him like this.

Since there is a road down the mountain, and it is not very steep, it is convenient to walk.In order to catch up with the time, Tuoba Yue walked for a while, and Tuoba Yue recited Jiuya for a while, and at noon, the two reached the foot of the mountain.

Obviously, Tuoba Yue was very familiar with the local conditions and customs in this area. As soon as he got down the mountain, he saw the oxcart turning around after the firewood was sold in the city. He hired one at a high price and let the oxcart turn into the city again.

Although the ox cart is simple and simple, but sitting on it, you can only feel the boundless scenery of the mountains and fields beside the road.The two sat facing each other, and Jiuya suddenly remembered the scene when she went to see the land with the man in front of her last year. At that time, he hadn't gone out to war, she hadn't married, he gave her a picture scroll, and she left ink on it.Afterwards, if he stays in the capital all the time, some things will most likely change... Thinking of this, she suddenly shook her head amusedly, this person's affection for her is very inexplicable, for a well-informed person like him , I have seen so many women of all colors in the world, how can I really have any sincere feelings for a little girl who has not yet grown up?

There are some things that can't go deep, but the most real thing is Fu Yu's deep affection for her. Although he sometimes likes to dig into corners, doesn't she also enjoy it?

"What are you laughing at? Did you remember our ride in a carriage last year?" Tuoba Yue asked suddenly.

Jiuya tilted her head and said honestly, "How do you know?"

Tuoba looked at her with a half-smile, "Because what I was thinking about was last year when we took the car to see the land together, and you seldom go out, and now you are also sitting in the car. Apart from that, you have nothing else to do." think."

Jiuya really admired his weird logic, and when she was about to ask him when he was going to leave, there was a sudden rush of horseshoes from behind, not only that, but also a delicate female voice repeatedly shouted: "Get out of the way, out of the way!" , all the carriages pull over, don't hit my horse..."

Hearing the words, the ox cart driver hurriedly told the ox cart to lean to the right, but the ox was not as nimble as a horse. After driving a few times, the ox cart was still slow in the middle of the road. The girl in red clothes is riding a galloping horse and is coming with a whip. The girl has almond eyes and a melon face, with rosy and healthy skin. She looks like a hot and energetic woman.

Tuoba Yue looked at the red-clothed girl's steed, and suddenly a tricky calculation flashed in his eyes, he pulled Jiuya, before Jiuya could react, the girl's horse had already bumped into him like a gust of wind, and the horse raised its hooves With a long hiss, Tuoba Yue and Jiuya had rolled over from the carriage as if they had been knocked over.

The girl reined in her horse, brandished her whip and scolded: "What a blind man, I told you to step aside, but he is still slow, he deserves to die."

Jiuya was about to stand up, when Tuoba Yue touched her knee, she couldn't help but fell to her knees.

Tuoba Yue took the opportunity to straighten up in embarrassment, raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "Who the hell doesn't have eyes? We are in front, and the girl is behind. You bumped into it. It's obvious that you don't have eyes, but the villain complained first, there is no law Is it gone?"

The red-clothed girl saw that he had a refined look and his good-looking eyes, so she lowered her voice immediately, "I'm sorry, I'm really in a hurry, I'm yelling and hurrying, and I can usually avoid it, who knew you were in a car?" Bullock cart..."

Tuoba Yue hummed: "I don't care if you are in a hurry, now my friend has been injured by you, I just heard the sound of her fracture, now I have to get medical treatment as soon as possible, hurry up and get your horse back Let it out, otherwise, the time for treatment will be missed, and she will be disabled, and I will give you a good look."

With which eye did he see her broken?Jiuya really didn't know which play Tuoba Yue was singing, so she couldn't help but pursed her lips and watched him play tricks.

It seemed that no one had ever spoken to her like this before. The girl in red heard it anxiously, and said loudly: "What kind of fracture, I didn't hear it, isn't it just asking for money, I'll give you money now, get out of the way! I still have an urgent thing……"

As she spoke, she took out a big piece of silver and threw it down. Tuoba Yue caught it accurately. He tossed the silver piece in his hand and sneered, "You want to spend it with silver? Do you think we are greedy for money?"

He suddenly threw the silver seed to a poplar tree beside the road, and the silver seed was actually shot deeply into the tree trunk. The deep internal force was very comparable to others at first glance.

The red-clothed girl was speechless, and after a long while, she stammered, "Then...then what do you want?"

Tuoba Yue walked around her horse with a bit of viciousness, but said calmly, "I don't want anything, I just want to borrow your horse to take my friend to see the broken bone quickly, and I don't want her to be killed." The illness was delayed."

The red-clothed girl held the rein tightly, and said vigilantly: "No, I still have to go after someone. That guy actually ran away quietly last night. I will definitely find him now, and I'm afraid I won't find him again if it's too late."

Tuoba Yue's brows were clear, "Can't you? Then wherever my friend hurts, I'll hurt you."

This sentence seemed to have offended the girl in red, she quickly shrank her legs, raised her eyebrows and cursed indulgently: "You bastard, you dare to hurt me, I told my father, he must kill your whole family! "

Tuoba Yue raised her eyebrows, and suddenly her finger touched the girl's knee, and then she yelled and fell to the ground, but she seemed to have martial arts skills, and she twisted her waist halfway, and she landed firmly on the ground .

It's just that in such an instant, Tuoba Yue has already carried Jiuya who was still sitting on the ground onto the back of the horse, and at the same time leaped up, turned around and said with a smile: "I am sending someone to destroy my whole family, go back and tell your father to go quickly!" Do this, let's go first."

Jiu Ya was sitting on the horseback, now she finally saw that Tuoba Yue was a bandit, he found a fat man to snatch the little girl's horse.She couldn't help sighing, this man who had been in the rivers and lakes looked like an elegant person on the surface, but in his bones, he was clearly a robber who was not afraid of insulting his gentlemen.You really can't look at people by looking at the surface.

Tuoba Yue turned around and picked up the rope to urge the horse. The girl in red was angry and anxious, and chased after her, shouting: "Give it back to me, give me back the horse, I'm still going to find that heartless... "

(End of this chapter)

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