marry a noble wife

Chapter 408 The road is beautiful

Chapter 408 The road is beautiful (2)
Where did Tuoba Yue listen to her, his face was full of spring breeze, and he patted his horse and galloped without looking back. Seeing that the girl could not catch up, she couldn't help but sat on the ground and cried loudly: "Damn bandits, damn Jiulang, damn it! Nine Ya..."

It's just that her voice was blown by the wind, and it disappeared, and no one heard it immediately, otherwise, she would have to go back and ask for clarification.

Jiuya couldn't help laughing in the wind: "How can you bully a little girl like this?"

Tuoba Yue put a sincere face on her head and said: "It's already very cheap for her not to let her pay. I'm actually a good person, and I didn't lose her."

Jiuya was completely speechless, and only hoped that Ma'er would come to Zhangzhou soon. The more you get to know this kind of person, the more you can see his shortcomings, but she was a godlike person in her heart.The image is destroyed, and it may be terrible in the future.

Zhangzhou is a relatively large state city located at the southern end of Daxia. It is connected from south to north, and traders and wanderers like to visit or pass by or stay here.There are quite a lot of historic sites in this city from the previous dynasty. Some literati, poets, and talented people like to visit here to observe the various relics of the previous dynasty to gain their knowledge.Even the current emperor often lingers here before he takes the throne, and it is said that he had an affair with a talented woman here, which has always been a good story.

Based on many factors, it has achieved a prosperous industrial and agricultural economy here, and it has also made it a place where news from the north and the south circulate the fastest.

As for the Lucky Inn, it has become the largest inn that gathers all kinds of people from all walks of life.

"I heard that Lord Inspector has raised the consultation fee to 1 taels today. It's too generous, but it's a pity that no one dares to reveal the list until now. It's a waste of money, but no one dares to ask for it."

"That's right. Although there is a lot of money, the disease is difficult to cure. Could it be that Mr. Jiang offended the snake god before? Otherwise, how could his son have such a strange disease?"

"Not to mention offending the snake god. I heard that his concubine killed a snake when he was in a bad mood. Could it be that the snake was reincarnated to take revenge?"

"But it seems that I heard that I have been treated by a Taoist priest with profound magic power, but it has not seen any effect. After drinking the water from the talisman, I became very sick. I think the child will not be able to survive."

In the Lucky Lai Inn, many people gathered together to discuss the illness of the half-year-old son of Mr. Zhangzhou Inspector Jiang. By the window, the Phantom in Tsing Yi sat facing each other. The two of them looked out the window, staring at Follow the passers-by.

Until a lotus blue figure appeared, the two got up immediately.

Jiuya and Tuoba Yue saw them when they reached the door of Haoyunlai.Tsing Yi said in a low voice: "Finally I waited for you, luckily everything is fine."

Tuoba Yue looked around, "There are so many people here, how long are you going to stay in Zhangzhou?"

Jiuya smiled and said, "One day at most, and I'm going back to the capital."

Tuoba Yue nodded, "In that case, I will send you here. As long as you try to stay as invisible as possible, those chasing people will not follow for the time being."

He proposed to break up first, Jiuya was very eager, and immediately said: "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness, let's say goodbye here, and wish you a smooth journey east."

Tuoba Yue took a deep look at her, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes, waved his hand, turned and left.

Phantom watched his back gradually disappearing at the corner of the street, and finally couldn't help asking: "Young Mistress, who is this person? Why do you call him Your Highness?"

Jiu Ya slowly said: "Now he is in a complete trap, his identity cannot be revealed for the time being, I will tell you after a while."

The two men pursed the corners of their lips tightly, very displeased. With such an answer, how can they report to the young master in the future?
Tuoba Yue led the horse along the street corner to a carriage, and the driver with the brim of his hat straightened and jumped off the shaft immediately, "Master, I never expected to see you in Zhangzhou, our The matter has been done, should we go to the Tak tribe now?"

Tuoba Yue stepped on the carriage and said in a low voice: "Where is Gao Kan, can you find him quickly?"

Boss Du was taken aback, "Could it be that Master was injured?"

As he spoke, he didn't dare to delay, he turned around and got on the shaft of the carriage, and drove the carriage away at a high speed.

Jiuya changed into a Hu suit again in the Haoyunlai Inn, freshened up a bit, and called the Tsing Yi Phantom in, "Do you two want to find out where the governor is?"

Tsing Yi said: "Although I didn't find out where it is, it is a godsend opportunity now, it gives us a great opportunity to directly enter the Governor's Mansion."

Jiuya raised her eyes, "What chance?"

"I heard that the governor gave birth to six daughters in a row. This year, his concubine finally gave birth to a son for him, but he suffered from a strange disease and is offering a reward for medical treatment. Young mistress, isn't this a golden opportunity?" ?”

Jiuya lowered her brows, "Qingyi, you are here to spread the news. Phantom and I are going to the Governor's Mansion now. Our two actions will be more effective."

"Yes." Tsing Yi responded.

Jiuya immediately got up and went to the governor's mansion with Phantom. Fortunately, the road was not far away. When they arrived at a magnificent mansion, they saw a notice in black and white on the red wall of Gaoshi. Gathered six or seven people who watched the excitement.

Phantom walked over and directly revealed the notice, the two yamen servants were shocked, and asked anxiously: "Since the notice was revealed, sir can heal the sick?"

Jiuya stepped forward and said in a low voice, "Why don't you hurry up and lead the way?"

The two yamen servants were ecstatic, bowing again and again, and hastily led Jiuya to the mansion.

Mr. Jiang, the governor, is about 40 years old. He is the younger brother of Concubine Jiang Shu. King Zhao, the son of Concubine Jiang, has been demoted to northern Xinjiang since he escaped from the battle while defending the city, and he is the least welcomed by the emperor.However, with the passage of time, it became more and more difficult for King Zhao to guard the northern border alone. Concubine Jiang Shu slammed in front of the emperor several times to see if the court could allocate more food for him. It is blocked by the Ministry of Accounts.The Minister of the Household Department has always been on good terms with the Crown Prince, and Concubine Jiang Shu tried secretly a few times, but the Crown Prince never let go.Let me ask a prince who is about to ascend the throne, who would like to have a brother who has been dismissed with great difficulty in the frontier fortress?Just hope he dies soon.

Because of this relationship, although Mr. Jiang has imperial relatives in the palace, he is still conscientious in dealing with others, and he dare not be biased in the slightest, for fear that someone with a heart will catch him in the future and take the opportunity to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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