marry a noble wife

Chapter 409 Diagnosis

Chapter 409 Diagnosis (1)
Mr. Jiang hurried out when he received a report from the yamen servant that a doctor had revealed the list. When he saw that he was a young man, he was immediately disappointed.Jiu Ya didn't say much, and cut straight to the point: "Excuse me, my lord, where is the patient? Can you take me to see it first?"

Mr. Jiang said without any hope: "He is in the inner room, but can the doctor really cure him? If not, and the list is revealed again, I will not let you off lightly."

Jiuya smiled slightly, "Whether you can do it or not, you can only know after seeing it."

Lord Jiang snorted softly, "Then follow me."

In the inner room, I saw a young woman surrounded by two women. The young woman had a bandage on her head and held a baby in her hand. Due to the hot weather, the baby was dressed thinly, and his face could be seen in the blink of an eye. There is a dark brown snakeskin-like thing on the neck.There is no place on the face, the skin is red with white flakes, the baby's eyes are closed, and it is breathing with its mouth open, looking dying.

"Master, just now I heard that the doctor announced the list, did the doctor bring it?" The young woman raised her head when she heard the voice, her eyes were red and swollen and asked.

Mr. Jiang brought Jiuya over, "This is the doctor who revealed the list. Huh? No doctor's name yet?"

"Miangui's surname is Song." Jiuya said while bending down to look at the baby's face. After a while, she asked, "When did you start growing this kind of skin?"

The young woman wept, "Only about ten days after birth, I found that the baby's skin began to turn red, and then peeled off. The skin will fall off after about ten days. I thought it was just a very common rash, so I also I didn't pay attention to it. But later, the area where the skin fell off began to turn red and peel again, and the area was larger than last time, and it became hard. So the master went to the doctor for treatment, but the more healed, the worse it became. It's all over the body now, and the child can hardly swallow milk now..."

The young woman broke down in sobs, and the woman next to her continued: "It is said that I offended the snake spirit, so I let the young master grow this skin that looks like a snake shedding its shell. The master also invited Taoist priests, and the young master drank the talisman water, but he didn't feel better at all. , Doctor Song, it has been half a year, and the young master is getting weaker and weaker, can this disease be cured?"

Mr. Jiang also looked at Jiuya earnestly. Jiuya rolled the baby's eyelids in deep thought, took his pulse again, pinched his tongue at last, looked at him, nodded slightly and said, "Meeting me, it's Jiang's baby." Your lord's son is fatal, and this son will be saved."

Mr. Jiang's eyes widened, and he said happily, "Really? I only got this son at 45 this year. Mr. Song can't lie."

Jiuya straightened up and looked at him with sincerity in her eyes, "Never lie."

"Then, Doctor Song, please start the treatment immediately." Mr. Jiang couldn't wait.

Jiuya shook her head, "Before the treatment, I want to take another step to talk to Mr. Jiang."

Lord Jiang frowned, and couldn't help looking Jiuya up and down again, wondering in his heart, could this person not be a real doctor?Just want to hit the autumn wind?
But concerning the youngest son, he just greeted Jiuya to the study with an attitude of giving it a try.After Jiuya signaled him to move away from the left and right, he cut to the point and said, "I wonder if Mr. Jiang has heard of the emperor's new Ninghe county lord?"

Master Jiang thought for a while, "I heard, I heard that she is the third daughter-in-law of Marquis Anping, this time the emperor sent her to Xinyi to control the cholera epidemic, and she is also known as a miracle doctor in the capital, what... does it matter?" ?”

Jiuya smiled, "To tell you the truth, I am the County Lord Ninghe, waiting for my third daughter-in-law in Anping."

Mr. Jiang was shocked when he heard the words, and stood up abruptly, "You are the county lord? The county lord is a woman..."

Jiuya's voice changed from the original one, "I was originally a woman, but I changed into a man's clothes for the convenience of going out."

"But shouldn't the county master be in Xinyi County now? Why did he come to Zhangzhou?"

Jiuya lowered her eyes and said quietly, "Because there was a big mess in Xinyi, I took advantage of the chaos to escape."

Mr. Jiang was very puzzled, "There is a big mess? Could it be that the cholera has not been controlled?"

Jiuya shook her head, raised her eyes suddenly, and said sharply and coldly: "The cholera is under control, but Zhang Shicheng and Zhang Junjue colluded with the vassal king Nanping Wang to suddenly attack Xinyi. Even the grandson of King Xi, one of the San Francisco, was trapped and died there. Judging from the situation when I escaped, my husband is very likely to have been shot and killed by them now. Master Wan Wangjiang will report on such a major event The imperial court should send troops to suppress King Nanping as soon as possible, otherwise, even Zhangzhou may be implicated."

Mr. Jiang's heart trembled secretly. He was in the southern land, and he knew the emperor's fear of the San Francisco kings most clearly.Moreover, since the emperor ascended the throne and stabilized the government, one of the most important things he wanted to do was to strip the feudal clan, fearing that the San Francisco would covet his descendants.Among the three vassals, King Xi is the most scrupled by the emperor. King Xi is entrenched in Luxi. Although there has been no change over the years, it is just an appearance.

According to his gossip, he heard that King Xi privately manufactured weapons in Luxi, raised dead soldiers secretly, and recruited exiles.If it hadn't been for his banished relatives and grandsons who were restrained in Beijing due to poison, he had no successors, so he had to forbear and lie quietly. I am afraid that this southern land has already been captured by King Xi.

Now that he suddenly heard that Xi Wangxin's grandson Fu Yu was killed by Nanping Wang in Xinyi, he suddenly felt an unprecedented fear. If this matter is not reported immediately and the emperor is not informed in advance that Xi Wang is about to change, what will happen next? I'm afraid it's something that he, a governor, can't take care of anyway.

But he has been in the officialdom for many years, and he is not a person who loses his mind when he is blown by others. He calmed down and sat down and said: "If it is said that the king of Nanping and the Xinyi county guard murdered the imperial court official, shouldn't this matter be let go immediately?" Did the governor of Luozhang report to the imperial court? Why did the county magistrate go far and ask for help when he came to Zhangzhou?"

Jiuya sneered from the bottom of her heart, knowing that these officials would not be a fuel-efficient lamp because of the black gauze hat on her head.She pretended to think about it heavily, as if she was considering whether to say something, and finally, she sighed and said: "Perhaps Mr. Jiang doesn't know that Mr. Huang is going to Xinyi this time, and he is entrusted by the emperor to inquire. The task of the battle situation of King Lu Yiqi's army. I must have heard that the court has not heard from the King of Qi for nearly a month. The emperor has always suspected that someone in the court deliberately intercepted the news of the border affairs. Master Huang accompanied us to Xinyi this time. Later, most of the Habayashi army sent to Luyi were killed. After many investigations, they found out that the Luozhang prefect sent people to intercept all the news of Luyi. King Qi is now short of food, sick, and defending Luyi to the death. His loyal liver The world can learn from righteousness and courage.”

(End of this chapter)

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