marry a noble wife

Chapter 410 Diagnosis

Chapter 410 Diagnosis (2)
She took a breath and continued: "But that Lord Chu dared to do such a thing. Is he so bold as a county guard? It was clearly ordered by the crown prince to trap King Qi to death. He was defeated. The crown prince has now reached the point of insanity in order to protect the position of the East Palace, abandoning the country's righteousness, uniting with Nanping King to kill Fu Yu, uniting with the officials below to force Qi King to death, and the entire southern region of Daxia will fall into chaos , Mr. Jiang, don’t you want to keep your black hat and contribute to the country?”

Mr. Jiang drank his tea slowly, obviously still in the midst of weighing, although he was surprised that Mr. Chu colluded with the crown prince to do such a heaven-defying thing, but if he took care of it, he might offend the crown prince. The emperor of the future may not be worth it.

Jiuya was really annoyed at his indifference, smiled, and deliberately said relaxedly: "I heard that Lord Jiang is the concubine Shu's brother-in-law, so you should also know that the crown prince refused to allocate grain to King Zhao who is in the cold area of ​​northern Xinjiang. In the future, if the crown prince really ascends the throne, will you relatives of King Zhao have a good life? Besides, you should have heard that the cholera this time was caused by the son of King Jin to help the prince hold back King Qi The legs were spread intentionally. The prince of Jin paid so much for the prince. What is the result? The prince of Jin has gone into exile now. Can the prince save him? The birds are all gone, let alone you and other officials? In my opinion, Rather than die in the hands of the prince, it is better to give it a go. If my lord reports these two news to the imperial court urgently, not only will the empress accountant Jiang lord have made a contribution, but when the king of Qi takes power in the future, he will definitely remember his kindness. What's more, the king of Qi His Highness must have been heard by the adults, he is the kind of person who does not care about trivial matters, respects brotherhood, and has a deep understanding of brotherhood. If King Zhao survives in the future, then Concubine Shu will have a good life. You are such a foreign relative, naturally will not be implicated."

Now that she said this, it was tantamount to winning a vote for the King of Qi. If she succeeded, she could use it as a code to negotiate with the King of Qi in the future. The successful negotiation between Wang and Fu Yu will be much more convenient for him to seek a good living space with Fu Yu in the future.

Mr. Jiang's eyes flickered, and he stared at Jiuya closely, "The county lord means to make me fall to King Qi?"

Jiuya scratched the teacup slowly, "It all depends on your own thoughts."

Mr. Jiang naturally knew that her analysis was all reasonable. If Fu Yu was killed by the King of Nanping, if he didn't report it in time, he would have his own head.He said in a deep voice: "This matter is still for me to consider, so the treatment of children..."

Jiuya got up and said sharply: "The doctor's parents are heartbroken, no matter what the adults decide, I will definitely save your son. In fact, it is not difficult to save your son. Your son is just the fetal poison brought from the mother's womb, not snake spirit. I will open it immediately." Take a prescription, take the medicine and apply it, and you will be cured within ten days."

Seeing that she didn't think she was threatening, Mr. Jiang admired her in his heart.Just thinking that her husband might be dead, I can't help but feel sorry for her, being a widow at such a young age...

When Jiu Ya was prescribing the medicine, Mr. Jiang had already drafted the document in the study, sealed it, and handed it to the imperial court quickly by his cronies.

Not long after a dose of medicine, Mr. Jiang's son was able to open his eyes and cry. He obviously improved, and everyone in the whole house began to smile.Jiu Ya stayed at Mr. Jiang's residence for dinner, and only then did Mr. Jiang tell her that he had sent the documents to Beijing.Jiuya was overjoyed, but she didn't dare to show it, she just sat in the governor's mansion, waiting for the news ahead.

In the entire city of Zhangzhou, within a day, the news that King Xi's grandson was assassinated to death by King Nanping in collusion with the governor of Xinyi County had already spread.At the same time, there was a shocking news from the imperial city. It was said that Qin Ziche, the deputy general of the King of Qi, reported that the King of Qi was stationed in Luyi. , specializing in intercepting and killing the Qi Wangjun who came to the court for rescue.So until now, the movements of King Qi's army have not been reported to the imperial court!
Just when this urgent report was reported to the imperial court by Qin Ziche, Emperor Hongwu also received an urgent report from Lord Jiang of Zhangzhou. The paperwork was handed over to the dragon case.

However, all these news were isolated outside Luozhang County. On May [-]th, King Rongchang, who was trapped in Xinyi, suddenly discovered that his sister was missing. Finally got the news that Yuechan was kidnapped by King Nanping.So he sent a letter back to Shunchang, Prince Rui hurriedly mobilized [-] cavalry, rushed to Taicheng within three days, the soldiers approached the city, angrily said that if Yuechan was not returned, he would step on Platform city and cut off the head of King Nanping.

Has the King of Nanping ever seen Yuechan?Being wronged by others and being bullied by the emperor's uncle into the city, he immediately showed his power, set up a crossbow on the city tower, cursed, and finally under the scorching sun, they met each other in battle, and the two sides fought until the sky was dark.

At this moment, Fu Yu was standing in front of the blood-flowing city gate, and a cold smile could not help passing by the corner of his mouth. I believe that at this time, the Luxi army of the grandfather had already attacked Shunchang, and now Prince Rui wanted to save him. It's too late.After Grandpa cleans up Shunchang, the next step is to believe that Taicheng, which is rich in materials, will also fall into Lu Xi's hands.

In his hand he held a secret letter from King Shunchang, and the seal of the jade seal where it was signed was clearly ordered by the emperor. The emperor conspired with Prince Rui to destroy King Nanping first, and then attack Lu together with the two forces. Xi, in the end the emperor promised to give Prince Rui the control of these two lands, and then King Rongchang followed up on such a secret letter, pretending to be friendly with himself, harboring evil intentions, and his intentions are to be punished, it really is not a good thing!

But at this time, I believe that Jiuya is still spreading the news that she has been killed by the King of Nanping, and when her grandfather comes to Taicheng, she will be supported by the people of the world. The dog emperor also had nothing to say.

He squinted his eyes slightly and looked at the sky. He heard that his aunt had already told what happened to his mother back then. He hoped that after seeing his grandfather here, his grandfather could say: Your mother is really still alive!

Jiu Ya held Master Jiang's son in her arms, carefully observing the changes in the skin color on his face.Well, the dark brown hard skin has begun to soften and turn black, and the red, swollen and desquamated skin is gradually returning to its original skin color.The little guy had just had milk, and he was in good spirits. He stared at Jiu Ya, grinning so cutely.

(End of this chapter)

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