marry a noble wife

Chapter 411 Diagnosis

Chapter 411 Diagnosis (3)
"I didn't expect Brother Yu to recover. I haven't seen him smile since he was born. He cried every day except for crying. Aunt Hu cried a lot. Now it's finally over. It's really thanks to Doctor Song. " Brother Yu's nanny looked at the child distressedly, her eyes full of pity.

Jiuya teased Brother Yu and said, "God can't bear to accept such a cute child. So he arranged for me to save cute Brother Yu."

The nanny smiled apologetically, "Exactly, so I have to go to the temple to burn incense later."

At this time Mrs. Jiang had come over, she gave Jiuya a hard look secretly, and took Brother Yu over, as if she was very distressed, and said, "Let me see if our Brother Yu really wants to take care of her." All right?"

Jiuya looked at Mrs. Jiang, who looked about 41 or [-] years old, with a long face and thick mouth, so she was not easy to get along with at first sight.The appearance of the concubine suddenly reminded her of Xiao Shi, and she couldn't help but smiled and said: "Ma'am, this child is still young, and he is rich and honorable with big ears, and he will definitely be a filial and blessed child in the future. In the future, my wife will enjoy his great blessing."

Mrs. Jiang ignored it as if she had never heard of it, without raising her eyelids.

Aunt Hu came over with an iced watermelon herself, and said respectfully, "Madam, please use it, and the genius doctor, please use it. It has just been iced, and it is very refreshing to eat now."

Mrs. Jiang said indifferently: "Put it there, it will make you feel uncomfortable after eating ice."

Aunt Hu looked cautious.

Jiu Ya reluctantly ate a piece of watermelon, said a few casual words, then got up and walked out, Qing Yi followed up at this time, and said in a low voice: "Young Mistress, we have been staying here for two days, what happened in the capital is sure There is no problem, the matter of the young master has also spread, when are we going to leave?"

Jiu Yaman said: "At first I wanted to stay here for a while until your young master came, but now it seems that I can't do it now. Madam Jiang looks very uncomfortable to me. Let's find a place to stay for a while before talking." .”

In fact, she understood that even if the emperor received the news that Fu Yu was killed by the King of Nanping, he would not be able to immediately send troops to ask the King of Nanping about one, two, three, but would delay until Fu Yu's grandfather sent troops to Taicheng. Only then would he send troops to suppress the two armies when they were both defeated. Naturally, both armies were completely wiped out by him, and he almost pulled out the two thorns in his heart with four or two pulls.And that Prince Rui, after His Majesty defeats each one, he will definitely not be able to escape the fate of being wiped out in the end.

"Now all the streets and alleys are talking about Master Chu colluding with the crown prince to intercept food and rescue. I heard that the imperial court not only sent people to send food and grass to Luyi, but also sent people to Luozhang to investigate. Although the prince was accused, he did not die. Admit it, the people who came down this time are going to directly escort Mr. Chu to the capital, and confront the prince in front of the emperor. This matter is really interesting now, I believe the young master will be very happy when he hears the news."

Jiuya smiled, "Those people have a lot of ideas, how can the crown prince be overthrown so easily? Just wait and see, next, Mr. Chu will always have a little accident, the crown prince will definitely do something big." struggle."

Phantom also felt that what she said was reasonable, and was about to speak, when suddenly a young man with a letter in his hand came hurriedly from the front, as soon as he saw the three of them, he rushed over and said, "Master Song, there was a young man at the gate just now. The beggar sent a letter, saying that the slave must deliver it to you in person."

"My letter?" Jiuya took it strangely. She has no acquaintances here, so why did she have a letter?Looking down, the words on the envelope were tall and straight, and it said Song Jiuya's personal letter on it.

She opened the letter paper, and a pair of earrings with hollow patterns and pearls fell out from inside. When she picked up the earrings, her heart skipped a beat. This pair of earrings was a makeup box that she personally sent from Fu Yu when she looked beautiful. The ones that were picked out and forwarded to Jin Yun, why are there pairs that are exactly the same here?

Ominous omens filled her heart, she hurriedly looked at the letter paper, this look almost made her limp to the ground.

"Song Jiuya, I heard that you and your ninth younger sister have always had a good relationship. Today, I want to ask you for advice because of something unclear, and you can't hide it in many ways. As a last resort, I had to bring my younger sister from Beijing to Zhangzhou. Shen, please go to Liushutun at dusk without taking anyone with you. If you don’t arrive in time, Lingmei will be in great trouble.”

Seeing that her expression was wrong, Tsing Yi sent the boy away first, and then took the letter over. After looking at it, he was surprised and said: "Young Mistress, what should I do?"

Jiu Yamo remained silent, thoughts flashed in his mind, who is using such despicable means to deal with him?I always feel that there are so many lingering hands following me like tarsal maggots, and I can't escape even hiding in the governor's mansion. How much hatred does this person have against me?

Phantom saw the firm gaze gradually flashing in her eyes, and couldn't help but secretly said in surprise: "Isn't the young mistress really planning to risk her life? At this time, you can't make trouble for the young master. If someone catches the young mistress and threatens the young master, the young master may completely All lost..."

Jiuya pursed her lips tightly, and a wise light flashed in her eyes, "Don't worry, I will never hold back my husband, and I will never do anything unsure at such a critical moment. Tsing Yi, go check now Check the terrain of Liushutun, it is best to draw a map for me, and then step on it to find a place that is good for the two of you to hide, this time you have to deal with each other."

If Jin Yun was kidnapped because of him, how could he not save him?And Jin Yun is a woman, if she is ignored, the damage she suffered may not be repaired in a lifetime.What's more, it's just a matter of time to look at the person who has been chasing him closely. If he is really the prince's person, he can put such a man on the person who is directly chasing and killing Fu Yu. There is no need to keep circling around him.She wants to see, who is this person?

Tsing Yi was still waiting to be dissuaded, but Jiuya stared at him, so he had no choice but to back away, he knew that although this young mistress seemed weak, but she was extremely stern, and she could use her tenderness to make the young master obediently listen to her opinions. For people like them, naturally they won't explain so much patiently. After making a decision, they can only obey unconditionally.

At the beginning of Shen Shi, Tsing Yi came back and drew a rough topographical map of Liushutun. Jiuya, who was ready to stop, picked it up for a closer look.

(End of this chapter)

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